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LaVoy Finicum: The Villain They Murdered

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 1:11
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Total 5 comments
  • Lavoy talks about Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. He is correct in his analogy that all of this is about “worship” of the modern day system, which is controlled by a single head or king, just as it was in 600 B.C. Who is that single head of this last global empire? Who is the modern day NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE GREAT who rules over BABYLON THE GREAT?

    • Yep it is strongly believed that the United States is the whore of Babylon and is to be destroyed….

      • A woman is the symbol of a church in the Bible (Bride of Christ being the faithful church). An unfaithful woman is used to denote an unfaithful or ‘harlot’ church. Revelation speaks of ‘a woman arrayed in purple and scarlet’ who is the MOTHER OF HARLOTS or head of all false churches.

        She is recognized as having a gold cup in her hand full of the blood of the saints. (the Inquisitions, Crusades, Wars, Assassinations, Covert Killings, etc.)

        Rev 17:4-6 KJV And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

        The woman rides the beast, or has the reins of the global governing system, the empire. Therefore, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS is the Roman Catholic church who has at its head the Papacy who is king of BABYLON THE GREAT.

        Incidentally, you might do a Google image search for:
        “purple, gold, and scarlet woman”

  • Is there a petition against the Oregon governor for ordering this unConstitutional attack against innocent peaceful protestors?

  • Division of the masses through religeous and political ideologies has been the favored tactic of the “powers that be” since the time of the earths´ last great flood, and probably before as well. Human beings are naturally programmed to have opposing views. Concepts such as yin and yang or good and evil are two sides of the same coin, and ultimately reference the two halves of the human brain. Love and hate may be labeled as such as well and by simply looking around at the world today, anyone can discern which side of the coin is facing up at the moment. Whether you are republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, anarchist, muslim, christian, catholic, mormon, wiccan, atheist, white, black, brown, yellow, or red means absolutely nothing. We are all human beings and as such entitled to our opinions. Governments and Religeons need to stay out of that aspect of our lives, or at the very least they should not be encouraging division. Telling people they cant express how they feel about someone else through words is ridiculous. We have allowed laws to be passed that punish people with the loss of their freedoms and monetary levies, on the basis of NAME CALLING! Get real people….What ever happened to eye for an eye? You call me a name, then I call you one. Do you know what all of these laws do? They cause frustration and more division. This leads to hate and violence, war and death. Why do I say this? Because words are like pressure release valves. Ever seen what happens to a kettle on a stove if you block the release valve? BOOM! This is such plain and simple logic that one would wonder how the governments around the world and religeous leaders could not foresee such a result stemming from their policies. The answer is that they do see it. They see it and love it because war means money and war means less people on this planet. How about only punishing people for actual harm done to another PERSON? I am so sick of these laws against victimless crime being used to incarcerate millions of people on the lowest end of economic ladder, while those at the top wage war and kill countless innocents that they label collateral damage. When will the people these governments are supposed to protect finally say enough is enough? The reason these radical groups exist is because they have been censored and oppressed to the point of what we call terrorrism. These jihadists are just weapons created by the powers that be. Just like the Catholics were used during the crusades and spanish inquisition. It´s a GAME people! And the masses are the pawns.

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