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Demonic Beings On Video After Portal Was Opened In Trafalgar Square London!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:36
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(Before It's News)

It’s a done deal they erected this thing the portal is open they will send it to New York at some point it’s a WRAP! Jesus Is Coming Tribulation Will Start The Antichrist Will Rise And Implement The Mark All Of This RIGHT BEFORE PASSOVER 2016!!

The guy in this video says that he sees “black entities.”  Do YOU see them?  Leave your comments below.

Demonic Beings On Video After Portal Was Opened In Trafalgar Square London!

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Total 32 comments
  • Leo

    (* Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse *)

    —So which ones are more Demonic…yours or these? :twisted:

  • Bull crap

  • Mad Mex

    ” All Of This RIGHT BEFORE PASSOVER 2016! ”


    Thats Easter right ??

    Ooops.. you missed it..

    • wrong. Passover is now.

    • Passover 2016 begins Friday evening, April 22, and ends Saturday evening, April 30. The first Passover seder is on the evening of Friday, April 22, and the second Passover seder takes place on the evening of Saturday, April 23.
      What is Passover?

      Passover is a festival of freedom.

      It commemorates the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt, and their transition from slavery to freedom. The main ritual of Passover is the seder, which occurs on the first night (or, outside of Israel, the first two nights) of the holiday — a festive meal that involves the re-telling of the Exodus through stories and song and the consumption of ritual foods, including matzah and maror (bitter herbs).

      • @and their transition from slavery to freedom.

        Which we the goyim,have been celebrating our transition from freedom to slavery ever since :wink:

  • Date setting is a dangerous game. I would rather pay attention to what my Bible says that way I know how to tell whats going on around me.

    Come check out my series on the book of Revelation!

    God Bless!

    • Your Bible? :lol:

    • I ‘read’ my bible and it doesn’t say anything, Its a Book! And you are clickbaiting everyone on BIN with your spam. :grin:

  • I can’t see anything here. Is he stoned and scared of video compression artifacts?

    • Would love to hear his reasons for thinking it was good that ISIS destroyed the original.

      • Did they?? Images of the exploding temple show 2 fellas(ISIS) carrying in a barrel-bomb/plastic keg. Apart from one wearing velcro-designer sandals, & a red logo shirt, they have their FINGERS INTERLOCKED…….
        Can anyone enlighten us if this is textbook manual military handling techniques?

  • NM156

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  • Those are bugs flying you f’n moron. And when Obama doesn’t become the antichrist, then what?

    • What kind of bugs swarm in unison without attacking anything?

      There’s another guy on youtube claiming they’re birds.
      Well i checked to see what kind of birds could be flying so fast that i couldn’t even identify a silhouette at 25% frame speed so i searched for birds at Trafalgar Square and found out they used to have massive problems with pigeons. Pigeons don’t fly too fast for an easy ID, but lo and behold the now pigeon free square is being guarded by Liam and Jack, two Harris hawks that cost some 60,000 British Pounds/year. So then i went to see these hunters in action to match them with the shadows seen in the video presented by the author. These birds can haul ass and catch a jackrabbit within seconds, but guess what, they aren’t to fast to be seen easily as such at normal camera speed.

      Scoffing is ok, even necessary in light of the author’s allegations, but just putting people down without showing your work ist just plain lazy.

      The powers that be seem to really be hung up on ancient sumerian and egyptian artifacts like the Washington memorial which is an authentic obelisk originally made in Egyp. With so many worldly things going on that should demand immediate attention, it’s legitimate to ask oneself “Why on Earth is this allegedly 3-D printed artifact replica soo freaking important to the movers and shakers?” Why do they groove on it so much they’ve hinted at putting one in every major city?

      If you want to cop out because you think it’s cool, go ahead, but don’t discourage others from being interested in finding the not so obvious..

      • Messed up the hyperlink to the

        Harris Hawks.

      • a gnat flying close to the camera lens will give the impression of something moving very fast.

        Swarm in unison? WTF did you watch. There were 2…count them, 1….2…. bugs flying. And since when do flys / gnats / mayflies / etc attack? Just because you see shapes in the clouds, doesn’t mean they’re really unicorns, pirate ships, and dragons. They’re still just clouds. Same here, you want to see prophecy sooooo bad, you make things out of nothing. If you want to believe things that aren’t true, go ahead, but don’t push your nonsense to the rest of us who can see reality for what it is, and that reality is bugs.

        • The blurred objects resembling a swarm of small insects appeared to be at a distance of about 80-100 feet were clearly not directly in front of the camera lens because they disappeared behind other objects that were further from the camera. The first was moving right to left toward the arch appearing to fly over the roof of the building and then disappeared BEHIND the arch. The second appeared to become visible near the arch and then dove down into the crowd standing in the building.

          They seem similar to the object right in front of the camera in this video of Obama.

          Slow the scene to 25% speed and stop the frame when the object appears before the camera. It just looks like a dust cloud, but i’ve never seen a dust cloud move like that.

          I’m not saying the OP is totally right(or wrong) in his interpretation, but these phenomena seem to be picking up and i am sure there is something worth investigating.
          “Bugs.” Is not the answer unless they can teleport away from the lens while they’re in the middle of the objective.

  • I experiencex a visitation on the night of the 19th. The feeling of hands on my wrists, woke me from a dream.
    Problem was, that even awake, I was paralyzed for about 20 seconds. I couldn’t move a muscle in my body and could not even utter a sound. This lastex until I felt the hands release me. I was fully awake during the whole xperience.
    I didn’t feel any malevolence or danger during the episode but it I finally understood what alien abductees mean when they describe being completely paralyszed and unable to scream.
    I am convinced that “they” did manage to open some kind of portal that night and I am certain that others probably experienced what I did. I’m convinced that the entity that visited me, took advantage of my REM dream state i order to manifest itself in the is dimension. Scary stuff and probably just the begining.

  • Dude that is a bug in the extreme foreground, sorry. :wink:


  • This isn’t the arch that was over the entrance to the Temple of Baal.

    I was skeptical when I heard they’d “changed” what they were going to put up but a quick google check proved – the design of the doorway into the Temple is different from this one which was an arch over a walkway apart from the temple complex.

    Cern is far more troubling than this…

  • please try not to worry. there is no evidence of god or satan.

    no nasty demons are coming to get you i promise.

    have a beer,relax,and enjoy life!

    • i love you :grin:

    • Just cause they dont exist in our world in which we cannot see them, does not make them unrealistic, this video is stupid because yes i believe these are infact birds. its people like this that give people like me a bad name, i would never intend to record or falsify anything and name it ‘demons’ because you simply cannot see them. they are a manifestation of bad energy.

  • That’s a tough one to wrap your head around. Two black dots? Couldve been anything. This link takes you to a bizarre occurrence in Malaysia. Check it out.

  • And this idiot calls himself a pastor and says God talks to him. I agree the arches are certainly evil, but those aren’t “dark entities” he’s seeing. Those are freaking bugs flying by on a crummy cell phone video. :evil:

  • The original youtube video is here [1]. After 6 minutes one can indeed
    see dark shadows fly in. The last one at 06:12 to 06:13 from the upper
    right corner of the video frame towards the pillars of THE NATIONAL
    GALLERY towards a sculpture on the facade, just behind these pillars,
    which was originally intended for use with the Marble Arch [2] being a
    woman sitting on a camel lying down [3] personifying Asia/India .


  • soon as I heard the Words “WATCHMAN ON THE WALL” I stopped listening. So tired of these Self Appointed Watchmen and Prophets like steve quayle wannabees using GOD to hide their failures behind and shield themselves from criticism.

  • Home of the Antichrist is full of these demons.


  • pigeons, “artifacts”, demons…. can be all the same to me. Message.

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