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The First Martyr of the Patriot Movement in 2016, the 2nd American Revolution Has Officially Begun—UPDATED!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:46
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(Before It's News)

A Great Martyr of the Movement

The 2nd American Revolution
Has Officially Begun

Bundy and Hammond Ranch Standoffs: Lexington and Concord 2.0

160106-oregon-standoff-rd-205a_3d736df4f3175258ad2c55363b686a51.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000LaVoy Finicum


The First Martyr Of The Movement, The FEDs Arrest Burns Protest Leadership

State of the Nation

With the arrest of Ammond Bundy and 6 other protest leaders in Burns, Oregon the U.S. Federal Government has shown its true colors.  That it will kill and intimidate the citizenry whenever it serves their tyrannical purposes.

By killing LaVoy Finicum the government has just created the first martyr of this honorable and noble protest movement.  The whole dynamic will now change with the unnecessary spilling of a true patriot’s blood.  Good people like LaVoy Finicum do not involve themselves with matters like this unless they are completely convicted with the righteousness of the cause. For LaVoy what was truly at stake in Burns, Oregon was worth his very life.  He knew exactly what he was fighting for— “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” –- for him, his family, and his fellow Americans.

Unknown to most, one of the greatest forces behind this patriot movement in Oregon was LaVoy Finicum.   The FEDs knew this.  They also knew that his courage and intestinal fortitude was infectious.  And that he would infect many other lesser men and women with the courage of his convictions.  Don’t think that the Obama Administration wasn’t more afraid of LaVoy Finicum than all the other protesters put together.


It is extremely important to understand that the U.S. Government just carried out a premeditated and pre-planned assassination of perhaps the most stalwart patriot in the State of Oregon.  This brutal murder was staged as a public execution as a warning to others not to get involved with the patriot movement.  They savagely killed a foster parent to troubled boys who presented no danger to any living being.  

You want to see what kind of man LaVoy Finicum really was.  This is a man of real courage, of self-sacrifice, of resolve, of valor, of perseverance, and of true bravery.  This is the man who the U.S. Federal Government just took out in order to advance their oppressive and repressive, tyrannical and despotic New World Order Disorder.  The article posted below says it all about the irrepressible LaVoy Finicum.

May God Bless LaVoy Finicum and his beautiful family!  And may he rest in peace in the highest Heaven.

State of the Nation
January 27, 2016


The following update indicates that LaVoy Finicum was shot by the FEDs with his hands high and up in the air.  As follows:

Breaking News: Eyewitness Account of Bundy Takedown and Murder of LaVoy Finicum



Audio testimony of Victoria Sharp, who was in the vehicle ambushed by the Feds, and who watched La Voy Finicum get shot with his hands in the air!

I received a call late last night from a trusted friend, Bill Kosloskey, who had just got off of the phone with his friend, Victoria Sharp. Bill was obviously moved as he spoke to me, as his friend Victoria Sharp was in the vehicle ambushed by the FBI last evening; an ambush that resulted in the arrest of Ammon Bundy, and the death of patriot, LaVoy Finicum.

For now, I will not add my personal commentary on this matter, but instead let the eyewitness testimony of someone who is probably grateful to still be living about now do the talking. Our prayers go out to the family of LaVoy Finicum who, as you will hear, was shot down like a dog with his hands in the air. After he fell, they pumped up to 6 more rounds into him for good measure.

To hear Victoria Sharp’s testimony, I have linked to my friend Bill’s YouTube channel below and have uploaded the interview to create a podcast which you can also listen to below.     See above video/audio.


LaVoy Finicum Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Mormon Arizona rancher LaVoy Finicum was killed on the night of January 26 as the militia standoff near Burns, Oregon, appeared to come to an end. Famously, Finicum, 55, had told the media on January 6 that he would choose death over surrender in the case. His death was confirmed by Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. She wrote on Twitter:

When he heard about the arrests and death, Cliven Bundy told Los Angeles Times reporter Matt Pearce, “Isn’t this a wonderful country we live in?” He added, “We believe those federal people shouldn’t even be there in that state, and be in that county and have anything to do with This issue. … I have some sons and other people there trying to protect our rights and liberties and freedoms, and now we’ve got one killed, and I can say is, he’s sacrificed for a good purpose.”

LaVoy Finicum funeral


Bundy later confirmed Finicum’s death to CBS Las Vegas reporter Patranya Bhoolsuwan.In a statement on his Facebook page, Bundy wrote:

The resolve for principled liberty must go on. It appears that America was fired upon by our government. One of liberty’s finest patriots is fallen. He will not go silent into eternity. Our appeal is to heaven.

LaVoy & Jeanette Finicum Photos: Pictures of Cowboy Couple

LaVoy Finicum was the foster parent to troubled boys at his ranch in Arizona. He did so along with his loving wife, Jeanette.

Click here to read more

2. During the Standoff in Oregon, He Had Become Known as ‘Tarp Man’

On his Twitter page, Finicum goes by the moniker “@OneCowboysStand.” His bio on the page reads, “Rancher, Loves Freedom and willing to fight and die defending it.” His last post on the site was a video of a group of children singing “Amazing Grace.” His Twitter pseudonym is taken from his book title, One Cowboy’s Last Stand for Freedom. In aninterview with NBC News, Finicum said that he would rather be killed than arrested saying, “I have no intention of spending any of my days in a concrete box. There are things more important than your life and freedom is one of them. I’m prepared to defend freedom.”

According to Mormon tradition, cremation is not encourage and a proper funeral burial is preferred.

LaVoy & Jeanette Finicum Photos: Pictures of Cowboy Couple

LaVoy Finicum was the foster parent to troubled boys at his ranch in Arizona. He did so along with his loving wife, Jeanette.

Click here to read more

4. He Was a Man Who Loved ‘Nothing More in Life Than God, Family & Freedom’

Lavoy Finicum Dead Dies


On his official website, Finicum wrote:

As he has watched the ever increasing encroachment of government into the lives of the American people he has felt to make a stand for freedom. He has drawn a line in the sand and that line is the Constitution in its original intent.

The Constitution of the United States of America is a charter to protect the freedom of man by putting strict limits on government. We are living in a day when that supreme law of the land has been shredded by the very government that took an oath to uphold it. By their actions the Federal Government has become lawless and stalks the liberties of this land under the guise of social justice.

Shown below are LaVoy and Jeanette’s 11 children. This is why freedom is so important!

He also describes himself as a rancher who “loves nothing more in life than God, family, and freedom.”

Meanwhile on his wife, Jeanette’s LinkedIn page, she lists foster care provider as her full time job.

One of the couple’s daughters, Arianna Finicum Brown, 26, told the Oregonian that she wasn’t worried for her father’s safety during the standoff. She said, “I talked to him, and he said they were telling people to go if they weren’t there for the right reasons, they didn’t want anyone there who could make everything go bad. He had no plans to be violent. My dad was a really good guy.”

5. Ammon Bundy Has Been Arrested in Oregon

Ammon Bundy

Ammon Bundy pictured on his Facebook page.

KATU reports that Ammon Bundy and other members of the militia, including Ryan Payne, were arrested by the FBI and Oregon State Police on the night of January 26 during the traffic stop where Finicum was killed.

It’s unclear who shot first but one person was taken to a nearby hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Michele Fiore said that person was Ryan Bundy, another son of Cliven, who was shot in the arm.


The First Martyr Of The Movement, The FEDs Arrest Burns Protest Leadership | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

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Total 42 comments
  • Hope people will retaliate now. I wouldn’t mind if the FBI building now got bombed into the stone age. They have officially attacked the armed militia off the public defending us. Time to take em down guys, gather up, make your groups, start moving.

  • I knew they would escalate this, notice it was not gov employee killed. They just killed a foster parent.

    • Good! Those idiots had it coming!!!

      • Nyyk4, that comment shows your lack of compassion and intelligence.

        Are you one of those US citizens or a legal fiction or an artificial person?

  • Without true armor piercing rounds(the ones that can penetrate ar500 steel plates) these guys will not have a chance to stand up to a raid head on. It will be another waco event if they do not have access to a javelin or some kind of preplanned anti tank ieds that destroy tanks in the middle east. These guys would not stand up head on to militarized police without body armor, true armor piercing rounds and anti tank ieds to buy them time. If a raid does happen expect extreme gun control after about 12 cops die in a shoot out with military trained men with body armor. Expect high capacity magazines to be banned along with semi auto rifles and all other semi auto weapons, also expect redefinition of armor piercing rounds meaning that anything that can penetrate ceramic armor to be illegal to even possess, sell, or produce. Which is the false flag that they need to ban ammo for all rifles excluding low caliber ones.

    • Unfortunately you are correct.

    • obamavs1776…Wrong….All it takes to stop an armored vehicle is Molotov cocktails full of “Permanent Epoxy Paint” on the small windshields, at some point the rats have to exit, easy pickings.

  • its clear the federal government must be abolished there is nothing that can or will fix it! the states must come together and take back there powers from this corrupted organ of Satan, period! folks can manage there own affairs. this circus in Oregon did not represent anyone but a few wing nuts looking to make a name for them self’s? it served no purpose and made the movement look retarded out of touch with reality to me? the Hammond did not request there presents nor did the towers? rip dead dude i hope it was worth it? abolish the federal government its the only way then states act like independent countries with a few common links like transportation ports security.

  • Freedom fighters never lose a war. Thugs like the Clinton’s and obama clan didn’t learn their lessons, did they? I ask all Americans to watch for the total solar eclipse on March 8th. This is God’s way of eliminating the illegal authority from our lives. Everyone should take measures to protect communication devices while we watch the White House take over. I suspect the military, or military type people, will haul obama to the klink. A changing of the guard is close at hand. The action to take place can occur soon going forward to 90 days after the eclipse.

    • Man

      what is the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist. Their skin colour

      • Man-o pause… The difference between a hot steaming “turd” and you? 3 seconds.

      • Racist much? Take your paid opinions somewhere else.


  • Shots were fired from both sides no one knows yet who fired first but im getting it wasnt the FEDS. These people think they can take on the GOV and win? How stupid are they. You will always get whats coming to you. If he had not have been involved he would have been alive as i type this. He had options, he chose the wrong option.

    • Freedomofscreech, YOU FOOL. Do you not understand the spiritual element of this battle? Do you not know you are a slave? These people understand this, they aren’t afraid to die. They die FREE! That means something to me. I have one foot in the next world, I am dying, soon they will come to my door to kick me out into the street. The only way I will leave is FEET FIRST!! They can give me new locks all day long. I live in this house, their new locks will be nothing for me. You know what, cowards like you who can’t stand up for truth, better start running like the feds will when the people finally rise. It WILL happen. It has to because they will not give up their illegal positions. We will rip it from them! One way or another. The non violent way is the best way. But at some point, people will realize, it must be done. I hope this General Dunforth is understanding this and takes appropriate action to arrest these criminals.

  • Man

    what a martyr!

    already thousands of people are on the street shouting: Ranchers live matter!

    oh… wait

    • Rapist baby bombers lives matter?

      Explain to us WHY man?

    • Just shut up, the both of you. If you nor Im Aden can’t see where this is going, then you both are retarded.

  • A Great Divide ~ GE Ra Additive
    Additive ~ Avid ID ET
    In ‘a’ Sun Beam ~ Insane ‘a’ Bum

    • IN ‘a’ Sun Beam ~ AI ‘n’ UN’s ‘am’ Be……(10)

  • A true patriot doesnt abandon the Constitution and take up arms against the government. They forcefully took over federal land, in violation of all the laws they claim to uphold. They used violent force and intimidation.

    They are terrorists and the government was way too nice in trying to respect their “protest”.

    • A true government doesn’t kill citizens with their hands in the air, America is about to see their own tax dollars work against them now WALMART CAMPS are operational. :shock:

      • Cops are killing unnarmed kids for LOOKING threatening.

        A bunch of dudes with guns that took over federal property three weeks definitely falls under the term “threatening” especially when they say they are ready to fight and die for some cause they can only explain as “tyranny”.

        There is a court system in place, that was encoded int he Constitution, to allow them to redress their grievances without taking up arms.

        The truth is these people stole from taxpayers and wanted access to lands no other citizens get. The Bundy’s owe $1M in grazing fees. Why should they get to profit off land I help to pay for and maintain in tax dollars? They want a free hand out. They broke the laws. This revolution isnt justified, its delusional.

    • The Federal Government abandoned the constitution in 1913 with the starting of the unconstitutional Jew Federal Reserve. Actually the abandonment may have began much earlier as western territories became state and the Federal government laid claim to most of the land in many of the states. This is unconstitutional as it is spelled out how much federal land was to be granted and anything else need by the federal government negotiated with the state involved.
      This government is a corporate democracy not a Republic and well gone bad, just a matter of time before it receives it due in recompense for the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan at the end of WWII.
      I would not wish to live in NYC or Washington DC if you understand the law of recompense.

    • Gojiroiscoming: Wait a cotton pickin’ minute. The Constitution does not give the Federal Government any right to the land in Oregon, nor any other state, so what law was broken? These ranchers were trying to bring their plight to the attention of the people, and it didn’t work with you, for certain, as you seem to think the government can do no wrong.
      The Federal government is trying to steal the ranchers’ grazing land, as well as their ranch lands by intimidation, and it is for strategic minerals they’ve promised to foreign governments. While we argue about who was wrong, the powers behind the scenes are quietly and treasonously negotiating sales of uranium ore to Russia, of all countries. Please pay attention, and do your homework. There will be a short quiz in class Monday morning.
      [This all started with the arrest of a father and son ranch owners for doing a controlled burn on range land. They have been given inordinate sentences, and their land is being confiscated. Coincidentally, there is a large deposit of yellow cake on their property. Apparently, Steens Mountain has a rather large amount of the stuff, but it is a Federally protected wilderness - ah the irony of it all. (or is it uraniumy).]♠ :twisted: :cool:

  • Before anyone does anything, I am going to tell you the truth about what is happening.

    First, there are two different political systems operating here upon America:
    1. The republic
    2. A Legislative Democracy

    Each system is foreign to one another and each system has it’s own class of citizens.
    1. Citizens of one of the several States
    2. US Citizen (a federal “subject-class” citizen)

    If you are calling yourself a US citizen or making application and declarations to being a US citizen, you are subject-to all federal laws under a UNITED STATES corporation. You are in contract and this contract can be done by claiming a residence inside a federal territory (zip code), agreeing to being the NAMED legal fiction, social security #, birth certificates, drivers license & any other license, etc. There are so many adhesion contracts which tie you or bind you to their insular foreign jurisdiction.

    All that UNITED STATES system needs is just one single piece of evidence (which you voluntarily grant) of your attachment to their system and you are bound to all the federal rules and you cannot complain about a single thing! In fact, the agents in that system have complete power and authority over you and can operate without limitations.

    Everything that is done is by people’s voluntary consent.

    Next, do not engage in violence or warfare for unless you have at your disposal a military full of idiots who give their blind allegiance to a foreign, federal, bankrupted UNITED STATES, you will find yourself in a box six feet under or in one of their iron bar hotels. YOU CANNOT TAKE BACK YOUR RIGHTS BY A GUN! YOU MUST TAKE IT BACK BY A PEN (contract)!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do not give any authority or time or energy to anyone who is promoting violence instead of peace.

    Also, if you consider yourselves to be one of We The People upon the republic, then you cannot recognize any political office for all such offices upon the republic are vacant and giving any authority or even observation to such corporate actors who are acting as public servants is a HUGE MISTAKE. They are not our government and they have no authority to the republic nor oaths of office–no duty whatsoever!!!!!!

    Go to peace and start to learn these two jurisdictions. If you wish to know more, then ask me and I will point you in the right direction. I am not a leader nor your leader nor in any capacity an agent of that system. I am a man of peace and I am aware that most people are going to B*tch and complain and will not take responsibility for their conduct. Remember, if you have declared yourselves a US citizen or have any licenses, you have agreed to being in that system. If you are even using federal reserve notes, you are in that system…unless you understand how to control the contract.

    signed by a private man upon the republic, without prejudice

    • I fallow what you are saying and am myself quite fluient and understand the way things are the so called statutes and the dual citizennship and keeping the silk purse. the combining of the three powers the fact of being no live oporating article 3 courts and the maritime law being secretly impossedupon is and ect. ect. you stated that if anyone was in further need of assistance to contact you. ok well im at a very touchy cross road in my life and in need of some guidance because of the little time in which i have ant the wanting to make sure i am in good standings. I have won or overcome statutes before in court have boxed the judge in very nicelt respectablyly as harmless as a sheep but as wise as a serpant and it works only would you be willing to shed some light on or guide me where i may in this time i am overwhelmed and need some guidance . Thank you Sincerely Walkingdove

  • I had trouble hearing the lady in the first video so i put subtitles on and notice you tube have CHANGED the subtitles! see for yourselves

  • Not believing this!,, why him, and not BUNDY, OR OTHER FAMED ORGANIZERSl,, lol,, whats wrong with thi s picture?

    • EXACTLTY!!!!!!!! That is what so many are totally overlooking. This dude is just damn collateral damage (i.e. expendable and/or sacrifice). The damn FBI or the moron Bundy clan better be picking up the funeral tab of poor misguided Mr. Finicum.

  • Arrest all patriots.

    And blacks.

    • … and who’s left?

    • Why don’t you beat it back to the whore house before you get hurt out here?

  • I am sorry that Mr. Finicum was offered up as a sacrifice by the FBI and the Bundys. May his poor soul rest in peace.

  • Honorable and noble protest movement my ass! These men do not and did not represent “we the people”. They are a bunch of little whiners who thought they had some god given right to control land that was not theirs. Yeah we got big issues with federal overreach but if or when the day comes that the people stand against the government, it won’t be because of a lame ass bunch of babies that think they are patriots. They just wanted a free government tit for themselves to enrich their own families. Lavoy just wanted his 15 minutes of fame hoping to go down in history, these boys are a bunch of egomaniacs on a testosterone high. While it is not likely we can believe the government story of what happened the idea we can trust his daughter or some Bundy to tell us the truth is a joke. Lavoy has been very vocal that he would not be arrested and would rather die, but now we are to believe he had his hands up surrendering. If he was “honorable and noble” as a supposed true patriot then he would have to have went down shooting for his “cause”. If he did have hands up then he just proved he was another blathering BS tough guy without the balls to back up his talk. Which is it, cause you can’t have it both ways.

  • He is th the lucky one.

    Your going up against a dead corps aka fedmart

    They are bankrupt insolvent.
    Willing to burn the house down to cover their crimes against humanity.

    They are well entrenched deep underground bases

    With devastating weapons you know nothing about
    they control the airwaves

    They can detect the moment of a cockraoch from space and track it in real time.

    The have a weapon that can kill 60000 people a minute.

    The systems are orbiting above you.
    The manufactured machine artificial intelligence controlled fedmart corporation.
    Will have to be powered down by people that know how it ticks.
    And that’s not you.

    The best you can do at this time is opt out get off the grid and stop feeding the machine or die.
    Forget about revolution unless you are peaceful.
    The machine doesn’t have a plan for that.

    All it knows is logic.
    It doesn’t respond to human needs
    and neither does anyone that supports it.

    They are ignorant machines that fool you.
    More later.

  • A beast is about to be delivered are you ready to accept it?

  • US “Before It’s News” site exposed:
    US imperialism attacked against Russia by biological weaponsWW3: World War III has begun
    Civil war 2 is occuring New American People’s Revolution wins
    Jan. 28, 2016
    US “Before It’s News” site exposed a global major incident on Jan. 24, 2016; Renewal: Jan.29
    The USA attacked Russia by biological weapons. More US attack. Many Dead. Russia will attack shortly by biological weapons against the US.
    The site wrote: AMERICA, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THIS ATTACK AGAINST RUSSIA MEANS THAT RUSSIA WILL BE ATTACKING AMERICA – YOU AND ME AND OURS – WITH BIOLOGICAL AGENTS SHORTLY?/alternative/2016/01/gen-dunford-wtf-us-attacks-russia-with-biological-weapon-many-dead-3287392.html
    This is the beginning of WW3: World War III. It accelerated the outbreak of the new civil war and the New American People’s Revolution, which will win. “Before It’s News” wrote: The 2nd American Revolution Has Officially
    But, the US dictator, Rockefellers’ clique is trying to distort this revolution to the ex-Soviet Union type which was the national capitalism for holding the plutocratic slave domination system. On the contrary, the new revolution in US must realize the new society of everything gratuitouce services in all areas of social life of US, following the Destiny of the Creators and the development law of planets. Otherwise, the general cleaning of the Earth by the Creators is inevitable.
    [Important info] The Creators of the Space blocks control world doesn’t allow the WW3 absolutely. Collision of an asteroid in March, 2016 to the North of US has been put off once to the end of January,2016. But, it was put off
    later with regard to the result contents of the new american revolution. The new Catastrophe of the Earth originated from the US can come shortly.

  • The Clucker

    Stop and think! Where will Ground Zero be for you? Who will be your #1 “force” you will face in each and every city? Its your Local Police Officers! They are the Criminal Gov’s Army to keep you under their control, and once Martial Law starts, they will do everything in their power to contain you and your children and loved ones in your community! Each community needs to take 100% control over your Police department and officers so you can finally take your community back from the criminal element. So you all need to plan! You will not be facing the military, as they are at 1930, pre WW2 levels today, so you see, they will all be protecting all the most important criminal corp government officials, and bases! So if you want freedom, the only way really is for each city to remove their officers. Today, each cities judges, mayors and police are your major criminals in each city, so never forget. They each have the physical power and ability to say no to their criminal actions in your city, but they comply, so they are criminals in your city. Never forget, and let your community decide their fate for all the harmful crimes they are doing. Its one thing if they are forced to do what they are today, but they have the will NOT TO stop their criminal actions. Never forget who in your very own community caused this. What should be their penalty?


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