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Deep Cover At Civilians Against CopBlock Led To Extreme Larrynoia

Monday, February 15, 2016 14:50
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(Before It's News)

Even though we publicly admitted to being behind the farce that is Civilians Against CopBlock, people are still taking that page more seriously than ever. At first we thought that was kind of fun. Hell, we don’t care where you get our articles from, so long as you are reading them. But having lost a comrade in all the confusion we created, we thought it only right to warn of the paranoia that can come when you forget that overzealous police support is all just a big joke.

Larry Kiddey was one of our deepest undercover agents. He was singly responsible for bringing in many of the pawns who still believe that CACB is a genuine attempt to discredit us, and not just some publicity sideshow we dreamed up late one night after too much coffee. Yes, there are people at CACB who are not in on the joke but that just goes to show how effective Larry was because who else could get his own (hand selected) trolls to run the page. It doesn’t matter if the people doing your publicity like you or not, so long as they do your bidding. Larry went deep into the world of syCOPhants and found many of these people to recruit them. After awhile he became so bold as to actually start creating content for and became a ‘double agent’.

This went alright for awhile, but trying to keep two separate narratives straight eventually started to have disastrous effects. He began to experience a crisis of belief. Paranoia, or as we now like to call it- Larrynoia, soon kicked in. By the end of last fall, he left CopBlock hurriedly and unannounced, and ditched all of the friends he had made among us with no explanation. I was nonplussed that someone who I thought was my friend would just up and split like that. I was even more confused when I started getting strange paranoid messages from him threatening to take action against us for ‘stealing his Google AdSense account’. I tried rationally explaining that we had nothing to do with AdSense and could not have stolen his account even if we wanted to, which we did not. He was not hearing me at all. Larrynoid began making even more bombastic claims intermixed with drama queen threats to get revenge and not-so-subtle preludes to suicide. After that, I did not hear from him for awhile.

Then recently he began making anti-CopBlock videos but didn’t create a new channel and merely changed the name of his former CB channel. Guess he’s fine with riding the riches of his former content being published here to his new demographic, even though he despises everything CB (except his fan base). In them, the over-medicated and mentally frail emo hillbilly gives long diatribes which are supposed to discredit his former colleagues. In this he fails. Just a few videos in he changed tactics and began outright mocking people who were once his friends and had never provoked him in any way. It seems that the paranoia that was born of his playing both sides of the fence has gotten on top of Larry.

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Click banner to see if you’re a CopSucker like Larry.

On top of this, he began having romantic ideas towards women formerly associated with CopBlock that he never stood a chance with. When these women ignored or shunned his advances, and paired off with far more valuable suitors, Larry became enraged. This was the point in which the Larrynoia caught up with him. After months of watching the poor lonely chimp whine on Facebook about not being able to find love, he finally cracked under the pressure of his pre-existing instability. Yet he was unable to recognize that this was the true reason he had to get away from us, and in a classic case of denial, asserted it was CopBlock that was out to get him, and became a champion against his former allies.

Today Larry is making really stupid and boring videos as well as still contributing to CACB, even though he knows full well the truth of its genesis. We also suspect that he is behind the Facebook pages- ‘Down with Deo‘ and ‘Joshua Scott Hotchkin Is A Total Moron‘, and perhaps more anti-CopBlock materials we have not found yet. His videos show a lonely man, crazed and in a pharmaceutical haze, a consequence of treating his Larrynoia through modern medicine. We are worried about Larry. We have been noticing a pattern of people within the activist community who fall prey to paranoia and depression. We hope that his tale will be a cautionary one that informs other activists to get involved only insofar as their frail emotional states and splintered egos can handle it. Too much can destroy you. Having become the most successful double agent in the CopBlock/CACB ring, Larry’s existing issues were exacerbated and led to the broken man you see today. May we all learn that each of us has limits and then seek the wisdom to know when we are stepping over our own lines.

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We wish you the best, Larry. Please do not use us as a reference.

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Deep Cover At Civilians Against CopBlock Led To Extreme Larrynoia is a post from Cop Block – Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights


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