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In much the same fashion as we expected would happen in 2012, with regards to Barack Hussein Obama’s name not being on a ballot as a result of multiple court cases regarding his fraudulent identification, now a judge has spoken out and states that the current political and legal problems that Hillary Rodham Clinton has been involved in will inevitably see her name not on the ballot in 2016.
I have constantly valued much of what Judge Andrew Napolitano has published and stated with a couple of exclusions. Even in what I’m about to publish, I concur with his legal opinion, but am suspicious that the people will even bat an eyebrow, taking into consideration they have not so yet realized all they understand about Hillary Clinton. Yet, I do find his findings deserving of print.
Napolitano suggested in a recently available column that Hillary’s political issue is one of “credibility.”
“We know from her emails that she informed her daughter Chelsea and the then-prime minister of Egypt within 12 hours of the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, that he had been killed in Benghazi by al-Qaida,” he published. “We know from the public record that the Obama administration’s narrative blamed the killings of the ambassador and his guards on an anonymous crowd’s spontaneous reaction to an anti-Muhammad video.”
Though her own embassy staff in Tripoli stated the video was not a concern, Hillary marched right out, alongside Hussein Obama and Susan Rice to announce that the video was the explanation for the Benghazi attacks. Her State Department even invested $70,000 of YOUR tax dollars America to apologize for it!
Even after acquiring the bodies of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others who died trying to fight off Islamic jihadists, Clinton, along with Rice and Obama, persisted to showcase the lie that Benghazi was about a online video.
Nevertheless, Napolitano does not point to that as the explanation that Clinton’s name will not be on the ballot in 2016.
“That’s because each time she addresses these issues – her involvement in Benghazi and her emails – her legal problems get worse,” Napolitano persists. “We already know that the FBI has been investigating her for espionage (the failure to secure state secrets), destruction of government property and obstruction of justice (wiping her computer server clean of governmental emails that were and are the property of the federal government) and perjury (lying to a federal judge about whether she returned all governmental emails to the State Department).”
“Now, she has added new potential perjury and misleading Congress issues because of her deceptive testimony to the House Benghazi committee,” the Judge included. “In 2011, when President Obama persuaded NATO to enact and enforce a no-fly zone over Libya, he sent American intelligence agents on the ground.”
Since they were not military and were not shooting at Libyan government forces, he could plausibly dispute that he had not put “boots” on the ground. Clinton, nonetheless, made the decision that she could hasten the departure of the Libyan strongman, Col. Moammar Gadhafi, by arming some of the Libyan rebel groups that were seeking to oppose him and therefore helping them to shoot at government forces.”
He then finishes, “So, in violation of federal law and the U.N. arms embargo on Libya she authorized the shipment of American arms to Qatar, knowing they’d be passed off to Libyan rebels, some of whom were al-Qaida, a few of whom killed Ambassador Stevens using American-made weapons.”
When inquired about this, she stated she understood nothing of it. The emails underlying this are in the public domain. Clinton not only understood of the arms-to-Libyan-rebels deal, she authored and approved it. “She lied about this under oath.”
“After surveying the damage done to his regime and his family by NATO bombings, Col. Gadhafi made known his wish to negotiate a peaceful departure from Libya,” added the judge. “When his wish was presented to Clinton, a source in the room with Clinton has revealed that she silently made the “off with his head” hand motion by moving her hand quickly across her neck. She could do that because she knew the rebels were well equipped with American arms with which to kill him. She didn’t care that many of the rebels were al-Qaida or that arming them was a felony. She lied about this under oath.”
While countless have come to the same bottom line, Napolitano includes that both Catherin Herridge and Pamela Browne checked out Clinton’s testimony and pointed out that Obama vetoed Sidney Blumentahl’s hiring at the State Department, which she then had the Clinton Foundation pay him a larger income to work at the State Department to be her, in the thoughts of Napolitano, “silent de facto adviser.”
However Clinton called Blumenthal just a “friend” during testimony, nothing could be further from the truth. Both involved in emails back and forth over intelligence problems, some of which she acted on, which includes a Libyan no-fly zone.
Napolitano then finishes, “It is difficult to believe that the federal prosecutors and FBI agents investigating Clinton will not recommend that she be indicted. Inexplicably, she seems to have forgotten that they were monitoring what she said under oath to the Benghazi committee. By lying under oath, and by misleading Congress, she gave that team additional areas to investigate and on which to recommend indictments.”
While I concur with the judge’s examination, I wonder if he has taken into thought the amount of crime in the government that has permitted a known usurper, Barack Hussein Obama, to stay in office for seven years.
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Lets See What “GOD” Said About These Muslim’s; Genesis 16: 7 thru 12 and Galatians Chapters 3, 4, 5 And There You Will Find That They Will Be As Wild Donkey’s And They Would Be Against Everyone And Everyone Would Be Against Them, Even Unto Their Own Brothers. And The Seed Of The “Slave Woman(Hagar) Would Not Receive The Promise GOD Gave To Abraham And The Seed Of The Slave Woman(Hagar) Would Persecute The Seed Of The Free Woman(Sarah) Then, Now, And Thereafter… So There You Have The Destiny Of The Muslim’s; This Includes “The Half Breed Black Muslim President(Obama)…
Using the Lord’s name in vain … is mortal sin against the Second Commandment … I cover this on Section 84 of my site > >
- – - – - – - – - -
C A U T I O N: The Catholic Church has had *zero* … physical properties, priests, and bishops since 8 December 1965 … because of the Sources of Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.
Mountains of proof >
Photographic proof >
Abjuration of heresy to become Christian >
Hillary Clinton will be the next president of what was once the benevolent and great country of the United States of America.
Merely as a side note, she was running an espionage operation via her leaky email server and selling government secrets for donations to her “charity.”
Not to worry, she will not be prosecuted for anything and is in no danger whatsoever of going to jail.
Does anyone really believe that the same “Justice Department” whicht just gave the criminally operating IRS and Lois Lerner a free pass will do anything to the 100% connected and therefore politically unassailable Clinton(s)?
Does anyone remember that her sexual predator husband sold military technology to the Chinese in the Chinagate scandal? Did anything come of that debacle? Was Thrill Bill called to account for his actions in any way?
You see, the crimes are so great and BOTH sides of the aisle are so very much involved that it would bring down the government to prosecute Billary for any of this.
They are both quite safe because all the criminals in DC want to keep their jobs, offshore “set-aside accounts,” and not go to jail.
She has been chosen by the sociopaths and psychopaths who run this planet to operate as their next puppet ruler, and so shall it be.
It does not matter that Trump would wax her abrasive, corrupt, criminal ass in a head to head election — The Donald had better triple his security because he likely will never make it to the show.
They will assassinate him if he is not removed via some other covert way.
One must only view the unrelenting hatred both sides display toward him to understand this.
Hillary is a past master (mistress?) of dirty tricks against her opposition. She was schooled in these techniques while on the Watergate investigation, from which she was fired for unethical conduct.
She learned and learned well how only the most filthy scum float to the top of the hierarchy on this planet.
Dear America: this is how the once great civilization ends: the worst of the worst rule the roost and the people submit to this.
The king is dead. Long live the king.
There are no truths to Obama,clintons and the bushs all drip with lies deceptions for personal power and wealth they are EVIL between all 4 which includes bush senior, our country is falling apart a sacrificial slow death so they can stay in power with the new world order bastards in their world they enjoy hurting the good decent people and dumbing down the generations so as now most citizens don’t know anything outside their iphones and video games how easy it was for them to cheat our political vote with isis refugees who don’t give a damn about this country except to conquer her with sharia crap that our college kids think is wonderful but they can not spell.Our country is under siege with terrorist muslim organizations and millions in population working everyday to our demise and berry,hillary and jeb boy knows this and does nothing but encourages their anti-America agenda and fall of our sovereignty WE MUST STOP THEM WHILE WE STILL HAVE TIME.