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BIG News 2 of 2… 1-16-16… BricsPost, “Xi: “This is a historical moment”” & RT, “China-led AIIB development bank officially launched”

Sunday, January 17, 2016 2:51
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(Before It's News)

AIIB_inauguration_160116Just like the last post, Part 1, this is BIG, baby!!

Talk about major reform needed for this planet… this is it! Away from the US (CORP) petrodollar dominance (and criminal uses thereof), away from all those KZM* institutions, like IMF, World Bank, etc., and now, with the help of the 190+ countries non-aligned with the old system, the planet is now on its way upward.

The bolded statement below from first AIIB Chairman, Lou Jiwei, really sums it up: “The opening of the AIIB marked a milestone in the reform of the global economic governance system.”

[* KZM = Khazarian (also Bush, Rockefeller, etc.) Mafia]

“This is a historical moment”: Xi at launch of new China-led Bank

“The AIIB will extend China’s financial reach and compete not only with the World Bank, but also with the Asian Development Bank, which is heavily dominated by Japan. China, however, has repeatedly stressed that the new bank is willing to work with other development lenders.

“Xi also announced that in addition to subscribing capital to the new lender, China will contribute $50 million to a soon-to-be-launched special fund “to support the preparation for infrastructure development projects in less developed member states”.

“Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei was elected as the first Chairman of the AIIB council. Jin Liqun was elected the first AIIB president. “The opening of the AIIB marked a milestone in the reform of the global economic governance system,” Lou said in a recent interview.”

China-led AIIB development bank officially launched, elects first president

” The Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has held its inaugural meeting, declaring the bank open for business and electing its first president, Jin Liqun. Chinese president Xi Jinping, as well as Prime Minister Li Keqiang, delivered opening addresses at the official ceremony, which was also attended by high officials from other multilateral banks.

““Asia’s financing needs for basic infrastructure are absolutely enormous,” President Xi said, adding that the bank is going to invest in high-quality, low-cost projects… “AIIB is now ready to join the family of multilateral financial institutions, investing in sustainable infrastructure for the improvement of lives across Asia,” Liqun said in his first statement as president.

“Luxembourg Finance Minister Pierre Gramegna sees the establishment of the bank as “further proof of the rebalancing of the world economy.””

Filed under: apocalypse, energies, new energies Tagged: AIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, BRICS Post, China, Russia Today


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