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By Earl of Stirling (Reporter)
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Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 16:57
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  Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE

Holy Shroud of Turin

  Powerful prayer to St. Michael the Archangel – video ~ link

ORTHODOX CHERUBIM HYMN – video  ~ link  

AVE MARIA by Perry Como – video ~ link 


Pray for Peace

On the Road to the Third World War


Armageddon also means that the Second Coming of Christ is near






Dr. Bill Deagle and Lord Stirling (Tim Alexander) on today's Nutrimedical Report Show ~ link ~ Dec. 15 Hour 3

I have had increasing trouble seeing to update this news blog.  Tomorrow I am undergoing eye surgery.  Please say a prayer for me.  Thank you.  I may, or may not, be able to update the news blog the next couple of days … time will tell.  God Bless you all.  Tim  
Kerry to Putin: America is grateful to Russia for cooperation on Syria ~ link ~ link ~ If you believe this, I 'have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you'!  Stirling  
This is cuteness on steroids by Kerry. It is not an issue of whether Russia “could” make a difference in Syira…because it has. So this remark was designed to not really acknowledge the pounding that ISIL has gotten not only from the Russians, but others that the US wants to have no recognition.
 That includes the Syrian Army (Kerry does not want Assad to get that credit), Hezbollah and the Iranian advisers and others there who have been doing the boots on the ground work and to whom almost all of the credit is due along.

Kerry had to downplay this as the US coalition anti-ISIL charade has been laid bare for the world to see, and all the PR spinmeisters can think to do about that is just pretend that none of it ever happened, and just keep talking about the big US push and how if Assad would just step down it would all be so much easier. This cheap spin game is getting very very old.

Over 1,000 schools in Los Angeles closed due to “terrorist” email threat ~ link ~ More PsyOps on the Road to World War III.  Stirling 
Saudi Arabia forms alliance of 34 Muslim nations to fight ISIS ~ link ~ The BS runnith over!  Stirling



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