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Info About Annual Membership to Earth Heal

Friday, February 5, 2016 17:22
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(Before It's News)

4 February 2016

 - Join us as an annual member of Earth Heal, and be included in all of our group distant healing events for the coming year, starting with the Full Moon event for animals and animal lovers on 22 February 2016.

EH members are included in all of our group distant healing events for the coming year, and can take out individual or group memberships.

Members receive the benefits of regular distant healing work while contributing to the healing work being done for the collective energy field of the planet, and are e-mailed detailed reports of what comes up for the participants as a group in each event, as well as the steps that come up on a planetary level – information that is not published on the net. Members may also include family members, pets, friends, colleagues etc. as guests in the events.

Earth Heal – News For An Earth In Transition


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