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Now Legal to Kill Christians in America – Article and Video

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 14:48
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THE CASE AGAINST NOAHIDE LAW rainbow_court1 4adf48514b77ef288064efe88cdf9f46 Source: Stop Noahide Law ED Noor: Americans in their current Islamophobic fervor seem to be terrified of the imposition of Shariah Law upon the nation.

They are completely unaware that their nation has already been sold over and that their American legal system has been hijacked by the Talmudics and that their once Napoleonic judicial system has been altered into a truly “jewdicial system”.

“On October 16th [2004], president Bush signed into law the global anti-semitism review act, designed to force the entire world into never being critical of the Jews, whatever their actions.

“This act establishes a special department within the United States state department to monitor global anti-semitism, which is to report annually to congress. “This act defines a person as being anti-semitic if they purport any of the following beliefs: ~ Any assertion, “that the Jewish community controls government, the media, international business and the financial world.” ~ The expression of, “strong anti-Israel sentiment.” ~ Expressing, “virulent criticism,” of Israel’s leaders, past or present. The state department gives an example of this occurring when a swastika is portrayed in a cartoon decrying the behaviour of a past or present Zionist leader.

~ Any criticism of the Jewish religion or its religious leaders or literature with the emphasis on the Talmud and Kabbalah. ~ Any criticism of the United States government and congress for being under undue influence by the Jewish – Zionist community, which would include Jewish organisations such as American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). ~ Any criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism or what some call the, “New World Order.”

~ Placing any blame on Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ. ~ Citing any facts that could in any way diminish the, “six million,” figure of holocaust victims. ~ Claiming that Israel is a racist state. ~ Making any claim that there exists a, “Zionist conspiracy.” ~ Offering proof that Jews and their leaders created communism and the bolshevik revolution in Russia.

~ Making, “derogatory statements about Jewish persons.” ~ Asserting that spiritually disobedient Jews do not have the biblical right to re-occupy Palestine.

~ Making any allegations of Mossad involvement in the 9/11 attack. And now, let us get into the nitty gritty of the Noahide Laws, something this blog has been exposing for several years now. “All Israelites will have a part in the future world.

The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell”. ~ Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha . PUBLIC LAW 102-14 AND THE NOAHIDE LAWS Public Law 102-14 is an American Federal law which states that the “Seven Noahide Laws” (Jewish Laws from the Talmud) are the principle on which the United States was founded and that it is the responsibility of America to transmit these “ethical values” to future generation both in the United States and the world.

But what are these so-called “ethical values” known as the “Seven Noahide Laws” and what implications do they have for non-Jews? index PUBLIC LAW 102-14 HONORS ANTI-GENTILE RABBI Public Law 102-14 not only states that the Seven Noahide Laws are the principles upon which the American Nation was founded, it also honors Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of the Lubavitch Movement (also known as Chabad) as being a “great spiritual leader”. According to Rabbi Schneerson, the Noahide Laws are to be kept by force if possible and if not by “pleasantness and peace”.

This same Rabbi also stated that non-Jews are inferior to Jews, saying that they have “satanic souls” and their lives are worth nothing except as service to Jews. Why would the USA honor such a Rabbi who preaches the most militant form of Noahide Law and who obviously hates non-Jews?

ED Noor: “It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not ~ they will be killed.” ~ Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg “THE DIVINE CODE” AND THE CHIEF RABBIS OF ISRAEL After learning about Public Law 102-14 and the Noahide Laws, discriminatory Jewish religious laws which threaten freedom of religion, freedom of speech and sexual expression in the United States and the world, we wanted to learn a little more about modern Jewish opinion on this matter.

We are fortunate because in 2008 a book on Noahide Law was published in Jerusalem entitled “The Divine Code”. Better still, the book was reviewed by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Let’s see what “The Divine Code” and the Chief Rabbis have to say about Noahide Law. AV10 NOAHIDE LAW, THE PHARISEES & THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD American Public Law 102-14 enshrines the “Seven Noahide Laws” as the “ethical values” upon which the United States was founded.

The law also asserts that it is the nation’s “responsibility” to transmit these “ethical values” to the generations of the future. We read in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia that under these laws, those who practice other faiths, blaspheme against Judaism or commit “adultery” are to be punished by death and that non-Jews are commanded to set up “courts of justice” to judge the masses upon these laws.

It would also seem that the Chief Rabbis of Israel also support the Noahide Laws being commanded upon non-Jews from their blessings upon the 2008 book “The Divine Code“.

But where did these ideas about Noahide Law come from? Noahide Law is not some bizarre aberration of Judaism, it is fundamental and central to Jewish cannon. In which Jewish holy book can we find the Noahide Laws?

To answer these questions, we need to learn a little about the most important of all Jewish scriptures,The Babylonian Talmud. NOAHIDE LAW (Public Law 102-14) WAS PASSED BY ONLY FOUR CONGRESSMEN Many American find it hard to believe that congress would pass Public Law 102-14 (The Noahide Laws) if they were truly detrimental to the freedoms of non-Jews.

Aren’t most people in congress non-Jewish?

Why would they pass a law that was against their own interests?

According to former congressman Bill Dannemyer (this is not an endorsement of him), Public Law 102-14 was passed on the vote of only four congressmen, when 99% of congress was absent.

If his testimony and the testimony of his wife Dr. Day (again, not an endorsement) are accurate, then 99% of congress never voted on Public Law 102-14.

Why was such an important proclamation passed with the consent of only 1% of congress? ED Noor: By Congressman Dannemyer serving at the time. An excellent read.

Basically they passed this using the same conniving methods they utilized when signing the Federal Reserve Act back in 1903. NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANS guillo IAJL AND COLPA, NOAHIDE LAW AND TALMUDIC EXECUTION IN THE USA Ever since the Jewish Talmudic Noahide Laws were introduced into the American legal system back in 1991, some members of the Jewish legal community have been using deceptive practices and outright lies to introduce Jewish Talmudic Laws into the Supreme Court, particularly in the area of capital punishment and execution law.

Execution is a legal issue of importance to those seeking to implement Noahide Law in the United States since Noahide Law calls for the decapitation of anyone who practices “idolatry” (which includes Christianity) or blasphemes the Jewish god.

Here we will briefly discuss which organizations are infiltrating the Supreme Court, preparing it for the acceptance of Talmudic Law and how they are deceiving the public into accepting Talmudic execution laws (particularly decapitation) in the United States. MJ+2015+Noahide+Jewish+Shariah+7 ED Noor: Bush Jr. Signing this infamous duplicitous law which had nothing to do with education and everything to do with signing in the Rebbe’s dream of establishing the Noahide Laws in America.

This photo provided by the Supreme Court shows President Bush, left, meeting with members of the Supreme Court during the investiture ceremony of Chief Justice John Roberts, second from right, in the Chief Justice’s Conference Room at the court in Washington, Monday, Oct. 3, 2005.

From left are, the president, Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter, Antonin Scalia, Roberts, and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. (AP Photo/Ken Heinen, Pool) This photo provided by the Supreme Court shows President Bush, left, meeting with members of the Supreme Court during the investiture ceremony of Chief Justice John Roberts, second from right, in the Chief Justice’s Conference Room at the court in Washington, Monday, Oct. 3, 2005. From left are, the president, Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter, Antonin Scalia, Roberts, and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. (AP Photo/Ken Heinen, Pool) US PRESIDENT AND SUPREME COURT JUSTICES PRAISE JEWISH LAW The Jews of America and Zionist Israel have not been satisfied with simply enshrining their supremacist, virulent and dangerous Noahide Laws into the United States government via Public Law 102-14.

They have been working steadily to further encroach their Talmudic hegemony into the US, and they have won over our Presidents and Supreme Court Justices. On November 5th, 2002 a Kosher dinner was held at the Supreme Court to celebrate the launch of the International Institute for Judaic Law (IIJL) [currently defunct].

This kosher dinner was attended by three of the Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer, and Antonin Scalia, some of whom provided their letters of approval to the founder of the institute, Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Dr. Noson Gurary. President George W. Bush also sent his greetings and approval for the institute and Jewish Law. One of the stated purposes of IIJL was to promote the application of Jewish Law and Philosophy in contemporary society.

The Jewish Noahide Laws and Philosophy of the Talmud are inherently biased against non-Jews, promoting their general second-class citizenship and even extermination, so why is the President of the USA and Supreme Court giving credence to such an Jewish supremacist legal system? christian-zionism-israel-1024×6111-604×2701 NOAHIDE LAW…BUT ISN’T ISRAEL SECULAR?

When Americans learn about Public Law 102-14 and the Noahide Laws, many are quick to dismiss the threat because “Israel is a secular nation” and would never push for religious laws… how far this is from the truth! Today, Jews and their supporters drum the misconception that Israel is a “secular sate”. Israel is a “Jewish sate”, a Zionist state, a religious state and this is very obvious from Israel’s legal system.

The nation of Israel has no constitution, on purpose, because this would force the nation to choose between “secularism” and halacha (Jewish Law). Israel does however have state appointed and funded Rabbis and Rabbinical Courts.

The Rabbis of Israel have gained control of and have implemented religious law in the sectors of marriage, divorce and adoption and are seeking to develop greater influence over the nation’s military and education sectors.

A nation which does not have a constitution of secularism but does have state religious figures with legal powers is not a “secular state”; it is a pseudo-theocracy at best. Surprisingly, recent polls have suggested that support for Halacha law over democracy is very high within the nation of Israel. IT IS NOT “ANTI-SEMITIC” TO CRITICIZE NOAHIDE LAW When criticizing the international Jewish legal system known as Noahide Law (Public Law 102-14 in America), one is often accused of being “anti-Semitic”.

To call someone an “anti-Semite” implies they have issues with “Semitic” people, and thus you are equating them with being something akin to a racist. It can be stated that Noahide Law is just that, a law, and so opposing this law is no less “racist” than opposing Islamic Sharia law or Communism.

A legal text is not a group or people, it is not an ethnicity, and it is not a race, so to oppose it cannot be “anti-Semitic”. However, there is a deeper question that needs to be answered here, are Jew’s really a race or ethnicity?

When we look at modern laws in Israel, Jewish theology, and claims by modern Jewish geneticists, we can see that Judaism has been conflated with “Semitism”, they are not the same thing. Criticism of Noahide Law and Judaism in general has nothing to do with hatred for any race or ethnicity, it has to do with opposing deleterious ideology, nothing more, nothing less. 20130825184536742 CHRISTIANS UNDER NOAHIDE LAW When many Christian learn about Noahide Law and the Talmud, they wrongly believe that the injunctions against “heathens” do not apply to them.

Little do Christians know that according to Jewish Law, to be Christian is worse than being a “heathen” since Christians are considered “heretics” and “apostates”. Indeed, according to the Talmud, becoming Christian is one of the worst sins one can commit, and Jesus himself is harshly admonished for being a sorcerer, blasphemer and a whore monger. starofdavidgay1 LGBTQ UNDER NOAHIDE LAW ED Noor:

The seven Noahide laws, as traditionally enumerated are:

Do Not Deny God Do Not Blaspheme God Do Not Murder Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships Do Not Steal Do Not Eat of a Live Animal Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience Should the LGBTQ community be worried about Public Law 102-14 and the Jewish Noahide Laws? Absolutely.

According to traditional interpretations of Noahide Law, the law against “adultery” includes homosexuality, and like adulterers, homosexuals would be killed under Noahide Law.

The Talmud is full of commands to kill homosexuals, classing them with persons who have sex with animals. Non-Jews accused of homosexuality could be executed at any time in a Noahide court upon the testimony of one witness and upon the verdict of just one judge; Jews on the other hand would need two witnesses to their “crime” of homosexuality and could not be executed unless they were brought before a panel of 71 judges (the Sanhedrin).

Further, some Rabbis of the Talmud make prejudicial assumptions, stating that Jews are generally not thought to practice homosexuality, thus providing Jews with a biased favor before the court.

Talmudic Law obviously has an inherent bias against non-Jews who have been accused of this so-called “sin” and non-Jewish LGBTQs are obviously in greater danger of persecution under Noahide Law than Jewish LGBTQs. “ADULTERY” UNDER NOAHIDE LAW, ONLY A CRIME FOR WOMEN? Adultery is a “crime” under Jewish Noahide Law, one for which non-Jews are to be decapitated. But what is the Jewish definition of adultery?

Many might be surprised to learn that under usual circumstance, only a woman can be accused of adultery under Jewish Law, while Jewish men are free to engage in extramarital sex and keep sex slaves, even having sex with non-Jewish infants as young as three years old.

Meanwhile, woman only accused of adultery were stripped naked and put on public display during the Talmudic times. Are these the type of “morals” we want in the USA (Public Law 102-14) or around the world? While many will point to the fact that such practices are not taking place today, according to Halachic material, this is only because current Israeli society has been corrupted by foreign influence (as during Roman times), something that Noahide advocates are working to correct. kings_torah MURDER UNDER NOAHIDE LAW, BUT WHAT COUNTS AS MURDER? One of the Seven Noahide Laws is “do not murder”; who could disagree with that? Well, it depends on your definition of murder.

According to the Jewish Law of the Talmud, there is no penalty for killing a person indirectly, thus Jewish law provides provisions for killing others (even other Jews) via starvation, exposure, suffocation, and more. But, this principle only applies to Jews.

Non-Jews who commit these same crimes are sentenced to death. Noahide Law (Public Law 102-14) is inherently biased in favor of Jews, and resembles nothing close to what would be considered common morality or ethics. ED Noor: Read about The King’s Torah, a modern Israeli publication by several prominent rabbis. THE UGLY FACE OF THE ZIONIST JIHAD madadlld NOAHIDE LAW AGAINST THEFT…JEWS CAN STEAL FROM NON-JEWS One of the Seven Noahide Laws from the Jewish Talmud is “Do Not Steal”.

That sounds pretty reasonable right?

But did you know that according to the Talmud Jews are given full permission to steal from non-Jews? And don’t forget, Jews are not prosecuted for stealing small amounts of money, but non-Jews are. 150717_sanhedrin Members of the modern Sanhedrin in Israel. NOAHIDE JUDGES, UPHOLDING “THEOCRATIC LAW” The seventh and final law of the Seven Noahide Laws (Public Law 102-14) is to “appoint courts of justice”.

But what kind of American courts would uphold Jewish law? According to the reputable Jewish legal source, the Mishneh Torah (aka Rambam) written by the famous Jewish scholar Maimonides, non-Jews are to set up “theocratic courts” whose judges are learned in “Torah” and who do no “pervert” the law with secular logic.

Non-Jews who fail to set up theocratic Jewish courts in their nations are subjected to mass execution. If this were not enough, it may (or may not) be required for non-Jews to appoint theocratic kings among themselves who will ensure that the nation is upholding Noahide Law. The United States was founded upon the principle of separation of Church and State, so what is such a law as Public Law 102-14 doing in our federal legal system? THE NOAHIDE LAW AGAINST “IDOLATRY” PROHIBITS MUCH MORE THAN JUST BOWING BEFORE STONE The very first of The Seven Jewish Noahide Laws (American Public Law 102-14) is “No Idolatry”.

Well most people don’t bow before graven images, so does it really matter if such practices are outlawed?

“Idolatry” under Jewish Noahide Law encompasses much much more than simply banning people from bowing before statues. According to Jewish legal scholars, to avoid “idolatry”, one must: ~ accept Jewish Torah; ~ accept Jewish prophets and teachers; ~ and give obedience to Jewish courts.

~ Also, one must not accept non-Jewish scriptures; ~ not follow non-Jewish prophets or priests. All non-Jewish religious temples and paraphernalia are to be destroyed and any attempts to proselytize a non-Jewish religion will lead to execution. In addition, under the Noahide Law which abolishes “idolatry”, non-Jews can be executed for doing something as simple as consulting astrologers or getting a tattoo.

Finally, non-Jews are commanded to not love those who practice idolatry and to even hate them. jewish+racism8 jewish-racism-chosen NOAHIDE LAW MAY HAVE RACIST UNDERTONES ED Noor: “MAY” have racist UNDERtones!? See images above. Public Law 102-14 in the United States and the Jewish Noahide Laws are of concern to all non-Jews.

The Noahide Laws are rules created by Jews for non-Jews, and these rules relegate us to a 2nd class status. But there are layers to this 2nd class citizenship for non-Jews under Jewish Talmudic law. Did you know that according to the Talmud, the same book which gives us the Noahide Laws, that African people are considered to be cursed? That’s right, according to the Talmud the “negro” race was produced through a curse on Noah’s son Ham.

Since it is the Talmud which informs Noahide Law in general, and it is from Jewish Talmudists that we are informed on the laws, it is certainly possible that some of this Talmudic racism could bleed through, infecting the already nefarious Noahide Laws with a new layer of hate, anti-African racism. Anti-African racism in Israel might be a good indicator for the temper in which Rabbis might promote the Noahide Law among non-Jews. random-91 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GER TOSHAV AND A NOAHIDE?

When speaking about Noahide Law with either Jews or Noahides, sometimes a person who is either misinformed or even willingly trying to deceive you will proclaim that there is no reason to worry about Noahide Law since according to Jewish theology, no “Ger Toshav” can be accepted at this time. According to Jewish Law, a “Ger Toshav” can only be accepted during a time when the nation of Israel has instated a holiday called the Jubilee, and the modern nation of Israel has not done this.

However, this logic is deceptive, since the speaker is either accidentally or intentionally conflating a “Noahide” with a “Ger Toshav”, they are not the same thing! FURTHER EDUCATION: CHABAD QUOTES ***** ALTERNATIVE SATURDAY CARTOONS: JULY 4, 2015: RAINBOW FLAG SPECIAL



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Total 10 comments

  • Blah Blah!! Anti Jewish is Anti Christian because we are brothers with the same FATHER.You can reap what you sew the same as the rest of us.When Yahshua comes and takes the thrown in YISRAEL you will be too anti semetic to travel there and Join him then?? Yahshua came to die on that cross and he was successfull was he Not? Keep Pushing The Arab Agenda Mate.But you and the like will be sorry.The Barbarians Always Eat The Dupes Last.

    • lol, jewry and christianity are as alike as a kitty cat and a bag of vipers.
      the term ‘judeo-christian’ was created by jews, for jews.
      by the way, i guess you will be dessert?

    • …A couple of thousand years ago, some choices were made that changed forever the “brotherhood” that you speak of. Modern day Israel has absolutely no player in this game, but the city of Jerusalem. And that is the only part of this puzzle that IS certain. The coming “false messiah”, will exalt himself, and set himself up, there. It is written.

  • …Very good and true information….
    …The coming NWO, Satanist devils can kill me, but they can’t change my mind about any of this crap we have inherited from those who have sold us out….lock, stock and barrel–OUR GOVERNMENT, at the orders of the hybridized, impostors…from the bloodline of the serpent that “sired’ their progenitor….Cain…. Kenites. Those, that Christ called the synagogue of Satan. They have worked, very intelligently and stealthily, at the devil’s behest for the last two thousand years, to destroy, the truth, the New Testament, and the message of the ‘good news’ of the demise of Satan and ALL his worshipers, everywhere… that IS CONTAINED, therein.
    …Apparently, Satan thinks that if he can get the population of the world to “believe” in him as the ‘savior’…he can, somehow get his death sentence reversed.
    …The next age is coming at us sooner than most believe, and makes the whole point of Satan’s “last stand” completely moot. The coming New Age, does not include flesh (this ‘physical reality’)….It is a spiritual reality…No need for LEADERS there…only our God, YHVH. Satan has no power, at all, at the sounding of the seventh trump. The sixth is sounding, now…can you hear it?
    … Between this moment and the seventh trump, Satan has “all the power”…except, over those who are ‘the body of Christ’. :cool:

  • Read the Bible cock.Yahweh Gave 6 laws to Adam.These laws were passed onto Noah and included 1 extra law.Noah was instructed to write them on a piece of Hide(animal Skin).
    1.Do not Deny God
    2.Do not Blaspheme God
    3.Do not commit Murder
    4.Do not commit illicit sexual relations
    5.Do not steal
    6.Do not eat any part of a “living” animal
    7.Establish courts through out the land to ensure obedience to these laws.
    These are the laws governing all men upon the face of the earth mate.If the world had done as Yahweh said.We wouldn’t be facing Harsh Tribulations that we cuurently are.But you keep your evil views if you so wish.That is your own problem but do not attempt to pervert more humans along the way.

    • nath,

      don’t cherry pick the rules that make judaism look like a tea party.
      read the talmud to see that the jews have one set of laws for themselves and another horrific set for the goyim.

      we are facing harsh times today for the actions of the jews who control banking, media, law, politics and everything else, through subversion, infiltration and trickery.

      this is why we are all up the creek. period. think about it.

    • The Noahide laws are cheap Babylonian Talmud counterfeits of the commandments, statutes and judgments.

      Under Noanide laws Christians are to be beheaded for Idolatry.

      Only one witness instead of two are needws to convict anyone of a crime.

    • nath,

      Sorry to bother you, but the truth is that Noah, as stated, NEVER EXISTED. The person the people of the Torah (really the Tor) referred to was called Utnapishtim (father of the Day) who then later somewhere else became known as Zarathrustra. He became quite popular, thus his life story became part of their legends, but He was as Jewish as a Pitbull is nonviolent or feline. He was aware of the being you speak but he did not call the Master his father, nor would dare to. He followed his orders to the letter only to avoid certain death at the Master’s brutal hand. He worshipped something else, better and more palatable to his refined taste. If only we were so lucky today!! Sorry. You clearly do not know your history and the propaganda the Master has used for millenia. :eek:

  • Good article as the Noahide laws were signed into law in 1991 under George HW Bush the NWO father.

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