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brwn_yd_grl / Flickr
Her public record as first lady, US senator and secretary of state shows rage for endless premeditated wars of aggression.
A Clinton presidency assures permanent wars on humanity, raping more countries than already, risking direct confrontation with Russia and China – the horror of possible nuclear war.
I’ve explained many times ISIS and likeminded terrorist groups are US creations, unable to function without foreign support.
Stopping them requires no longer recruiting new fighters, ending funding, arming, training and directing them – waging peace, not war, an agenda America rejects.
Clinton’s phony “real plan” to “beat ISIS” is cover for supporting permanent war. Last week she twittered:
“Hillary has a three-part plan to defeat ISIS in the Middle East, around the world, and here at home:
“1. Take out ISIS’s stronghold in Iraq and Syria” – no explanation how; nothing explaining US support for ISIS.
“2. Dismantle the global terror network” – nothing defined; the only “network” is what Washington and it allies created.
“3. Harden our defenses at home and prevent attacks.” America spends as much or more on militarism at home and abroad than the rest of the world combined, with all known, related and black budgets included.
Hillary’s so-called plan conceals support for harsher police state tactics, perhaps imposition of martial law, suspending constitution and international law protections entirely – full-blown tyranny by any standard.
An earlier article explained how America became a police state under George Bush. Clinton may want it taken to the next level, ending remaining freedoms altogether on the phony pretext of protecting national security.
Her worldview is terrifying, her kind of America nightmarish – greater tyranny than already at a time the nation’s only enemies are ones it creates.
The America everyone deserves would prioritize peace, not war, closing its empire of bases, ending money-controlled duopoly governance (one-party rule with two wings), democratic rights for everyone, not just the nation’s privileged few, and much more – a complete transformation, America becoming beautiful for the first time in its history.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected]. His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”. Visit his blog site at
The article Hillary’s Phony Way To Defeat ISIS published by TheSleuthJournal – Real News Without Synthetics