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New Yorkers not happy with Amazon’s Nazi-themed propaganda

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 8:50
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(Before It's News)

Amazon Nazi ad

If it was Amazon’s intention to grab attention from the recently placed ads on New York City public transportation advertising the original series “The Man in the High Castle,” they hit the mark, although now – thanks to public outcry – the ads are coming down.

The series is set in 1962 and features an alternate-history storyline in which the Nazi Reich won World War II, headed west and took over America.

Twitter was abuzz with New Yorkers and others upset over the ads, which were set to run November 15 to December 14. Even Mayor Bill de Blasio criticized the advertisements.

“While these ads technically may be within MTA guidelines, they’re irresponsible and offensive to World War II and Holocaust survivors, their families, and countless other New Yorkers. Amazon should take them down,” de Blasio said in a statement.

And Amazon apparently listened, confirming Tuesday they would pull the ads from city transportation. Although ads for the show are still prominently displayed on the e-commerce giant’s website… at least for now.

Amazon Nazi ad

[ Gothamist ]

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Total 1 comment
  • “The series is set in 1962 and features an alternate-history storyline in which the Nazi Reich won World War II, headed west and took over America.”

    Lol, I think they are coming out of the closet

    Well isn’t that exactly what happened when America hired thousands of Project Paperclip war criminal Nazis and the MK ULTRA NAZIS ?

    It sure looks like America is a cross between NAZI Germany and the Looney Tunes. mind you, America has probably overthrown and bombed more countries After WW2 than Adolf Hitler did During WW2

    Grandma Says

    A CORPORATE NAZI in a Suit….is still a NAZI :twisted:

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