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By Earl of Stirling (Reporter)
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Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE

Thursday, April 7, 2016 14:09
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  Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE

Holy Shroud of Turin

  Powerful prayer to St. Michael the Archangel – video ~ link

ORTHODOX CHERUBIM HYMN – video  ~ link  

AVE MARIA by Perry Como – video ~ link 


Pray for Peace

On the Road to the Third World War

Armageddon also means that the Second Coming of Christ is near



Demonic forces plan to erect Gateway to Baal in New York City, London and 1,000 cities all over   Earth.

Nutrimedical Report ~ link



       Two satanic hags determined to destroy European and Pan-European Culture and Values.
Europe in Crisis: Finnish was the second language in Sweden for many centuries … Now it is Arabic ~ link

Officially, Sweden doesn't keep a record of the languages its inhabitants speak. That fact was infuriating to Mikael Parkvall, a linguist at Stockholm University, so he decided to find out for himself. What is the most popular non-Swedish language in Sweden?

After poring over various statistics and studies, Parkvall came to a conclusion: Arabic was very likely to now be the second most popular language in the Scandinavian country.

B4INREMOTE-aHR0cHM6Ly8xLmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tZXNjU3ppbWJMSTAvVndiS21IQ0pQeUkvQUFBQUFBQUFVSm8veVZaRk1pTHI0WkFhdG1VclluTlNpcW42M0NJaFJwN01RL3MxNjAwL3JlZCUyQndvcmslMkJsaWdodCUyQmZsYXNoaW5nLmdpZg==Europe in Crisis: German police raid peoples' homes over “right-wing” anti-migrant social media posts ~ link
The really ugly side of what the Globalists and Khazarian Mafia are doing to Germany becomes more and more apparent every day!!!  Stirling  
Police in Berlin have raided ten apartments because residents may have posted “anti-migrant” views online.Berlin Police completed a large scale raid on internet users Wednesday. The officers ransacked ten separate apartments in the German capital in the suburbs of Spandau, Tempelhof, Marzahn, Hellersdorf and Pankow.

America's Coming Muslim Crisis: Migrants ushered in from Muslim nations double those from Europe ~ link ~ The 'usual suspects' intend to do to America and Canada what they are doing to Europe!!!  Stirling  

The United States issues twice as many green cards to migrants from Muslim-majority countries than from Europe, adding to a Middle Eastern migrant population in the country that is one of the fastest growing demographics.

From 2009 to 2013, the U.S. issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from Muslim countries, more than twice the approximately 270,000 green cards issued to migrants from European countries. Green cards entitle migrants to legal permanent residency in the country and work authorization, federal benefits, and the chance to apply for citizenship.


GOP's Paul Ryan would lose to either Clinton or Sanders ~ link

Some top Republicans see House Speaker Paul Ryan as the party’s savior if they can just make him the GOP presidential nominee. But Ryan loses to both major Democratic candidates in head-to-head matchups, with roughly a quarter of Republicans looking somewhere else.  
Panama Papers: PM David Cameron had stake in his father's offshore trust ~ link
EU may begin to require visas from Americans and Canadians ~ linkBut not from several million military aged single Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa!!!  The Global Banking Cartel and Khazarian Mafia are really messing with the good people of Europe and North America!!!  Stirling 


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  • What Nutty Yahoo and Spectre (of Things To Come) were doing is what Jews have historically always done: Told The Goyim In Advance what they were going to do to them,so if they are successful in their machinations, they can claim that they had the tacit Approval of the masses – because they didn’t rise up and stop them from pushing their plans onto us all…It’s Kabbalistic magic. Elites Have always told us in advance – so they can justify their own selfish anti-Human actions to themselves before,during and after they carry them out. In The Case of The Jews, They do this to convince themselves that they are *still* The “Chosen” of Their “God” to this day.
    The Mistake Western Society has repeatedly done after the Psi-OP Of WW2 is to allow Jews Back Into positions of Political Power and Privilege rather than doing what our European Forefathers did and Forcing them all to leave their countries 109 times before they ruined them totally Through their userous practices
    (…Now let their Enablers and Apologists make their usual appearance to dismiss this Historical Fact.

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