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By Christopher Watson
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Donald Trump: “I’m So Happy China Is Upset”

Thursday, April 21, 2016 7:17
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Asked about the tough talk on China in the presidential campaign, from both Democrats and Republicans, Mr. Lou said Americans needed to recognize the U.S. and China “are mutually dependent on each other” and both have a lot to lose in any economic confrontation. “Our economic cycles are intertwined,” he said. “We have more in common than sets us apart.” Mr. Lou also said he understood that rhetoric in a presidential campaign gets heated and often doesn’t reflect the policies an incoming administration would adopt. With a new administration, he said, “U.S.-China ties should be more or less as they are now.”

Trump responded Sunday at a rally in Staten Island, NY, saying that over the course of the past thirty years, China has “waged an economic war against [the United States].”…


Donald Trump: I’m So Happy China Is Upset

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Total 1 comment
  • jdp…Yes, not only china but the rest of the world we trade with NEEDS TO BE BALANCED not lop sided trade, trump will deal with these countries to restore US trade balance.

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