(Before It's News)
I am a mother of four in my mid 30′s and I have been told that I have some psychic abilities, mainly psychometry, paranormal, and lately remote viewing. Things come to me in the form of pictures in my mind, feelings and impressions, and sometimes sounds. I typically get them when asked to focus on specific objects or events. I clear my mind, think of the question or object and this blog is an example of what I get. This blog is a way for me to organize all my thoughts.
Q. Is Trump part of PTB? I know the rest of them are and I also would think he was also but I can’t get a get a solid read on him (not that I’m psychic). I almost feel he is bucking against the PTB but I would think they would have put a stop to him by now. What do you think Lynn?
A. I see that Trump has made deals with the PTB to get where he is, but hasn’t become a part of them [yet]. He would like to have the power and influence that they have, but he doesn’t want to to be owned by anyone. Trump actually poses a huge threat to the PTB because he isn’t able to be controlled (due to his independent wealth and power) and the PTB are frantic to get him out of the running. The PTB need a puppet, and I hear that Trump is refusing.
When he first started to run for office the PTB didn’t think he would be taken seriously by the public, so they allowed him to run and get into the race. Once they saw the threat emerge, they tried all kinds of tactics from supporting his competition to running ads, etc. They can’t simply “have a tragic accident” to eliminate him from the competition because there are too many eyes (from the public and privately paid) on him.
Right now Trump is under the microscope. Since he is not a “politician” by trade, he lacks a lot of the “political correctness” (which I see many people embracing in a strange way because they see he isn’t afraid of what people think, and that translates to truth whether it is something they want/like to hear or not). I see many people burnt out of this current system and the way politics have been handled in the past and are ready to make a radical jump to try something else.
Since he is under the microscope, every questionable move is blasted over and over on the media. In lieu of a “tragic accident” I see that they are hiring people to go into rally’s and town hall meetings to cause disturbances (to create more negative associations to him that can be aired over and over again).I see a strange dynamic happening that even though the attention is negative, it is still attention, gets people talking and keeps the energy surrounding him alive. I get that the PTB are plotting a huge scandal to get him out of the running. The challenge will be making it stick, but they will most definitely try.
Then I get that choosing Trump (who is pushing against the PTB) and choosing someone tied to the PTB is still like picking between the lesser of two evils. Both are driven by ego and power, but Trump is the underdog fighting against the PTB (which looks to be the bigger evil) and will do the opposite of what they want just for the sake or showing them that he can (even if by executive order if allowed the chance). He will slowly break up things that benefit the PTB (like super PACs) and do more things that benefit the working people (as a way to antagonize the PTB).
Q. I’m deeply disturbed by the remaining options we have for presidential candidates. The republican debates are a joke and they all stoop to the 2nd grade level of name calling, and the democrat options aren’t much better. Did Hillary really lie or know about what’s going on with the emails and Benghazi? Why are Clinton followers and Trump followers just blindly following and ignoring all lies and corruption? What is going on and who has the most positive energy and good will?
A. People are questioning everything. I don’t see it as a blind following, but rather a desperate need for a change. People are so desperate they are willing to overlook things they don’t like (such as offensive comments or what feels like lies) and hear what they want to hear. It looks like a lot of selective listening is taking place.
In regards to the behavior of the debates.. Much of our media world is based on reality tv and gossip rather than true news reporting. The debates (for ratings and publicity) have evolved into the same thing. Undesirable behaviors get free press (and lots of it), therefore, it has become more acceptable. People in general may not agree with the behavior, but the watch it, hear about it and get somewhat engaged (more so than a “normal and adult” debate).
Looking at the Hillary emails I see that she didn’t really think through what she was doing. It never occurred to her that she would get caught or questioned. It was as if the policies look so lax that people sort of did what they wanted and made their own rules of convenience. When when things happened, and an investigation occurred, the “rules” were looked at. Deep down she knows it was wrong, and is trying to cover herself and make this go away. I hear that she is trying the “if you say it long enough it becomes true” theory.
Q. Lynn you’re the best .. I got one for you that crossed my mind the other day but recently it’s been making a little noise on the net. Could Romney get the nomination for 2016? – and possibly fulfilling the white horse prophecy? Thanks!!
A. I get that he has been approached by the Republicans and told that if he would consider running, they would create a situation (even if they had to falsify the voting results) to give him the nomination. I hear that Romney declined because he knows if it comes to that, people would all out revolt. Romney would like to run, but the results would be disastrous, and he doesn’t want to be put in that situation.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
