(Before It's News)
I am a mother of four in my mid 30′s and I have been told that I have some psychic abilities, mainly psychometry, paranormal, and lately remote viewing. Things come to me in the form of pictures in my mind, feelings and impressions, and sometimes sounds. I typically get them when asked to focus on specific objects or events. I clear my mind, think of the question or object and this blog is an example of what I get. This blog is a way for me to organize all my thoughts. Q. Lynn, So many things are going on in the world. Can you please comment on them and give us your thoughts?
What is going on with the economy and stock market? What do you see with this?
A. I have always seen that the stock market would run into trouble and the dollar would start to fall around Christmas. The symbol I see over and over is a Christmas tree when trying to determine time frames. To be honest, it came through so strong at the end of 2014 that I thought it would have happened by now, but now I see it was in reference to this year.
China is going to emerge as a powerful player in 2016. They are manipulating the market causing panic. They have so many negative feelings toward us that I hear they are willing to take themselves down in order to take us down as well. Two things that really hurt the US are the stock market and oil. Both of those things are being focused on right now.
The thing I see down the road as things are manipulated are the cost of good rising. This will range from food to everyday household items. I hear a “penny saved is a penny earned” so if you can stock up on things you use everyday, you are really benefiting yourself.
Be cautious and involved if you do have investments. Live in awareness (but don’t focus on fear).
I have attached some previous readings on the economy here in which I reference the “Christmas tree.”
Q. Historically we have going through a seven year cycle, and about seven years ago we had the housing bubble burst. What is going to happen now? What are we in for now? I see a couple things with this. I get that debt in general is at an all time high. Between various loans (mortgages, vehicles, student loans) and credit cards, more and more people are finding themselves in a hopeless debt.
We are also moving toward a cashless society where things are on credit cards (which further reinforces my first point and why it is getting so bad). I see that there is going to be an overwhelming trend to move society cashless (disconnects people from “money” where they are more apt to spend more) and create more and more personal debt.
People that can afford to pay this debt will do so, and people that won’t will find themselves in foreclosure (and other types of collection situations). Some banks will make out with this (via interest) and some smaller banks will collapse. I see another government bailout happening, but in a more creative way (like passing another quantitative easing..??) which ultimately devalues and puts the dollar in further peril.
A. I get that Walmart does a LOT of business with China, and they can see what is emerging and are protecting and securing their assets. Walmart knows it has to be on good terms with both the US and also China to survive at their current price points. There is some interaction or business dealings going on that will effect the way Walmart does business and they are protecting themselves now. I get in 2016 there will be some HUGE news break out with this (like an underground dealing is going on???).
Q. What is really happening with Iran? There seems to be more to the story than we are shown. Will this translate to something in the economy? Many public affairs can be traced to business deals or “economic boosts.” I am curious if you this as true with the current situation in Iran.
A. I get that when this military ship floated into Iranian waters it was no accident. I see a two-fold plan with regards to this. They look like they drifted into their waters with a plan of some (if not most) of the military on the ship making it to land to investigate what dealings were going on. It looks like some kind of a covert operation and got caught.
The dual part of this was for Iran to find the ship, create tension and have them fire at the US ship. This would give the US immediate cause to escalate actions.
I see the leader of Iran being irate at the US when some kind of barrier agreement was broken. He wanted to show drastic consequences, but it was the advisers he works with that talked him down. They realized that if they fired upon this US military ship it would be certain war for their country and give the US a reason to occupy (and take control of / manipulate the oil and oil trade routes). The US would also be able to rally the people behind this, so diffusing the situation was the best plan that Iran could take.
I am left hearing the phrase that “it is back to the drawing board for them”….
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
