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Something Fishy

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 8:47
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Something Fishy

Why would we trust a voluntary GMO (or, as industry is pushing, voluntary non-GMO) labeling scheme when it’s clear that many profit-minded corporations can’t be trusted?

Case in point: That salmon you bought that was labeled “wild salmon”? Maybe it was. But maybe it wasn’t, according to a study conducted by the advocacy group Oceana.

Oceana collected 82 salmon samples from restaurants and grocery stores and found that 43 percent were mislabeled. DNA testing confirmed that most of the mislabeling (69 percent) consisted of farmed Atlantic salmon being sold as wild-caught product.

According to Oceana:

Salmon samples were considered to be mislabeled if 1) they were described as being “wild,” “Alaskan” or “Pacific,” but DNA testing revealed them to be farmed Atlantic salmon; or 2) the samples were labeled as a specific type of salmon, like “Chinook,” but testing revealed them to be different species (in most cases lower-value fish).

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