(Before It's News)
Lest we forget the
tyranny against and murder
of unarmed Americans
by the U.S.A. ‘government’
Waco – A New Revelation
Please watch! Download and save for your files in the event this documentary ‘disappears’.
This 1999 film opened Pandora’s box with an excellent examination of the events. Once again the crime goes all the way to the top with the true criminals never seeing the light of day.
The policies employed by our ‘government’ are not legal and continue to mock the Constitution, which is the Law of the Land. It is our Law, the peoples’ law, to keep the ‘government’ in check. Instead we have lost control of our country, which looks more like a criminal empire than a Republic.
For a country founded on Dissent and Revolution, we have evolved into slaves to a corporate Empire. History is not teaching us anything if we don’t remind ourselves of it once in a while.
For those of us who watched with horror this unbelievable unlawful unnecessary criminal cabal corporation U.S.A. terrorist event, we will NEVER FORGET – We will NEVER FORGET the evil and murderous intents and actions of the U.S.A. ‘government.’
The Clintons – Bill and Hillary – should have been executed for high treason against America and the innocents in this Waco tragedy, as well as the Mena, Arkansas, Washington DC and Benghazi murders committed at their direction.
Texans, for the most part, were well aware of the ‘government’s’ lies, propaganda and trumped up charges against Koresh and the entire ‘family.’ Many knew Koresh and the family, including the Sheriff, who had no issues with Koresh.
Even now in Oregon, Nevada and on ranchlands across the nation, this evil entity referring to itself as our ‘government’ carries on its lies, propaganda and its evil intents against the American people and the nation. For Americans to allow this tyranny to continue is to turn your lives over to your enemy and for you to execute your very own personal death sentences.
Watch and learn.
NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News