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Get Ready For All Out Nuclear Hell To Break Loose… (Urgent Report)

Monday, November 9, 2015 8:30
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(Before It's News)


By Lisa Haven 


This past Sunday, November 8th, Infowar’s Alex Jones delves through vital information about the ballistic missile test that was part of a clandestine military test over the pacific ocean that sent the internet haywire. He also looks at developments regarding the crash of the Russian airlines in Egypt. He also covers the latest election news ahead of the upcoming GOP debate and continues to expose the consistent attacks on the Second Amendment.  Here is the breaking report…. 



But that’s not all, Alex Jones also issued a total emergency alert a few months ago, and it is now coming to fruition. Here is that report if you have not seen it… 


More Critical Reads You Need to Hear by Lisa Haven! Click Here! 

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Total 65 comments
  • How does one get ready for “all out nuclear hell?” Should I cover my house in molten lead?

    • Remember molten lead is just for head

      • So I’m supposed to put the molten lead around my head? How will I see? Do I cut eye holes in it? If so then the radiation will still be able to get to my eyes. If I don’t cut eye holes in my lead head protector I might trip over something and fall down the stairs. I’m so overwhelmed.

        .00000003/10 OBB

    • What a numb nut

      • Thank you for the kind words. You have warmed the heart of The Mightiest Clucker.

      • Sounds like the “The Seer” wants to numb The Clucker’s nuts.

        • I’m not sure how one would numb another’s nuts but it sounds like a lot of work. Good luck, Seer, with your nut numbing.

          • When you graduate and have to move out of your Mom’s basement, how will you find the time to entertain us all with your rapier wit?

            Get a life loser

          • I have a college degree and bought my own house by I go visit mom occasionally. Thanks for the concern. :lol:

          • *but* not by. Sorry for this terrible mistake.

          • Still a loser.

          • It’s almost cute how you follow MooCow and I around like a lil puppy. :lol:

          • I guess youpeopleareinsane loves them barnyard animals :mrgreen:

          • He’d be lucky to laid, even by a barnyard animal.

    • Ask God’s prophet We have entered the final three and one half years of man’s self rule or the great tribulation’s final period of 1260 days. Scriptural prophesy promises that at the conclusion of this horrific time Christ to usher in God’s Kingdom here on earth, Jesus to rein as King of kings. 144,000 of God’s tried and true will be resurrected at that instant and will rise to meet Jesus in the sky for all to see!

      One point I want to emphasize but shouldn’t have to, is that this with this revelation we are able to now correctly calculate the day Jesus will arrive. Scripture tells us Jesus will return for battle at the very end of the tribulation. Truth is you will not find many who consider themselves Christians are prepared to deny that we are currently living in the end times described throughout the Bible. We can know with the assurance of God’s Word. If we believe we are moving into the time of great tribulation we can be certain at the very end of it Christ will return. Think about it!

      With that said it is so important to remember that relying on imagined or otherwise false depictions of Yahweh or His Son Jesus Christ, or by accepting distortions of His plan for mankind you are according to God guilty of idolatry, spiritual adultery. If you fail to repent of this sin and continue to embrace the harlots doctrine you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. If you believe that when man dies his spirit lives on, that it ascends to Heaven like God (Satan’s ambition) or he descends to eternal torture, which is a blatant insult to God. This doctrine calls God a liar. Try to keep in mind God tells us over and over throughout scripture that He is a merciful and loving God. The profound belief that Yahweh is some evil ogre whose level of cruelty exceeds that of maniacs like Jeffrey Dahmer the cannibal killer, Charles Manson the mass-murderer and Adolph Hitler who’s responsible for the Holocaust was created by Satan to mock Almighty God. Do you honestly want to be part of that practice?

      If you falsely believe that it’s okay to celebrate Christs birthday on the winter solace, a high day for the worship of the sun god you are actually practicing or participating in the religion Baal. Jesus instructed his followers not to celebrate his birthday but to instead celebrate the Passover for it is the beginning of life. We should follow his instruction.

      If you believe that Easter is a legitimate holy day you are unknowingly destroying evidence. You’re distorting God’s true purpose for creating Christ our eternal Passover sacrifice, the first to enter Elohim, the first of many sons to come. If you recall when prodded by the Pharisees for proof he was the Messiah the only proof Jesus Christ would offer was the promise that after his death he would remain in the tomb for three days before rising. This was similar to how Jonah stayed in the belly of the wale three days.

      In Genesis God defines the day as being from eve to eve. If the Easter narrative is correct and Jesus was actually crucified on Friday afternoon (Good Friday) and was resurrected early Sunday morning Jesus is a liar. He lied to the Pharisees because the time in this narrative falls far short of the three days Christ offered as proof. Removing this proof is also the work of Satan, the father of those who feed off his diabolical impurities.

      If you mistakenly only believe in nine of the ten commandments, purposely omitting the fourth unless repented of salvation will escape you. Those contending it was nailed to the stake, cross or tree are in big trouble without repentance. God requires a seventh day Sabbath. He does not provide any choice or other option in the matter. We are told to honor this “appointed time”, to keep it Holy from generation to generation until time indefinite.

      When considering such erred doctrine try to remember Jesus said he did not come to change not one jot of the law. Not the first commandment, not the second, not any of God’s commandments were ever removed by Jesus Christ. Jesus offering the new covenant merely simplified God’s Law condensing it into one universal concept of love. If you love God, if you love your neighbor then you will not steal from them, you will not try to bed their wife, or kill them, you will live to please your Heavenly Father and be of service to others. The exact same principles that God Almighty gave to Moses in the ten commandments.

      My point simply put is that there no is no time to waste. Slap your hands together and bend those knees. It’s a time of humility. Put your pride aside and consider the possibility that you have been fed some malarkey in the past. Consider the fact that maybe just maybe this is God tapping you on the shoulder. When he calls it’s always best to be listening. I pray for your calling and wish you the best.

      With Love

      • So with all this knowledge you seem to try to be illustrating, is there any way to believe in God without sinning? Or is it your intent to try to scare people into not believing in God? Do you work for Satan? You seem to.

    • If you are not a true Christian I would suggest you opening a Bible to the Book of John…. Read through this Book and The Acts….. Accept Christ Jesus as your LORD and Savior and repent of all your sins.. And I shall meet you in Heaven…

  • Leo

    ‘Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,’ New Report Reveals!!! :oops:

    • DK

      The problem with the death by cancer problem is that the average Japanese lives to 83 years V’s 81 for the UK and UK males die around 68 – 70. Some of us always die of Tumors from ages 53 – 71, my family inclusive and a lower life expectancy leaves you with less anxiety of dying of something in your old age, which by probability you would never reach.

      Tumors and strokes of course are already the leading causes of death as is Influenza and Pneumonia, therefore Infections are just going to be knocked off top place if you get old enough to die from radiation instead.(Cancer stroke and infection combined cause 870000 deaths in Japan V’s 490000 deaths by the top 5 cancers).

      Some perspective:

      In the UK in the 1850′s average life expectancy was 43.3 years.

  • Sorry but I don’t speak Mexican.

  • 11.5 or 55 days 22 Nov next event. That might be the dollar devaluation.

    the rocket car marked “Castrol”

    the turtle shows 24 kislev or 6 Dec 2015 major event and is positioned on the timeline below the Cheshire cat / CERN with “spiderman” (nephilim, fallen angel) coming through.

    6 Dec might also bevthe date the USA stabs Israel in the back while they are being invaded. See brother bob vision

  • If you guys have forgotten, When this happens go into your hallway and squat down and put your head between your knees or if you are at work, get under your desk. Those were tips when I was in school and they really don’t do anything except you wont see it coming. That’s all.

  • Ephesians 6:12
    We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    Wrestles ~ Swelters

  • Climate change is real !!! Now I got your attention . But it is not from carbon foot print . It is happening from the earth either wobbling or has been knocked off it axis to a new location . The little dipper is is no longer in the north sky . I live in Virginia . Every night it is rising in the east and setting in the west . Go out on a clear night and find it . It is not stable setting in the north sky anymore . It use to contain the north star that our north pole pointed at but is no longer the north star . At about 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm it is slightly towards the east over top of my house . It has for months been moving towards the east . It’s time is increasing as it rises every night . Last month it took to 1:00 am to be over top my house . Since the earthquake a several years ago that rattled the USA I have been noting that the little dipper has been moving from the north sky towards the east to where it is now . Seems something is pushing our north pole or south pole away from it . Some say the dwarf sun . I don’t know ! But it is moving farther east with every month . So once it gets slightly beyond the east are we going to flip . Or will we just keep slightly moving till it is rising from south to north instead of east to west now . This is why we are having climate change . It is visible for all to see . Yet the elite want to use this to tighten the noose around our necks tighter , as they stock their new holes in the ground not knowing what is really going to happen . The bible says in Matthew 24 that there is a time coming to earth that has never happened since the beginning nor ever shall happen like it again . And this time will be so awful that man will think GOD has left them or is either bringing down HIS wrath on us . The son of man shall not be reveled until after this tribulation . According to Matthew 24 and Luke 21 there is going to be a great earthquake that shall cause the earth to shake like a drunk man . It shall wobble to and fro . And it shall loose its orbit . Now I am adding some of the old testament to this also . It also says if GOD does not step in that NO flesh would be saved . But for the elects sake HE shall shorten the days . Then after the tribulation of those days shall GOD send HIS son of man to gather the elect . The rest will have to fend for themselves . The church of Philadelphia is the only ones promised to be kept from the hour of tribulation that shall try the whole earth ( Revelations 3:7-10 ) . Then taking from he old testaments the son of man ( seed of David ) shall lead them through the wilderness and teach them and feed and protect them as the world sets up their NWO with what is left . Now le me help those that think they will escape the tribulation just because they are in a church . The rapture does not occur until after the 7th or last trumpet sounds and finishes it course . Then just before the 1000 reign of peace after the 144,000 has brought down the kingdoms of this earth and made them honor GOD then revelations 20:5-6 says then the first resurrection happens just at the beginning of the 1000 year reign . Those not in the church of brotherly love will go through the tribulation . To which the bible says those that endure to the end shall be saved . Now this has a 2 fold meaning . Those that confess GOD to the end of loosing their lives and those that actually make it thru to the end of the worlds kingdom and see GODs being kingdom set up . In other words hell is ahead and thes elite know it . War will be going on and also Gods wrath as they try to destroy Israel (10 lost tribes , America and Europe ) and Judea living in the land of Israel . This is when the bible says GODs fury shall come up in HIS face and HE shall shake the earth and it shall move out of it’s place ( Isaiah , Jeremiah and Ezekiel ) . So the elite plan on thinning the population durning this time . And they shall kill many . Then when GODs wrath comes on them they shall fear HIS wrath and cry for the rocks and mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the face of the Lamb and GODs wrath . Right now they are leading the people into slaughter . Not warning them of what is coming upon the earth . They hope it thins out the population . But they have their holes in the ground and mountains stocked with food and other provisions all from your tax dollars . So go out at night and find the little dipper . You may see the tail of the big dipper as it sinks in the west and the little dipper rising in the east . Also Orion and the other star formations are there with it . Around 11:00 pm is a good time to see most of the star formations around the little dipper . Then know the elite are lying to you . Climate change is not because of over carbon . Nor the volcanos erupting and the earthquakes shaking . They are liers !

    • ^^^

      Do you honestly think ANYBODY read that rambling monograph in it’s entirety?

      [There's a joke in there - in my one line retort] :mrgreen:

      • I wouldn’t have read it. I don’t think the guy is aware of how paragraphs work.

      • I read it ….. naaaah i did not :lol:

      • DK

        I recommend adding a spellchecker to his browser, what might also help is not cutting and pasting into the comment box pre-formatted text from a Word document which would solve the apostrophe and full stop(period) problem where a space is left before each one.

        I can skim through the text without a problem taking it in, having become accustomed to BIN Pastors on soapboxes since 2013. :wink:

    • TL/DR

    • I read it and believe it. Knows bible prophecy thats for sure.

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      No pseudo science ‘climate change’ is going to change the location of the big dipper or the little dipper. Often times I believe that religious folks have no concept of how totally insignificant the human race as a species are, left alone this little planet and our tiny solar system- even in relation to our milky way galaxy let alone the entire universe. There are at last estimate between 100 and 200 Billion other milky way like galaxies out there with billion of stars/suns with them let alone trillions of planets. Our little ghetto of a solar system could be totally removed from our galaxy tomorrow and the milky way would not even notice. As for the little old white man of the Hebrew Book in the sky- yeah sure he loves you, but he would love you more if you were a JEW, just like david, moses, jesus, abraham. Deuteronomy 7:6

  • Lisa, stick to the bible and stop promoting the paranoid speculations of men. You honestly have no business whatsoever posing as a teacher of prophecy; when your discernment level is practically non-existent.

  • The USA is deliberately turning itself into an Orwellian fascist state and is imposing more intrusive controls and taking away more freedoms to incite anger in people. It was set up deliberately to incite a revolution against it, which is all part of the masterplan, and it’s been the same throughout history.

    The fact is that the Orwellian NWO is a pseudo front designed to fail, just like Hitler’s Nazism (which was largely funded by Jewish money) was. The real NWO stays out of the spotlight and puts its lower levels (e.g. fascist police, Bush, Obama, corrupt puppet government, etc.) out there for all to see.
    They ALWAYS infiltrate both sides, the fascist side that instills terror in everyone, and the counter revolution against this, so that they always come out the winner and can instill the changes they want after the front system ultimately collapses. For example, after WWII, they were in place to create the United Nations to centralize more power. Their method is always “Order out of Chaos”.

    We are mere slaves and toys to these Satanic Cabbalistic jewish creatures. They enjoy seeing pain, terror, war, suffering, conflict, bloodshed and death. And what’s more they feed from it. When you eventually see all this for what it REALLY is, all the insane nonsensical murderous wars throughout history start to make more sense, since the official version never does under intense scrutiny.This includes WW1, WWII, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the American Civil War, the Vietnam War, the Iraq War, etc.

    Today the gradually unmasked NWO made public (The so called “Illuminati”) is just the newest version of it. In fact you can buy a board game called . . “The Illuminati” – what more proopf do you want!

    This is why the mainstream media is now covering 9/11 Truth. Eventually, it will be made public that “9/11 was an inside job” and when that happens, it will be THE trigger that incites revolution, bloodshed and civil war in America and beyond.
    This is why the government allows conspiracy radio and utube videos all over the internet and lets people like Alex Jones, David Ike, and others in the truth movement to live, and why the internet hasn’t been dismantled and regulated quite yet.
    These “truthers” are all part of the masterplan – even though most probably don’t know it. And that’s why FEMA concentration camps are being revealed in America right now, to scare the population and incite a planned revolution, that will be quickly and ruthlessly put down.

  • no need to worry as its not going to come the war that is so all chill as every time lisa say that something is going to start it dosent come true a bit like that comet that was going to hit or come in september 23rd so all relax and be happy

    • Sadly we live in a world where everyone wants everything right away. Patience is a scarce commodity. People in America demand immediate, fast track results. The problem is prophesy is enacted by God and therefore it is His will and purpose time serves. When dates fail to correspond perfectly quite often that particular date is later discovered to have great significance leading to the final carrying out of His divine plan. Although much of what Lisa says about religious matters is hogwash, the events she so often brings to the table are certainly worthwhile. Bashing Lisa does not make you better. How exactly are you giving of yourself? Is ridicule the very best you can do?

      Just asking

  • Hello Angle#1,

    Charlie here. It’s fun to just throw out stuff. GrudgeRetort did that last year. Remember when he said that cryptic “get ready” or something? So far nothing happened.

    Angle#3(prelim) did a report on websites that she didn’t even visit! One link didn’t even work and the other some buttons were “dead on arrival”. Well, she’s a “prelim”. :lol:

    I won’t recommend her dog food diet either. Did she test it out? If she came to the office I would make her “fetch” my doughnuts. :lol:

    I see you are wearing boots as Charlie recommended. Yes, boots on the ground that’s what we need. Glad you are making an effort.


    Charlie (booting himself up with doughnuts, it’s Monday ya know) :lol:

  • If it happens, I’ll make sure I have my favourite drink beside me….. :cool:

  • Alex Jonestein is nothing but a Zionist shill and you Lisa are a drama queen. As soon as I saw “urgent”in the headlines, I knew that it was either you or Lyne.

  • If the Elite are evacuating, I don’t think you would be wasting time issuing a “total emergency alert”. You would be getting your a$$ out of Dodge.

  • I think you guys are barking up the wrong tree. Remember a couple weeks ago when the big story was about the Chinese sending their submarines close to the California coast. If I were trying to cover up a Chinese missile launch demo, I’d claim the US Navy did it.

    • Ted

      That was an SLBM in about the same place around 2010. Probably Chinese. Just like China covered up the Rod from God attack on its Harbor from its People.

  • wheeeeeeeeeeeee

  • An Observer

    Yeah. “Get ready” In other words, prepare to die. The second video is also 5 month old. Which is right on par with Alex Jones, since you can go back to the 90s with him fear porning everyone into thinking that Martial Law and human enslavement is right around the corner.

    Yet, 15 years later hes still here making a living off telling you how little time you have left.

    • He has been dead on for the last 15 years. What have you done in the last 15 years to alert us to what is going on in our world? crickets crickets crickets, That’s what I thought.

      • Seriously^^^ ????

        Alex Jones A.K.A. BlowHard is nothing more than a slick AmWay distributor with a bullhorn. Don’t believe me, check AmWay’s product line and compare it to the ‘remedies’ endlessly peddled by BlowHard. He’s a schmuck….. :mrgreen:

    • You forgot that he’s fat and is annoying as F___ to listen to.

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        yeah- almost annoying as rush and glen beck.

      • Sure does.

        Have you noticed as well that all these fear porners, such as Jones, Beck and Fatty Hodges look like middle aged lesbians?

        That might have something to do with all their anger issues

  • @Lisa Haven I got to say im kind of disappointed in you, for really not knowing Alex smith is part of the occult. He has already been caught in the hand signals and his has show a major network. I felt you would have research and picked up on that. It’s all good, at least you trying to bring info to warn people about, I was just saying.

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      Who is alex smith? The quarterback? Well least you apologized for being. You are part of the sad pathethic new ‘apologetic culture’ liberalized national socialist (NAZI) club brainwashed by the jew bag media.i

  • shezza1287990

    The amount of BS I see on here is unreal like if nukes were gonna go off they would of already.. There’s to much at stake to cause another world war. :mad: :twisted:

  • Lisa my dear Alex Jones is whats called the controlled opposition. He has Stratfor employees in his operation. Stratfor just happens to be in Austin. They are the CIA. You can’t quote this man as a serious source of information. That is why he can’t keep reporters. When they find out he is a CIA plant they quit. Ask Gary Franchi. Eyes open and use discernment. He his a fear monger to create whats called lush which the Illuminati controllers use for energy and control.

  • Jacko

    Does anyone even believe the nonsense this charlatan keeps spewing out :?: :?: :?: :?:

  • Anything that contains “Alex Jones” anywhere in an article is 100% BS!!!

  • Alex Jones is not very good with money, he never follows it back to the bankers in Israel so why should i listen to a man who’s being “Watched” that then puts google spyware scripts over his web-site so we all become “watched”

  • Can’t wait! Better bring some sunglasses…

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