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By Earl of Stirling (Reporter)
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Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE

Friday, November 20, 2015 18:01
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 Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE

Holy Shroud of Turin

  Powerful prayer to St. Michael the Archangel – video ~ link
AVE MARIA – by Helene Fischer – video ~ link

ORTHODOX CHERUBIM HYMN – video  ~ link  

AVE MARIA by Perry Como – video ~ link 


Pray for Peace

On the Road to the Third World War


Armageddon also means that the Second Coming of Christ is near




Dr. Bill Deagle, Chris Harris and Lord Stirling (Tim Alexander) on Thursday's Nutrimedical Report Show ~ link ~ Click on Nov. 19 Thursday Hour 3.

27 Dead as Mali hotel terrorist stand-off over ~ link ~ Two goals behind this typical False Flag Op: (1) Keep the FEAR growing among the Sheeple; (2) Setting up the African War Theater to WWIII.  Stirling  

An attack by suspected Islamist militants who took  at Radisson Blue Hotel in the Malia170 people hostages capital is over, US officials say.

Malian officials earlier said militants had “no more hostages” and special forces were chasing them. Reports suggest at least 27 people were killed.

Putin orders his military to intensify attacks on ISIS ~ link ~ The bastards do need killing, that's for sure!  Stirling  
In a Friday meeting with officials of the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow, Putin said a recent increase in aerial attacks on militants in Syria by Russia air and naval forces is “not sufficient,” and the Moscow’s anti-terror campaign should be intensified.

The order came as Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the raids over the past four days, either through Russian navy’s long-range attacks or air strikes by the Russian air force, have inflicted heavy damage and fatalities on the militants in Syria.

B4INREMOTE-aHR0cDovLzIuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy1EU1k0bHRrVTEyQS9Way00eG1xOHZySS9BQUFBQUFBQVBuOC9PbXpINWc4RFhHay9zMTYwMC9yZWQlMkJ3b3JrJTJCbGlnaHQlMkJmbGFzaGluZy5naWY=Intifada: IDF injures 443 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza in one day says Red Cross ~ link

More than 440 Palestinian protesters have been injured during fresh clashes with Israeli forces amid escalating tensions across the occupied West Bank as well as the Gaza Strip. According to a report by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, Israeli forces fired live rounds and rubber bullets at Palestinian protesters who were marking Day of Rage after Friday prayers, injuring 443 people in the West Bank and Gaza.
The clashes erupted when Israeli forces attacked thousands mourners participating in the funeral ceremony held for two Palestinians earlier killed by Israeli fire in al-Khalil (Hebron).

Earlier in the day, skirmishes were reported around an Israeli military checkpoint close to Beit El settlement outside the central West Bank city of Ramallah. Israeli forces also attacked the Palestinian protesters in al-Khalil (Hebron) and in Bireh.

Meanwhile, local media reported similar scuffles at the western entrance of Beit Fajjar town, south of Bethlehem, as well as near the Ofar prison west of Beitunia.

B4INREMOTE-aHR0cDovLzIuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy1EU1k0bHRrVTEyQS9Way00eG1xOHZySS9BQUFBQUFBQVBuOC9PbXpINWc4RFhHay9zMTYwMC9yZWQlMkJ3b3JrJTJCbGlnaHQlMkJmbGFzaGluZy5naWY=UN Security Council unanimously approves War on ISIS ~ link ~ This will allow all sides to claim UN authority for the Great Shooting Match that is about to break out in Syria!!!  Stirling  

Is this how the coming Global Financial Meltdown will play out ~ link
 In effect, a currency crisis is simply the abrupt revaluation of the currency to reflect new realities.

I have long maintained that the structural imbalances of debt and risk that triggered the Global Financial Meltdown of 2008-2009 have effectively been transferred to the foreign exchange (FX) markets.

This creates a problem for the central banks that have orchestrated the “recovery” by goosing asset bubbles in stocks, real estate and bonds: unlike these markets, the currency-FX market is too big for even the Federal Reserve to manipulate for long.



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