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Take a Look at This Arctic Scene — Seconds Later, Nuke Submarine Surfaces & Breaks Through the Ice
A video posted online Friday captured a nuclear submarine break through several feet of solid ice to surface in the Arctic Circle.
As part of the Navy’s annual Ice Exercise (ICEX), the 362-foot long USS Hartford surfaced through the ice.
“Submarine operations as part of ICEX provide the necessary training to maintain a working knowledge of an extremely challenging region that is very different than any other ocean in the world,” Cmdr. Scott Luers, ice camp officer-in-tactical-command and deputy director of operations for Commander Submarine Forces, said in a statement to
“Navigating, communicating and maneuvering are all different in an arctic environment as there are surfaces both above and below a submarine.”
“ICEX 2016 is our continued commitment to the development of undersea warfare capabilities and tactics in all areas of the world,” echoed Rear Adm. Jeff Trussler, commander, Undersea Warfighting Development Center.
“Our superiority in delivering effects in and from the undersea domain to the operational commanders is dependent on the regular exercise and demonstration of these capabilities.”
Drone footage provided a view of the vessel from above.
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