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Corey Goode 2-16-16 FB Post… “New Whistleblower? Really?” (and a couple of comments and replies)

Thursday, February 18, 2016 18:42
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sphere_being_alliance_logo_B_6Corey_Goode_headshot_ab_smile_adjust_3Saw this a couple days ago and felt the information could be helpful to some. Particularly significant about this, in my view, is that the “pointing” we may be receiving is to do this from the ground up, and not wait for any “White Hat gurus” to come down and save us all.

“Anyone else see the controlled partial disclosure I was briefed about occurring around us anywhere? I was told heavily credentialed people who have worked in the lower Military/Intelligence Secret Space Program are being prepped and coached to be whistleblowers and provide the public with the “truth”.

“All of this is occurring during the time of some major negotiations, threats and the beginning of the assaninations of a high up official or two to send a message that no one is untouchable nor will anyone at any level be tolerated standing in the way of the NEW systems.

“The meetings have been very interesting recently and the differences in the energy of the people in these meetings is tangible… The energetic waves that are hitting our planet in waves is also adding to the equation of how people act, feel, think and are negotiating.

SL CG, I believe your intentions are good, however, I am beginning to suspect you are being used in some way. And, I am losing trust in the SBA/SSP/Alliance to actually make a difference…

CG “I believe” that is the case for many in this community. That was the goal of multiple long term and clever infiltration programs that have been focused on this community. “IF” I or others are being used then let’s say we turn the tables around on who ever it is you think is using me/others and bring about a grassroots movement of unity and full disclosure… [Kp note: I align with this. I am seeing this type of thing happening in the Kingdom of Hawai’i, right now…]

SP I guess I don’t get why there are even negotiations. Why won’t the “white hats” just start data dumps?

CG There seem to only be “Grey Hats” negotiating against the current regime… The only whitehats in this scenario are the ones in our community… and the SBA/SSP Alliance/Inner Earth groups are all watching to see what (if anything) WE as a community, then us as a planetary people will do about it. The time for waiting for whitehats, lightforces/beings to save us is over. We are the saviors we have been waiting on…”


Corey FB Post 2-16-16 0129

Article about a new whistleblower:

Anyone else see the controlled partial disclosure I was briefed about occurring around us anywhere?

I was told heavily credentialed people who have worked in the lower Military/Intelligence Secret Space Program are being prepped and coached to be whistleblowers and provide the public with the “truth”. This same group had a direct message sent to me that I should back off of the full disclosure narrative as it is “irresponsible to the public”. The very next morning a Chinook Helicopter orbited my home at least 5 times and hovered over it once and we then received quick flyovers of military helicopters for three days/nights! There are no military helicopter bases nearby and this activity is beyond unusual (Esp the altitude i caught them flying on video)

I happened to get some of it on video and will debut the video at the Conscious Life Expo in L.A. on Friday (& then will post to my youtube channel).

All of this is occurring during the time of some major negotiations, threats and the beginning of the assaninations of a high up official or two to send a message that no one is untouchable nor will anyone at any level be tolerated standing in the way of the NEW systems.

As I recently found out the negotiations for this New NWO/Financial System are extremely close to their conclusion. The parties are now to a point to where everything will be decided in the middle of chaos or through what they are calling a peaceful transition.

The meetings have been very interesting recently and the differences in the energy of the people in these meetings is tangible…

The energetic waves that are hitting our planet in waves is also adding to the equation of how people act, feel, think and are negotiating. Dr. Michael Salla has been speaking to a new Lower SSP Whistleblower as will several other respected researchers in the near future if my sources are correct. TY, CG

– Article:
Whistleblower about to ‘lift lid on 1000s of UFO files’ is GENUINE, says ex-MoD man

Comments, with Corey responses:

SL CG, I believe your intentions are good, however, I am beginning to suspect you are being used in some way. And, I am losing trust in the SBA/SSP/Alliance to actually make a difference. Everyone seems to be waiting for somebody else to do something. I have reached a point where I think each of us is best served by working on ourselves to become as loving as possible. The controllers of this planet cannot IMO be overcome by us regular folk in any other way. We have no military or political power structure, nor economic power to resist the evil ones. The best course of action, IMO, is to make ourselves fearless and to love one another. Passive-aggressive action also would be good. I doubt a national work stoppage is doable, though.

Sphere Being Alliance “I believe” that is the case for many in this community. That was the goal of multiple long term and clever infiltration programs that have been focused on this community. “IF” I or others are being used then let’s say we turn the tables around on who ever it is you think is using me/others and bring about a grassroots movement of unity and full disclosure. They want division and negativity in the community, so lets give them a movement that fights against their agenda instead. If people think a person is mind controlled or compromised in some fashion their deeds will expose this. We have no one to blame for a partial disclosure if we do not at least try to overcome these belief systems or knee jerk reactions to threats against our reality bubbles. If we get a true disclosure we should all find ourselves re-evaluating “our truths” and have some major shifts in our paradigms. Don’t trust in the SSP, the SBA or any other outside forces. Trust in yourself, we need to stop looking outward. WE are the saviours we have been waiting for. NO one is going to do it for us! CG

SP I guess I don’t get why there are even negotiations. Why won’t the “white hats” just start data dumps? From what you’ve been saying, Corey, the people who are for partial disclosure are criminals anyway. Don’t we, as the actual citizens of this planet, have the right to know the truth, so we can start freeing ourselves from corrupt rulers? Basically, why are the white hats even negotiating with terrorists?

Sphere Being Alliance There seem to only be “Grey Hats” negotiating against the current regime… The only whitehats in this scenario are the ones in our community… and the SBA/SSP Alliance/Inner Earth groups are all watching to see what (if anything) WE as a community, then us as a planetary people will do about it. The time for waiting for whitehats, lightforces/beings to save us is over. We are the saviors we have been waiting on and now there are layers of other beings waiting for us to stand up. Some have expressed disappointment over the lack of action or unity in our community. We really need a grass roots global effort for full disclosure or we need to not complain when we receive a new 100 years of a new financial system and a partial disclosure. IMHO, CG


Gaiam TV link (with credit (support) given to Corey): (hey… don’t worry, it does go to GaiamTV)

Corey’s Sphere Being Alliance Store:

Donate to GoodETxSG’s work (to cover travel expenses, etc.); click the “Donate” button on any page. Website:

Twitter: SphereBeingAlliance (@BlueAvians) Corey’s TOT Forum Thread (now closed)

Questions for Corey: Click the “Ask Question” button at the top of the page.

David Wilcock: (Donate to David’s work)

Filed under: apocalypse, cabal, disclosure, energies, new energies, partners in contrast Tagged: Corey Goode, Sphere Being Alliance


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