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By The Thinning Veil Report
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Michio Kaku Exposed

Sunday, April 3, 2016 11:36
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Michio Kaku Exposed


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Total 22 comments
  • b4

    mr thinning veil report–you must be really stupid–there is nothing in this video that where Kaku says war is good–for you to conclude that from his debate with the blond bimbo i dont know who is more retarded-you or her–your a fool and could be sued for slander and libel–i will forward this hit piece to Mr Kaku office–once you put slanderous headlines online you are toast–but i doubt you have 23 dollars to your name–now go and watch that video at least 73 more times and there is a slight chance you could get the meaning of what kaku is saying you idiot

    • kaku believes the ‘official’ 911 story. wake the f up. he is exposed here in this post defending war crimes and defending war in general.
      anyone who cannot see he is EXPOSING himself as a statist, soulless FREAK is one themselves.

      report away, troll.

      • b4

        your an idiot–i do not argue with idiots-

        • mitch51

          Should be “you’re” an idiot. I’m not trolling here but even you must think that if you are going to call people idiots you may as well spell correctly.

    • Me

      I’m with ya! Kaku is one of the smartest people alive today. I value his opinion more than 99.999% of the people on this planet.

      • @ me & b4 put the meth away then maybe just maybe you’ll see this dude as the clown he is

  • Nothing to see here folks… don’t lose your precious time… :cool:

    • Yea well Mark you claim to be a pilot and still can’t explain how you can land on a north/south runway while the earth is moving west/east at 1500 fps. Anyone doing the math will tell you it’s impossible on a spinning ball earth but no problem on a flat stationary earth. Nor can you explain how you can travel just as easily east to west or west to east while there is supposedly a 1000 mph wind blowing in the same direction as the earth is supposedly spinning. You can find the answers here…

      • jango my friend,

        mark is a gatekeeper. he can’t answer your question because he is not a pilot.
        mark and many just like him are here to keep people from the truth. the most disgusting job on this flat earth. he’d have more use as a ship captain…….

        he is a LIE preserver.



        • Yes, thanks, I know. I tried to flush him out but he wouldn’t bite…..

      • it spins so fast it appears it’s standing still.

      • As if you will read this Jango and learn something, NOT.
        How many times does this have to be explained to you
        before you understand on your stupid runway crap?
        Landing a plane on a North South Runway has nothing to
        do with math.. There is no math involved in it at all. So
        quit trying to put it into some mathematical impossibility
        category okay? Only YOU make it into a math problem,
        with no solution, whereas pilots like Mark just land the
        freaking plane with no calculator needed.

        Let’s go over it one more time, and you will really have
        to do something that is very rare for you…THINK!
        Yes, the earth spins around, but the air holding up
        the aircraft is spinning WITH the earth at the same
        rate. How hard is that to understand dude? I am
        so ashamed of you! Since the air keeping the plane
        aloft is going the same rate as the earth is, it is
        just a matter of lining the plane up with the runway,
        and landing it okay? The earth won’t spin away
        from the plane under it.. that’s just silly.. The
        air is spinning too, which holds the plane in sync
        with the earth’s spin.. Now please quit pulling
        this lame crap out of your orifice and go on to
        something else please..You are only showing
        how little you know when you say this, okay?
        (Talking to a wall here)… (Wasting time too)
        Let me guess how many more times this week
        you will pull this same stupid thing out again..
        Umm, 3 more times is my guess. Let’s see if
        I am right..

        • Anonymous: your own demonstration does not prove your point.

          In the “round earth/flat earth” debate there are only two undeniable proofs that the earth is a globe. Which are:
          1. a trip around the “globe” in any direction, which implies the existence of the South Pole.
          2. a view from space.

          The “South Pole” is off-limit to the general public. Why?
          The veracity of the Moon Walking; the various rovers; the entire ISS is doubtful. Are we hidden something?

          • What are you talking about?
            Have you gone mad? Nothing you have said here,
            has anything to do with my post above.

      • Take your meds!

  • Kaku? 100% government agent.

    • b4

      are you not glad it is totally legal to be totally insane!

  • MK Ultra? In answer to his question 9/11 was a Zionist event aided and abetted by people in the US military and government. Who stood down NORAD? Why did WTC 7 come down? Why was all the debris taken away so quickly? What actually caused the hole in the Pentagon? The media plays us for fools and ignores reality.


    KAKU IS A SHAPESHIFTER, and so is EVERY convert to the doctrine of ANTI-CHRIST PAUL – 1 John 2:18 You have heard that the anti-Christ shall come and now there are many anti-Christs.


    Those ways of acting are out of the liars’ side. Michio Kaku acts as the bully, while never dis-proving a proven conspiracy. Kaku therefore shows who he is: that is a faux savant.
    Kaku in fact justifies the necessity for the leaders within a democracy to act falsely. Kaku therefore reminds of the Tokyo Rose: that is a propagandist.

    Let’s remember what Michio Kaku told back in Fall 2010, when he affirmed that the ICBM shot off-shore of Santa Catalina islands was only “jet trails”.

  • War is NEVER good, but when war becomes necessary it can be the lesser of two evils. I believe 15 ignorant clumsy terrorists thought they had all the intelligence agencies of the west baffled when they hijacked planes to perpetrate 9/11, but any thinking individual must conclude that because every apparatus designed to intercept and thwart such an effort was intentionally taken off-line the day of the attack, it was not only allowed to occur, it was assisted. That means another apparatus was at work, not only to assist, but to exaggerate both the amount of damage, and to steer public opinion and the nature of the response.

    Another thing; did you know the stock for all four airlines involved dipped in the days leading up to the attack? It’s true. Not only was it widely known, it was known by enough people that it affected the stock price!

    The question becomes why. The answer is obvious if you understand how corrupt government works. Good people don’t need government and government has no power over them because they don’t violate the rights of others; they don’t “break laws”. Making laws against good people requires deception and agencies imposing dubious regulations to make everybody a criminal. FDR brought numerous new federal agencies online as did Jimmy Peanut who began the federal departments of Energy, Education, Transportation, FEMA and EPA. Everybody is now a criminal. On average, Joe sixpack violates 5 federal laws just going about his daily life. A pastor recently spent 8 years in jail for paying his ministerial staff in cash! And you thought cash was “for all debts, public and private”!

    The Soviet Union was another favorite boogey man used by government. When it collapsed, another big red monster across the ocean was needed to keep people reliant on, and supporting of, a government constantly encroaching on the very liberties that made America wealthy and productive. Thus 9/11.

    Following the collapse of the twin towers the government then had a big green monster across the ocean to scare people with to impose more and more laws, which translate into more and more government power, and fewer and fewer freedoms. Now we have DHS on top of all the other agencies that we can’t even count!

    But if you think THIS is something, you should see what happens when “global warming” becomes accepted as fact!

    Do I think “Bush did it”. Hell no, he’s not smart enough to have put all that together in only 8 months since he took office. Nor do I think he even knew about it. Remember all those government agencies we talked about? Neither the heads nor the employees of those agencies change from one administration to another. They’re permanent, and they have figured out how to manipulate presidents and other elected office-holders. Their efforts are directed by the elites behind the scenes and they use whatever tactics necessary to accomplish their goals. They can direct donations to keep politicians in line, overwhelm presidents by international events, or they can set up false-flag attacks like 9/11 after getting all their ducks in a row to steer world events toward their purposes and goals.

    Michio Kaku is smart, so he stays on the politically correct side of every equation because he has figured out which side his bread is buttered on. If he were to step out of line, his gravy train would end. Oh, did I mention that the establishment media is invested in this too? Anybody getting a paycheck can be controlled through threat of the loss of their ‘job’. What was it that Nick Naylor said in ‘Thank You For Smoking’ “Everyone’s got a mortgage to pay.” . . . The Yuppie Nuremberg defense.

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