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Any comments please: Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory [and from another] Scientists are claiming a stunning discovery in their quest to fully understand gravity. They have observed the warping of space-time generated by the collision of two black holes more than a billion light-years from Earth. The international team says the first detection of these gravitational waves will usher in a new era for astronomy. It is the culmination of decades of searching and could ultimately offer a window on the Big Bang. The research, by the LIGO Collaboration, has been published today in the journal Physical Review Letters. The collaboration operates a number of labs around the world that fire lasers through long tunnels, trying to sense ripples in the fabric of space-time. The black hole merger was picked up by two widely separated LIGO facilities in the US. The merger radiated three times the mass of the sun in pure gravitational energy. Gravitational waves are prediction of the Theory of General Relativity.
From the start of the ZetaTalk saga we have been asked to explain gravity, which man tends to describe as a “force” as his lack of understanding about this phenomena is so great. Gravity is a particle flow, and as with most particle flows the gravity particles are both attracted to each other and explode apart from each other when crowding occurs. Why God so structured his Universe in this manner is not known, but what it causes is constant motion. Electrons chase each other and run away from each other, for instance, as do magnetons. Gravitons are a mystery to mankind as where the attraction part is clear, the blowing apart, ie the Repulsion Force, has only been explained by ourselves, the Zetas. Man is still floundering and groping toward this understanding.
During the sci.astro debates, Nancy presented our description of the Repulsion Force to astronomers on the sci.astro Usenet to much ridicule. She proved this to them with asimple exercise – computing why the Moon remains up in the sky using two of mankind’s favored math theorems – Newton’s Centrifugal Force and the Inverse Square Law of gravity attraction. To quote the result “These figures showed a massive Moon, per the Inverse Square law, of millions of trillions of metric tons of equivalent weight if on the surface of the Earth, moving at a rate of only 1023 m/s.” Would an object of this weight be able to stay above the surface of the Earth due to Centrifugal Force, moving barely faster than a Concord Jet?
Faced with this demonstration that the Repulsion Force of gravity exists, the arrogant astronomers of sci.astro increased their ridicule of ZetaTalk. Now, with the capture on film of two black holes colliding, proof of two concepts is at hand – Gravitational waves predicted in Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity and proof of the ZetaTalk Repulsion Force. Of course the intense gravity particle clumping at the center of black holes would be increased during a collision. Of course this would result in the particles blowing out to escape this crowding. Thus, what are being called gravity waves, each escape of particles creating a void behind the wave, thus encouraging the next wave to follow.