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Repressions Within The Subconscious Mind and Their Impact on Your Life

Wednesday, December 30, 2015 12:17
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B4INREMOTE-aHR0cDovLzMuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy1KbVVVWHJMOXRYay9Wb0JsSDZSckdLSS9BQUFBQUFBQUVPSS9ycEEyRlRzcS1JYy9zMzIwL1N1YmNvbnNjaW91cyUyQnJlcHJlc3Npb25zLmpwZw==Do you suffer from anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, sadness or anything else? I'd like to share a method with you to help correct that.

Horrible things happen to us all at some point in our lives. When we are young, things can happen that we don't consciously deal with properly. As children we lack the tools to process these events and circumstances, there is no conscious adult reasoning. Children and young adults, being largely helpless and at the mercy of others, lack the power to escape negative situations or gain support.

You may have experienced loss, physical or emotional neglect (mild or severe), shaming, abuse, abandonment and more, to a small or great degree, from birth up until recent years, as a one-off event or series of events.

Traumatic memories and emotions are placed into the subconscious mind as programs. These programs feed us emotional responses, information and feelings daily, into our adult lives, all as a result of repressed trauma from younger years. As an adult, you may experience anxiety or fear in certain situations and not know why. Consciously you're not afraid but you have a sense of fear bubbling up to the surface all the time; this is a symptom. Underlying fear, shame, anxiety, guilt, even depression, are symptoms of repression.



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