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Scalia Hit Unravels: The Perps Left Clues at the Crime Scene … On Purpose!

Monday, February 15, 2016 6:05
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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today



Justice Scalia’s ‘Natural Death’—Cui Bono?
And Why They Did It?

SOTN Editor’s Note:
No matter how you look at the unexpected death of Justice Antonin Scalia, “something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. Quite rotten indeed!

Here we go again with another Perfect Storm where law enforcement, the county coroner’s office, the local judge, and even Scalia’s family all made the perfectly wrong moves at the perfectly wrong times.


How does such a high-profile death of the longest-serving SCOTUS jurist get treated with so much neglect and nonchalance, except by calculation?  PURE calculation.

There is no question that President Barack Obama’s greatest enemy — OF ALL TIME — was Justice Antonin Scalia.  No one, and we repeat, no one even came close to making Obama’s life miserable like Justice Scalia did.

Where the fiber of Justice Scalia’s very being was made of the same stuff as the U.S. Constitution, Obama shreds the Constitution moment to moment.  Where the Bill of Rights was the lifeblood of Justice Scalia’s body of judicial work, Obama tears it up daily.

For those who are uninitiated in the arcana of constitutional law, it ought to be clearly understood that Justice Scalia held firm to the original intent of the Constitution.  It was in this manner that he became the de facto constitutional law professor schooling Obama on the profound deficiencies and defects of his deeply flawed understanding of the Constitution.  After all, Obama has been presented to the world-at-large as a ‘Professor of Constitutional Law’!

In fact it could probably be said that it was Justice Scalia’s genuine commitment to “Constitutional Originalism” that got him killed.

Antonin Scalia’s Death Could Mark End of Constitution

The Crime Scene and the Message It Sends

Wittingly or unwittingly, the critical clues surrounding a murder are always left at the crime scene.  In the case of Justice Scalia’s quite untimely demise, it has been reported that a pillow was found on top of his head as he lay dead in his bed with his clothes on (unwrinkled pajamas).

MESSAGE from the NWO cabal to the leaders of the world:

Don’t speak or write anything that thwarts the implementation of the New World Order agenda.  If you do, you will end up like Justice Scalia.    And, by the way, if they can take out a very powerful sitting SCOTUS jurist, who can’t they neutralize in a New York minute?_________________________________________________________________________

Simply put, by placing a pillow over his head, they took his voice.  As he lay in bed, TPTB further removed his capacity to write his scathing opinions on so many bad decisions handed down by the SCOTUS during Obama’s dictatorial reign.

Antonin Scalia MURDERED by Obama to Open Supreme Court Spot for a Liberal?

Scalia was fully cognizant that the independence of the high court had been severely compromised by the Obama Administration and he militated against it — judicially, of course — every step of the way.  He found the ongoing and outright interference from the Executive Branch to be completely unacceptable and at times outrageous.  He was not shy at all about expressing these sentiments and even undertook speaking tours to set the record straight.  He was as witty and cutting a SCOTUS jurist as ever there was!

For paving the way for the American patriot of the coming 2nd American Revolution, he lost his life.

What irony there is in this article being written and posted on President’s Day, 2016.

May the good judge rest in peace for all eternity.

State of the Nation
February 15, 2016

Author’s Note

Even in the remote case where Justice Scalia may have died of natural causes, his job on the bench was made tremendously difficult by Obama et al.  He stood watch over the Constitution as a stalwart sentinel protecting the Founding Documents of the United States from incessant attack.  Given his age he was forced to withstand withering assaults on the Constitution and Bill of Rights from every quarter of American society.  How much could one man be expected to bear, especially when even his co-jurists often abandoned the righteous cause regarding the most highly consequential of cases?

No matter how you look at it, they killed him!

Editor’s Note

It is well known in Washington social circles that Justices Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were very good friends. Although they occupied opposite sides of the SCOTUS battlefield, they were able to set aside their differences.  Hence, whether the following quote from Ginsburg is a Freudian slip or a cosmic clue as to what TPTB really perpetrated is worth contemplating.


The Very Mysterious Death of Justice Antonin Scalia

The leading conspiracy theory about Antonin Scalia’s death: Obama did it.


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Ranch Owner Describes Scene Of Justice Scalia’s Death, Including ‘Pillow Over His Head’

by Nickarama

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Needless to say, this description will incite speculation.

MARFA — A first-time guest to the Cibolo Creek Creek Ranch, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was animated and engaged during dinner Friday night, as one of three dozen invitees to an event that had nothing to do with law or politics, according to the ranch owner.

Just hours later, he would be found dead of apparent natural causes, which media outlets reported on Sunday was a heart attack.

“He was seated near me and I had a chance to observe him. He was very entertaining. But about 9 p.m. he said, ‘it’s been a long day and a long week, I want to get some sleep,” recalled Houston businessman John Poindexter, who owns the 30,000-acre luxury ranch.

When Poindexter tried to awaken Scalia about 8:30 the next morning, the judge’s door was locked and he did not answer. Three hours later, Poindexter returned after an outing, with a friend of Scalia who had come from Washington with him.

“We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled,” said Poindexter.

Keep reading…

Judge declared it a heart attack without looking at the body, but after talking with Scalia’s doctor. Scalia has already been embalmed.


Justice Scalia’s ‘Natural Death’—Cui Bono? And Why Did They Did It? | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today


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Total 52 comments
  • Is THAT the best you got ?? Let’s look at the connections of ALL the officials who were connected with “pronouncing” him dead, everyone at the ranch, and WHY nobody ordered an autopsy after an unattended death.This thing walks, quacks, and poops like a duck. The timing is AWFUL, and the circumstances WAAAAYYYY too convenient. Declined Marshall’s protection ?? Pillow over the head ?? Anybody bother to ask why he looked so “in repose” when he was found ??? Did NOBODY bother to check the capillaries in and around his eyes for signs of suffocation? Since WHEN can a non medical person determine a cause of death or pronounce someone dead over the freakin’ phone after talking to Huckleberry Hound and Deputy Dog ?? Let’s start looking at the political connections of EVERYONE who was at that ranch and see if he was “set up” to be there. Was he ever there before? Anyone there even REMOTELY tied to the CIA, or Homeland Security? Any new people there ? It doesn’t take Columbo or Matlock to see that there is something rotten here and WHO convinced the family to not demand an autopsy. Embalm him quick and destroy any evidence, especially if he was given some Insulin, or Potassium. Don’t tell me that “The Annointed One” and his fundamental change buddies don’t have access to some first rate “Artie Bishop” types. Ask Breitbart , Hastings, Larry Sinclair, the boys in the bath house, and Loretta Fuddy. OOPS !! You can’t. THEY’RE DEAD. Ain’t NO amount of Government Strength Febreeze going to keep THIS one from stinking.

    • Leroy Winston This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
      • How about we encourage every means possible to find out the truth about his death … instead of being content to see the crumbs swept under the carpet!!!??? Big difference.

      • Reminds me of the movie “The Abyss” where one of the characters was a technician aboard the drilling rig who everybody called “hippy”. He was commenting on their situation and the government’s involvement, and someone asked him why he thought that everything was a conspiracy. His response was to look over his shoulder at that person and nonchalantly reply– “everything IS”. EVERYTHING IS.

      • Wong = shill, perhaps even an AI shill …. dismiss the dolt

        • Little Wong + Little Brain = Girls Laugh

          • Ooh once again with the genital envy – this says so much more about you than Mister Wong :lol:

            Feeling threatened by Mister Wong much? :idea:

        • Superb, and AI shill! Wow, someone has been watching too much tv (/reading too much BIN)

      • Ah he deserved to die of natural causes! This is good news :twisted:

        Personally I did know the man, but I hear he was very tight with his money and had some ‘trust issues’ with domestic pets.

        • NM156

          Wong, would you like to go quail hunting with me in Texas???? :grin: :lol: :mrgreen:

          • Yes please!

            Can I bring Missus Wong with me? She has very smelly feet. It would be a shame if one of us accidentally shot her dead :wink:

  • Breaking news: Scalia in illicit affair with spewing worm from BIS site, frightened to death when pregnant transspecies female enters room. Details at 11. :cool:

    • Roberts was the smart one. He folded like a cheap bingo hall rental chair on the ACA when he got blackmailed over the illegal adoption of his two Irish children. They knew that old Paisano, Scalia, wouldn’t bite so they didn’t even try. Better luck with Alito and Thomas. Bet this gave them a sphincter factor of about 9.9 Maybe they’ll get an “offer they can’t refuse” Chicago Style.


  • POTUS has been pretty open about having the power to kill US citizens without a trial. You just haven’t been paying attention.

    The death of Michael Hastings raises some interesting questions also. Of course their is no media in the US to ask the questions. Maybe the BBC or the Gaurdian will provide some uncensored information.

  • Ok, justice, here is the deal: you are invited to a ranch in Texas where you have never been before. In Texas, a person can be pronounced dead ( Texas Law) without being viewed by an a coroner. Are you sure you want to go? What’s that? You do not want US Marshall security? You do understand that it is their job to protect you…especially under these circumstances AND you are so accustomed to their presence that you hardly notice them? This is very odd Mr. Justice! And your room…whiten down! I know you hate the president, but you will be staying in a room called ” El Presidente” and BTW, if something does happen to you, the official pronouncing you dead will be named ” Cinderela” and she will declare you dead over the phone- or through her glass slipper..whatever.

    • Yes, a person can be pronounced dead without being viewed by a coroner, but it isn’t official until the coroner pronounces the person dead.
      In Texas, when a person dies and there aren’t any outward signs of a struggle etc, by law, the coroner is assigned the task of determining the cause of death.
      I live in Texas and my sister died in 2011, she had extenuating health circumstances going back 10 years, but she died alone and there were no outward signs of why she died, she was given a autopsy.

  • Who did he serve? Surely Scalia’s love affair with Chabad, the notoriously racial supremacist Jewish cult, and Scalia’s promulgation of Talmudic law disqualified Scalia as a decent man.

    “Conservative Catholic” Justice Antonin Scalia to be Keynote Speaker at Meeting Sponsored by Extremist, Ultra-Racist, Talmudic Group

    “Conservative Catholic” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Studies Talmud with Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

    The Jewish Week reported that Scalia is fascinated with Talmudic law and is involved in the launch of a Talmudic law institute in Washington D.C. with Nathan Lewin, Alan Dershowitz and Noson Gurary, a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi.”

    Jewish Law Comes to D.C.
    James D. Besser, The Jewish Week, 12/6/2002

    Justice Challenges Privacy Rights at Talmudic Conference
    by Yosef Lewis, News 1/30/09

    and then there is his son, the Novus Ordo presider: Scalia “Traditionalism”

    Scalia’s affiliation with the Chabad Lubavitchers is an outrage.

    Not familiar with Chabad or their “Messiah,” the LATE Rabbi Schneerson?

    Start here:

    And here:

    “… the explanation of the matter, [is to be found] in light of what Rabbi Chayim Vital wrote in Shaar HaKedushah (and in Etz Chayim, Portal 5, ch. 2) — that every Jew, whether righteous or wicked, possesses two souls, as it is written, “And neshamot (souls) which I have made. … The second, uniquely Jewish, soul is truly “a part of G-d above, The souls of the nations of the world (the Gentiles), however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever, as is written in Etz Chayim, Portal 40, ch. 3, that all the good that (Gentiles) do, is done out of selfish motives. So the Gemara comments on the verse, “The kindness of (Gentiles) is sin” — that all the charity and kindness done by (Gentiles) of the world is only for their self-glorification…” (Chapters 1 and 2) The lower category consists of three completely unclean and evil kelipot, containing no good whatever… From them flow and are derived the souls of all the nations of the world (Gentiles), and the sustaining force of their bodies. Also derived from these kelipot are the souls of all living creatures that are unclean and forbidden to be eaten, and the sustaining force of their bodies.” Tanya, Chapter 6

    And here:

    “The highly revered Rabbi Menachem Mandel Schneerson, who headed the Chabad movement and wielded great influence in Israel as well [and proclaimed himself messiah], explained that ‘The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of all nations of the world.’” Allan C. Brownfield, “It Is Time to Confront the Exclusionary Ethnocentrism,” Issues of the American Council for Judaism, Winter 2000

    Equally an outrage is Scalia’s affiliation with the Kabbalist Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, the Nasi of the Sanhedrin, THE MAN WHO FILLED CAIPHAS’ SHOES:

  • Homeowner Of Record

    Justice Scalia may have died of natural causes, but Our Justice System was recently Murdered by John Kasich’s State! Exposure of this case & its cover-up in the news would totally destroy Ohio’s Top Three Republicans.

    Ohio is so corrupt The Attorney General this week in writing refused to Prosecute or even Investigate Deputy Clerk of Courts who added four pages to Court Filing illegally confirming Sheriff Sale held without notice to owner in what is likely the most outrageous case in Ohio History.

    Case proves cover-up of Public Officials Abusing Citizens & illustrates why they never investigated the Killing of 12 year old Tamir Rice.

    • Kasich is an imperialist dummy for the cabal… just like o-vomit was for sorros. May they both die in excruciating manner, soon.

      • “May they both die in excruciating manner, soon.”

        It’s not going to happen outwith your imagination Mister Equalizer.

  • He did not lay dead “with his clothes on.”
    His bed clothes were unwrinkled,” said Poindexter. jammies……

  • We’re any FBI people nearby. They like to kill people who know about the US constitution.

  • I think what all too many are not considering or know to consider is what the Rule of Law was before 1861. This was the time of our Republic Constitution which is dormant at best.

    People need to study up on the continental uniter States for Law of the Land vs Law of the Sea enforced by the BAR and the Royal Crown.

    Please view the interview with Constitutional Judge Gary Darby By Professor Doom

  • Please excuse the typo s/b ‘united States’

  • Are there any dot$ to connect as a reason for current events?

  • Common Law Grand Juries…

  • mitch51

    A 79 year old guy who was overweight and had other health issues died. So, IT MUST BE MURDER!!!!! LOLOL, I love me BIN in the morning, goes great with coffee!!!!!

    • +1 :lol:

      “I love me BIN in the morning, goes great with coffee!”

      Same here Mitchford, gets Mister Wong’s funny motor running in the morning.

      The London Financial Times ran an ad campaign many years ago which simply stated “No FT, No Comment” – the notion being informed people wouldn’t comment until they had read the FT (and presumably had a coffee (or tea, as it’s England)).

      SO…. yes, I would like to bring this campaign back to life and up to date:

      No BIN + Coffee = No comment :idea:

      • What do you do for a living Wong.. to be able to stay on BIN all day and ‘talk the talk?’
        Are you being paid like some of Soros ‘Media Matters’ ‘Fact Check’ & Move On, comrades go on conservative blogs and try disrupt the a post by planting ‘leftwing’BS.

        • Yes, he is paid to stay on BIN and elsewhere and type what he imagines is clever BS.

          • It certainly distracts r’tards like you plenty, so Mister Wong is clearly doing a good job.

        • Mister Wong is a bit like a Chinese Jesus of the Internet age – his job is to correct misguided fools on BIN and help them straighten themselves out.

    • My mother was 90, in hospice care, suffering from several major health problems. A hospice nurse was with her when she died. But the medical examiner still had to document the cause of death.

      Someone dies suddenly in bed? Is that a stroke, a myocardial infarction, an embolism from deep vein thrombosis, arrhythmia, suffocation, poisoning?

      This Scalia thing has “this is a message” red flags all over it. Why pretend not to see them? A pillow over his head. No autopsy. A declared cause of death with absolutely no evidence.

      It’s an embarrassment to the country. As are the people who make a show of insouciance. The brain dead, zombie herd and the paid prostitutes who post comments for them.

  • it’s looking like he wasn’t murdered. His doctor said chronic health issues, he was wearing pajamas
    not regaulr clothes, the family has declined autopsy and the pillow may have only been over a
    side of his resting head.

    let’s just stop on this one.

    • I sleep every night with a pillow over my head, blocks out noise and keeps a comfortable pressure on my noggin. But obvious murder to the tinfoilers here

  • He was 79 years old and ate bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast.

    There s no evidence of foul play, and if Obama did whack him, why would he wait till now if he stood to gain more benefit years earlier?

    There is absolutely nothing but the ravings of madmen based on a half-backed allegation made by Alex Jones less than an hour after Scalia died.

    It was old age and a bad diet that killed Scalia.

    • There is a reason we have things called coroners and autopsies. Your speculation is just as speculative as saying he was murdered because you simply do not know. Thanks to the fact there will be no autopsy, no one will ever know, which is more of an indication toward foul play than not. I don’t know either, but at least I know I don’t know.

      • Buying a conclusion based on a complete lack of information is not being speculative. It’s delusional.

        Get some evidence at least before driving the car into Cuckoo Land. The guy was 79 years old and had terrible health. His doctor said he had heart trouble and was scheduled for a procedure.

        Until someone can show some kind of evidence which even comes close to corroborating the claim its crazy talk. So what, there was no autopsy, that’s no evidence of a crime. My grandpa died of a heart attack at 76. He didnt get an autopsy. He was Catholic and cremated too. I dont think Obama whacked him. That would be delusional.

        • Speculation is not delusional. You’re making an assumption, that’s not delusional either, but it’s still an assumption. Your grandfather was not a Supreme Court Judge who was a well known enemy of a sitting president, was he? Did your grandfather normally travel with an armed security detail that was oddly absent the night he died? The fact your grandfather and Scalia were both Catholic has absolutely no bearing on anything. Here’s an assumption: you’re not a detective, a doctor, or a logic analyst.

  • Can I say birth certificate?
    Can I say fraud and Antichrist?
    Can I say Messiah (I’m the only one in the world who’s revealing Obama’s the Antichrist relying upon the lottery in his homestate that drew 666 the day after his election.)?

    • Cry baby KoS returns, crying and stomping around, whaaaaahhh, waaaaaahhhhh, obama antichrist.

  • Obama could’ve got caught smothering Scalia by MSM while in the middle of the White House lawn, he’d lie his way out of it, while his nose grows obviously longer. People would still just sit on their butts and complain on the internet.

  • Antonin Scalia MURDERED by Obama to Open Supreme Court Spot for a Liberal?…TRANSLATION…Antonin Scalia Murdered by the secret RULING CABALS(REMEMBER J.F KENNEDY) that run the US government and every four years select their marionette, that will implement their NEW WORLD (SLAVERY)ORDER AGENDA, and Obama is the weaker guy with many PROBLEMS and easy to blackmail, who is at the end of the stick, he know that if he don’t follow the orders giving to him by the RULING CABALS, he is done.

  • Jade Helm in action?????

  • I wont even believe he is dead unless I saw the corpse myself. This STINKS to high heaven. Unless there is an open casket funeral with dozens people outside his family who knew him and could confirm. I believe nothing that comes out of MSM, NOTHING!

  • does anyone recall that prior to ever being elected “fixed election” president.. he met with the supreme court. The public was never privy to who, what or why..
    Perhaps, Scalia wasn’t the staunch Constitutionalist that they are making him out to be! He most certainly never disclosed why they met with obama, he never disclosed what was said or why..

  • I don’t know about Obama…haha! He does not seem the least bit violent…
    My first suspicions would point toward the gang now based in Texas–the Bushes.
    Also, Dick Cheney was good “hunting buddies” with Justice Scalia, which always
    seemed strange to me!..& we all know how Cheney treats his “hunting buddies”!…
    Further, Scalia was well known for putting Bush Jr. over the top in the deciding Bush
    v. Gore landmark Supreme Court election case…and now Jeb! is trying to desperately
    make inroads on the Presidency, too? …hmm..
    As Gov.. Jeb led the pack on stacking the deck for his brother during that dispute
    in Florida, although the national popular vote did not add up in their favor?…And
    Federal legal scholars have indicated that the outcome of Bush v. Gore was very
    atypical under Fed. Constitutional principles…
    Could Scalia have indicated that he would NOT be repeating any show of loyalty this
    time around?!..Was he becoming immune to the pressure?.. Did he know too much?..
    There are so many ties to the Bushies & Cheney…in TX…that are curious, at best.
    Rest in PEACE, Justice Scalia..I didn’t agree with your decisions above or in
    Citizen United–they seemed so political, but threats to a jurist are abominable!!.. :cry:

  • They were glad to see a patriot go. The faster the better. Good riddance they say.

    But these people rely on Judeo/Christian values and culture to survive, be fed and live. Kill the Christians off and they will be the next to go by their own commie hands! :twisted:

    Kill America off and the world commits suicide commie-cal suicide. :lol:

    Bet when they removed the pillow the judge was smiling.

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