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How Low-Traffic Businesses Can Use Content Marketing

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 7:57
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“Content marketing” is an element of search engine optimization (SEO) that, if used poorly, results in a lot of content without much benefit to your website’s overall ranking. If employed properly, however, content marketing can result in great returns that see your business’s web profile improve and your authority in your field established. The types of content marketing that work depend a lot on how entrenched your business is. If you are a well-known entity, volume can often work as you have proven quality. If you are a newcomer or small business, quantity-focused strategies will often lose out. Here are some tips on how low-traffic businesses can use content marketing to improve their status.

Plan Your Strategy

Content marketing is not a fire hose; you can’t point in one direction, gush out a stream of random content, and expect results. Being able to offer breadth and depth is not something that happens overnight so you can’t just jump into it. Take a step back, put the pen/pencil/keyboard down, and think about your content. What is the ultimate purpose of the content and who is it being written for? How is it meant to be read, and how is it meant to benefit your site? Speaking broadly, the answers to these questions will depend on what your content is. Any given piece of content will fall into one of several categories:

Read More: How Low-Traffic Businesses Can Use Content Marketing

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