Anti-gun House Democrats have launched an effort to ban so-called “assault weapons” for a second time, more than ten years after the original ban, which was signed into law by former President Bill Clinton, expired in 2004.
California Congresswoman Janice Hahn- talking about “assault weapons,” told reporters, “They’re not for hunting, they’re not for target practice. These are weapons of war, designed to inflict the maximum amount of death and injury.”
Hillary Clinton, the seemingly inevitable Democrat-party nominee for president, has also proposed an assault rifle ban of her own. Her proposed ban limits high-capacity magazines in an effort, she claims, to stop future terrorist attacks in the United States.
As has been the case for the past several months, Democrats’ rigid stance on disarming law-abiding gun owners is contrary to public opinion. A New York Times /CBS poll found that for the first time in 20 years, a majority of Americans oppose a ban on “assault weapons” than support it. An ABC News/Washington Post poll reinforces this reality, noting 53 percent of Americans oppose such a ban, claiming it would do little to ensure public safety.
“Both the New York Times/CBS poll and the ABC News/Washington Post Poll proves that Americans reject the gun prohibition agenda of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party and the liberal media- and recent gun sale records prove it. The intellectual and activist bubble of the anti-gun rights movement is not reflective of mainstream American politics. I continue to say, and am sure of the fact, that anti-gun politicians are going to be defeated at the ballot box in the 2016 elections. The more these politicians politicize tragedies and mass shootings as tools to disenfranchise law-abiding gun owners, the more resentment will be used for political momentum that will be carried into the next election cycle,” said Alan Gottlieb, Founder and Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation.
“As a result of the recent terrorist attacks in France in San Bernardino, California, Americans want to be safe and feel safe. Arming themselves gives Americans the kind of security that the policies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are unable and unwilling to provide. Proposing gun bans that do nothing to increase public safety while making Americans feel less safe, and potentially decreasing public safety, simply isn’t a wise political strategy,” said Gottlieb.
Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation
Publisher of and The Gottlieb-Tartaro Report
Author of twenty books, including:
Shooting Blanks: Facts Don’t Matter to the Gun Ban Crowd
Black & Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating up the Constitution
Assault on Weapons: The Campaign to Eliminate Your Guns
Regular on TV and radio including MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour, ABC’s20/20, NBC Today Show, The O’Reilly Factor, Larry King Live,
Fox News Channel, Hardball with Chris Matthews, Good Morning America and Piers Morgan Live/CNN
Alan Gottlieb Bio:
Dynamic and articulate are two accurate descriptions of Alan Gottlieb. Alan is a Nuclear Engineering graduate of the University of Tennessee and has attended the Institute on Comparative Political & Economic Systems at Georgetown University.
He is recognized as a member of the working press, maintaining active membership in the Outdoor Writers Association of America. His articles have appeared in the Seattle Times, San Francisco Examiner, Washington Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Cincinnati Inquirer, Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram and USA Today.
Alan is the Publisher of and The Gottlieb-Tartaro Report. He is the Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union, President of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, President of the American Political Action Committee and President of
His handiwork has received notice in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Time, People, Rolling Stone, National Review and Outside magazine.
Alan has received the prestigious Golden Eagle Award from the American Federation of Police, and was commended by the Kentucky House of Representatives for his “outstanding leadership in preserving our American heritage of freedom.” He is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in American Politics.
Alan has appeared on over 4,400 TV and radio talk shows, including the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, ABC’s 20/20, The Michael Reagan Show, The Ken Hamblin Show, PBS All Things Considered, CNN Crossfire, Fox TV’s Crier Report, NBC Today Show, The O’Reilly Factor, ESPN, Larry King Live, CNN Special Reports, Hannity & Combs, CNN All Politics, Fox News Channel,CNN Headline News, MSNBC, Piers Morgan, Lou DobbsTonight, Hardball with Chris Mathews, The Mike Huckabee Show, Al Jazeera Inside Story and Good Morning America.
Alan is President of Merril Associates, a noted direct response advertising agency specializing in direct mail, fund raising and public relations. He is also President of Merril Press, a non-fiction book publishing company. Alan is also President of radio stations KBNP in Portland, Oregon, KITZ in Seattle, Washington, KGTK in Olympia, Washington, and KSBN in Spokane, Washington and former Chairman of the Talk America Radio Network and former President of the Universal Talk Network.
In addition, Alan is the author of twenty books including Politically Correct Guns, Trashing the Economy and She Took a Village: The Unauthorized Biography of Hillary Clinton, Alan Gottlieb’s Celebrity Address Book, Double Trouble: Daschle and Gephart Capitol Hill Bullies, and Gun Rights Affirmed, America Fights Back: Armed Self-defense in a Violent Age, These Dogs Don’t Hunt: The Democrats’ War on Guns and Assault on Weapons: The Campaign to Eliminate Your Guns and Black & Blue: How Obama and the Democrats are Beating up the Constitution, Shooting Blanks: Facts Don’t Matter to the Gun Ban Crowd.