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Science: Behind the Magic

Saturday, January 16, 2016 16:54
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15th January 2016

By Áine Sands

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The word “science” can mean different things to different people. In general, it’s understood as a systematic construction of testable knowledge and information. It provides us with explanations and understandings of nature, ourselves and reality in general. Yet, it can’t explain absolutely everything (as of yet) in relation to our own conceptions of reality – both existing and developing.

Science- Behind the Magic - magic book

In the old paradigm, science was understood only as the ‘Newtonian’ and ‘natural’ scientific disciplines – those rigid and ‘hard sciences’ based on facts and empiricism – and there continues to be debates about what constitutes a field of knowledge or study as an actual science.

Today, it’s difficult to say what cannot be regarded as scientific, due to the varying and changing characterizations and understandings of what it means. Is sociology a science? Is astrology scientific? What about psychology? Can philosophy be considered as a science? What about the science of linguistics, semiology, or semantics? Is there a science to sports, to art, to music and dance?

These questions are worth pondering, and the answers usually depend on who is giving them (I personally say yes to all of the above) but they are not the focus of this article. The focus of this piece is to explore what new science is revealing to us, and the implications they have on our lives and consciousness as we grow to understand them. It is not to convince you, the reader, of any beliefs as such, rather to provide newly revealed information in a way that (hopefully) is easy to grasp, and therefore contemplate.


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