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By Ethan Indigo Smith (Reporter)
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The Christmas Conspiracy: Starbucks, Coca Cola, and The Roman Empire

Monday, November 9, 2015 13:48
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Are you aware that the original Christians Were against the Roman implementation of the celecbration of the birth of Christ? They were upset essentially because celebrating once a year diffuses the meaning of Christ consciousness…And here we are today…Did you know Santa as you picture him is Coca Cola conjuration?! 


Find out why it was implemented in the first place, how Sarbucks is just doing what what everyone has been doing for decades if not millennia and and find out what the psychological effects on the collective are in the book about Santa and Consciousness. FREE! as EBOOK through 11/11/15


Evidence of the Santa Clause Syndrome is everywhere in our society. Many personal and societal problems can be theoretically traced to it, but also many institutions can be rationally broken down as disturbingly negative or outright useless when considering it. Most evidently,Santa Claus Syndrome does not promote individuation, but conformity – at a very impressionable stage of childhood development.

Peace on Earth… only for real.

Merry Christmas!

Not just about Christmas, Merry Total Apathy

Merry Total Apathy! - The Santa Clause Syndrome

For more, download ebook on any device for FREE! through 11/11/15!! The Santa Claus Syndrome instils more than just materialism and the acceptance of lies. And chances are, if you can recall the names of more than one of Santa’s reindeer, you are likely affected by it in some way. Paperback avaible as gift!

In his book A Holiday Hazing: the Santa Clause Syndrome, Ethan Indigo Smith examines the many psychological influences of one of the most widely celebrated traditions the world has ever known, and exposes common beliefs of ‘self’ and ‘society’ in a way that might make you chuckle, and a little bit angry.

A Holiday Hazing: the Santa Clause Syndrome is available on Amazon as an e-book — just in time for (saving you from) Christmas.


About Ethan Indigo Smith:

 The Failed Politics and Faulty Science of Climate ChangeActivist, author and Tai Chi teacher Ethan Indigo Smith was born on a farm in Maine and lived in Manhattan for a number of years before migrating west to Mendocino, California. Guided by a keen sense of integrity and humanity, Ethan’s work is both deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality,meditation and a unique sense of humour.


For more information, visit Ethan on Facebook on tsū and check out Ethan’s author page on Amazon.


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