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ISIS Plans To Slaughter Thousands Worldwide in 2016

Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:11
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aaaaISIS  Plans  To  Slaughter  Thousands  Of  People  In  Public  Places  Worldwide  In  2016  For  the  “Final  Battle”  Against  the  West
December 31, 2015

ISIS is planning to massacre thousands of civilians in public places around the world in 2016 as it desperately seeks to draw the west into a titanic “final battle”.

The sick terror group will activate hundreds of sleeper cells in “dozens of countries” in an unprecedented bid to destabilise western governments and spark a huge military retaliation in the Middle East.

The shock claim, from one of the world’s leading authorities on the death cult, comes amid fears of a New Year’s Eve terror plot in London and other major world cities.

And next year will see a huge increase in both the number and scale of major terror attacks, according to Dr Theodore Karasik, a Gulf-based analyst of regional geo-political affairs who has extensively studied ISIS’s behaviour.

He warned: “ISIS’s media operation is taunting its enemy to come to fight their Final Battle.

“But first, it wants to show its global reach with zeal…from cells, to lone wolves, to bedroom jihadists – to target landmarks and crowds in dozens of countries across the world.”

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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