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Media Scoundrels Ignore NY Primary Irregularities

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 8:36
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Did Clinton Steal the NY Primary? America resembles a banana republic. Its sham political process has no legitimacy, democracy in name only, voters with no say whatever. Democrat party bosses intend nominating Clinton at their July convention – rigging primaries to assure it, perhaps the tainted NY one the latest example. Republican counterparts want anyone but Trump, despite overwhelming GOP voter support he enjoys. America’s political process is rigged, too debauched to fix, a vital issue media scoundrels ignore. Instead they pretend US elections show democracy works – for the privileged few alone, excluding most others. A same day article asked if Clinton stole the NY primary, explaining it was rife with irregularities, including disenfranchising over 125,000 NYC voters and various other disturbing practices. Media scoundrels airbrushed Tuesday electoral irregularities from their reports. The New York Times headlined “A Homecoming, and a Triumph, for Hillary Clinton in New York” – instead of explaining electoral irregularities too serious to ignore, tainting Democrat primary results, questioning their legitimacy. The Times suppressed dirty politics, diverting attention from what’s most important, saying Clinton “danced the merengue in Washington Heights.” “She slammed down a mean game of dominoes in East Harlem (and) d(ug) into an ice cream concoction named the Victory.” The entire article was an unabashed Clinton commercial. Times editors endorsed her earlier, shill for her repeatedly, outrageously call her “the most broadly and deeply qualified (aspirant) in modern history.” They ignore her pure evil, the greatest threat to world peace among all the deplorable candidates – none worthy of any public office, let alone the nation’s highest. The neocon Washington Post was no better, highlighting Clinton saying “(t)here’s no place like home,” the Democrat party nomination “nearly within her grasp…” WaPo quoted her hawkishness, risking possible global war if elected, saying “at a time when terrorists are plotting new attacks and countries like Russia, China and Iran are making aggressive moves, protecting America’s national security cannot be an afterthought.” “Our next president has to be just as passionate about defending our country as she is about fixing our economy.” No WaPo explanation about America facing no threats except ones it invents. Nothing about Clinton’s ties to Wall Street, war-profiteers and other corporate favorites. Not a word about likely NY primary electoral rigging, voter rolls purged, other disturbing irregularities, or explaining America’s sham political process. The Wall Street Journal highlighted Clinton, saying “(t)he race for the Democratic (sic) nomination is in the home stretch, and victory is in sight.” The fix is in to hand it to her, the nation’s highest office likely following after November elections. She represents monied interests, not popular ones, supports endless wars of aggression, not world peace and stability. She’s the greatest threat to humanity’s survival, more than any other presidential aspirant in US history. If elected in November, WW III may follow. Media scoundrels ignore what’s most vital to hammer home to readers and viewers without letup. Instead they support what demands condemnation. Did Clinton Steal the NY Primary? So-called elections in America are farcical by any standard, mocking real democracy – Tuesday’s NY primary the latest example, a travesty of electoral legitimacy for Democrat party voters. Political power brokers, Wall Street monied interests and war-profiteers are going all-out to assure Clinton becomes Democrat party standard bearer and America’s next president. The fix is in. Trump is right about a rigged system. He’s the overwhelming GOP voter favorite. Yet primary shenanigans and a possible brokered convention may deny him the Republican nomination. I’ve said many times America’s political system is too corrupted to fix. Paul Craig Roberts calls ongoing domestic and geopolitical events “the triumph of evil.” Tuesday’s New York primary was rife with irregularities. Trump was too overwhelmingly popular among GOP voters to defeat, winning almost all state delegates. Clinton won the majority of Democrat ones. Her triumph over Sanders was disturbingly tainted. She stole Iowa by rigged coin-flips, Massachusetts, Nevada and Arizona by old-fashioned fraud. Did she steal New York the same way? Over 125,000 registered voters were purged from NYC rolls, illegally disenfranchised. Many others had their party affiliation changed without their knowledge or consent. New York primaries are closed. Only registered members of a political party can vote. They can’t switch affiliations on election day. Over three million registered NY independents were disenfranchised. Could they have swung the election for Sanders if allowed to vote? Voting rights organization Election Justice USA is “a coalition of election integrity activists, law professionals, statisticians of election data, and grassroots social activists.” Its mission is “advancing election integrity, transparency, and the protection of voting rights for all Americans” – everyone of voting age enfranchised, no one left out the way the sham process works today. On April 18, a day ahead of the NY primary, it filed an emergency lawsuit in NY federal district court, spokeswoman Shyla Nelson, saying: “Voters are frustrated, angry, and feel helpless. We have heard hundreds of stories, with desperate pleas for help. This election season has excited and galvanized the voting public in unprecedented numbers.” “For these voters to be systematically and erroneously removed from the rolls or prevented from voting in their party of choice is devastating to them personally and has sent a wave of doubt and worry through the voting public.” Co-lead attorney in the suit Blaire Fellow explained the NY “Board of Elections, not voters, holds the voting records […]

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