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High Alert! The Putin Factor and a Lawless Election: Prepare for EMP and Extreme-Extreme Martial Law! (Eye-Opening Videos)

Monday, November 7, 2016 9:28
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(Before It's News)


November 07 2016 


Mark this day. Soon America will be dead in the water. America faces a threat that Congress admits could kill 90% of us within a year — and yet they have done nothing to defend against it.

Whether it’s Russia, China, or even the hard-to-believe North Korea, we will, without question, be hit with an EMP bomb. Some have even considered that our OWN GOVERNMENT would start this.

We are at a critical juncture. It is abundantly clear that the election is rigged and chalk-full of corruption. And we ‘ain’t seen nothin’ yet’. Meaning no disrespect to Renos surviving family: now, the coincidental death of the main witness, Janet Reno … think about it.

Here’s another layer of what is behind all of those WikiLeaks:

A so-called soft coup behind the scenes has formed and is a potential ignition for maximum upheaval among the American citizens. We were led to believe this soft coup was to remove criminal Hillary in order for Donald Trump to win. Nope. We have been purposely deceived once again by our government and so-called ‘leaks’.We will see martial law like none other. What we will experience will make Black Fridays look like childs play. The will to survive coupled with the absolute rage that the deceived citizens will be inflammed with will create a unprecedented shitstorm that will end thousands, if not millions, of innocent lives.

It has been suggested that the soft coup is actually to remove Hillary and to place Bernie Sanders as Commander in Chief. Outrageous, right? How betrayed, bamboozled or gullible will you feel? He isn’t even on the damn ballot!

Consider this:

The work the Germans did in the ’30 – ’40′s created a soldier race that is now hiding in every American city and town… Including Yours! 

Among the many ways in which the 2016 US presidential election has been out of the ordinary is the invocation of Russia as a looming threat to American democracy. Russia was the topic that attracted the most attention during all three presidential debates and the vice-presidential one, easily surpassing every other subject by a wide margin. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) was a distant second, while taxes brought up the third place. The blame-shifting has accomplished one thing: an inflammed Putin who has, by the way the highest-tech weapons known to man. He has warned us and has warned us yet again and again. You can poke at a Bear only so many times before it erupts.

Other nations are noticing.

Russia’s Armata tank is hailed as revolutionary in a leaked internal paper from British military intelligence, in which doubts are expressed about whether the UK has what it takes to counter the Kremlin’s newest armor.

Anyone who thinks that the results of the 2016 election will be anywhere near peaceful is kidding themselves. Not that I am wanting civil unrest, far from it!

But just look at the tensions and violence that has trailed the race all along for a hint of what is on the horizon.

Will ‘they’ even have a winner right away or will this be dragged out? Will they want the tension to escalate so that we can destroy and eliminate one another, doing their hard work for them?

Listen, if nothing happens, GREAT! But not to prepare is nuts.

Riots must be considered. They gain momentum and the larger the group, the lower the I.Q. rationalization goes. Extreme martial law is coming. All systems and transportation will come to a grinding hault. You will not be able to call 911 for any assistance.

Stay calm and prepare now. Stay away from large crowds.

Watch the election results from your own, secured, home! You will glad you did.


From Scott Anthony

Breaking: Mysterious Untimely Death of US Attorney General Janet Reno

From SkyWatch TV Gary Heavin

Gary Heavin – Preparing for an EMP

From Jason A

Something Huge is Happening at this Election! 

From Josh Tolley Russ Dizdar

Dizdar: We Are Tracking Satanic Super Soldiers In ALL U.S. Cities

From RT

Putin on the ballot? ‘Russia factor’ takes center stage in US presidential race

From RT

British military intelligence hails Russia’s Armata tank as revolutionary – leaked internal paper

Election Chaos Fears Have Everyday Citizens Stockpiling Survival Food (Video)

MORE on the disingenuous soft coup to move Sanders into the WH click here

#beforeitsnews #jonathanlee #alternativenews #agendachaos #politicalbombshell #powergrid #emp 

#clintonfoundation #lifeinsurance #emailscandal #criminalclinton #childporn #privateemailserver #fbi #jamescomey  #wikileak #huma #hillary #vote #smokinggun #hack #vote #voterfraud #humaMuslimBrotherhood #humaspy #humaterrorties #globalist #massShooting #massBombing #falseflag #coup #patriotact #lynch #corruption #DikiLeaks #Weinergate #ComeyCon #HumaBenched #weinersexting #satanism #clintonsataniccult #childporn #criminalabuseofpower  #riot #shtf #teaparty #civilunrest #gungrab #patriot #anarchy #janetrenodead #depopulation #agenda21 

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Total 10 comments
  • Lol, extreme, extreme martial law?

    They’re gonna initiate extreme jail, and extreme curfew?

    TPTB aren’t going to start martial law or put us in FEMA camps.

    We won’t be making the rich richer if they did that.

    We’re already enslaved, trapped by our jobs and our debt. Monitored by your super RFID chip that you bought and paid for yourself (your phone).

    • First off, I am extremely sad to see my best friend and pedophile partner Janet Reno, DEAD. She is the only woman on my team that has had sex with more young children than I. This Bill and I will work on it as we fly on the Lolita express more often, you have my promise. So many young girls to rape such little time. Screw Putin, he’s in bed with Bill no problem there. What difference at this point does it make!!1?


  • I get an ever growing feeling that Obama bin ladin is going to Nuke America ! The new note that shows a nuclear bomb going off in America keeeps coming back to haunt me.. And then attack Russia while america burns ! 💣💨

  • Cosmic and inter galactic, multi dimensional enema is aproaching America. You should all stick your thumb up your ars*s. It might not be enough to prevent it, but occasional lick will allow you to taste it, incase you dont feel the pressure of 2 gallons of water alarming enough.
    -This I have seen and I bare witness to you, because super Putin or maybe the Chinese or even North Koreans have sent mighty armada of Leprechauns to summon this fluid interference in our personas. :grin:

    • An “ass-tronautic” genius like you should be put in high places to watch amurika’s defense. Your anemic diffusion policy would keep your subordinates on high alert 24/7 :grin:

  • Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, OMG it’s got to be Russia because the masters of “chaos for gain” and “chaos craft” say so ? What group of people believe their destiny is to rule and reign over this earth for a millennia. What grouping (tribe) spawned communism ? What group was Jesus always exposing and calling out ? Hint it wasn’t the Romans. What group is named and called out in Rev. 2:9 & Rev. 3:9 ? What group has mastered the art of ill gotten gain, perversion for gain, division for gain, deception for gain, multi-culturalism for gain (isn’t it odd how strongly they promote it but refuse to practice it ?) and usurpation for gain ? Well when you figure out what group (tribe) of beings is disproportionately most often to be in the answer to these questions, you are getting very close to figuring out the main human source of the global chaos. The ones who believe and mascaraed as the “chosen ones”, the ones who claim to be who they are not…..these are the ones engineering and constructing this NWDisorder……NOT RUSSIA.

  • kom

    Lmao time to use the curses in psalms

  • I fear an EMP, or nuclear attack from the District of Criminals, more than I do from Putin.

  • Phd

    D Day ~ A-Muslim-Mexi-Chin-A (AMERICA ) goes to the ” Rigged Polls for ” NOTHING ” Today…….

    To Vote On Who They Will Pic From Their Satanic Leadership To Lead The World Into WW3 And Armageddon
    And The Total Implementation of the World New World Order 666……

    Next comes the mass culling of the White race on Earth ( Us The Actual Alien Edenites From the Garden Of Eden) by the colored satanic controlled populations of planet Earth….

    But have no fear ~ we will have devine intervention on our side against Satans fallen angles….

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