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How To Make America Great Again! From Erasmus Of America – Dec. 9, 2016 -3:39 Pm

Friday, December 9, 2016 18:28
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(Before It's News)

     Why I am writing this national report. Due to my unique background, I have a unique insight into how to make America GREAT AGAIN! My background includes the following: My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and self-educated herself after learning how to read and write from her grandmother. She was a child actress and had no time for formal education growing up. She scored this super high I.Q. rating at the age of 10 1/2 and also scored had a second year college level of education according to a test testing her for what level of formal education she had then without formal school education. She later attended a state university without formal education after passing their entrance tests to attend the university. She explained that she had been privately tutored while a child actress and this explained why she scored so high on the university tests. They accepted her explanation and let her enter the state university without formal prior education. She did not tell them  that her only tutor had been her grandmother teaching her how to read and write and then she self-educated herself. All this formal testing had been triggered off because the state found out that she had never attended formal schooling and were going to send her off to a state orphanage taking her away from her mother. But the involved tests were a formality to justify taking her away from her mother. After the test results were reported to the judge, he threw the case out of his court saying that there was no reason to send her to the state orphanage. This got written up in a New York newspaper which reported that a very rich man in New York offered to adopt her as his daughter if she was available for adoption. He said that he had met her and she was tremendously talented for a young girl. He wanted her for his daughter by adoption. However, her mother got to keep her and so this did not become a “Little Orphan Annie” story with Daddy Warbucks adopting her. She made heavy money as a child actress and as a young girl financed the formation of the Case Moody Pie Company in Chicago, Illinois. She had a photographic memory as a child and could memorize any theatrical script after one reading and by memory read back to you any page, any line, etc. from even a 200 page manuscript for a play, etc. A forefather of hers also had a photographic memory and could remember the names of maybe 50,000 people he had met in life at least once. My memory was smaller but I could remember every penny I had spent for several years as a child which maybe was the sign from nature that I was a future economist!
     My father was a genius in common sense and graduated from the University of Chicago. One of his former fellow classmates from back then once said to me that he was outstanding there and raised in ten days the money to build the fraternity house for the fraternity that he had joined. While there he met a woman exchange student from Scotland, heard the Scottish legend of Brigadoon and later wrote the play Brigadoon which Lerner and Loewe brought and turned into the musical Brigadoon. Loewe was known for writing the music to My Fair Lady, Camelot, and Brigadoon. They did a great job when turning it into a musical which made records in attendance in England and America and later in 1954 turned into an MGM musical movie which was a smash hit once released! My father without formal engineering training later invented the industrial food process the Vatican and Soviet Union both endorsed as potentially the greatest food discovery in human history as it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. The Catholic Digest wrote up the story about this great food discovery and endorsements in the 1950′s. 
     I was raised by colorful parents both of whom were geniuses in their own right. My mother was a super academic brain and my father was a genius in common sense and how to apply it in professional fields. Being raised by such parents was like attending a university when growing up. I knew how to deal with brilliant people in life due to this background and had access to many of the most brilliant people in America as I grew up and afterwards.
     Having been raised surrounded by such brilliance and then professionally dealing with brilliant people after I grew up, I will start this report saying that if you to make America great, locate the brilliant and natural born geniuses in America, identify what their talents are, back them when they have smart to brilliant ideas for America, and they will supply you all the smart to brilliant ideas to make America super great as a nation again.
     One of my fields of study I was good at was economic science and got to study with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including one personally endorsed by Albert Einstein when alive as teaching the only true economics science in the 20th century. Einstein endorsed scientific free enterprise as derived from economic studies as the way to mass boom the economies of any nation or a world economy serving all nations together. From all these studies in economic science with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe, let me suggest how to skyrocket the economy of America with economic tactics not practiced in America at this time. This is my concept combining tactics used before but not together as an economic system.
       Banks and savings and loans offer checks, etc. as a free service or else as a service but with a small service fee. They are putting their service fees on the wrong end of the financial transactions. Put a small service fee on the checks, etc. and let whoever gets these on  a Wednesday as an arbitrary day to receive these payments pay the small weekly service fee. The service fee does not have to be much, but turn this form of money called checks, etc. into hot potatoes to hold and hoard, so spend them back out fast as possible. Maintain price and wage controls on the purchasing power of money for set periods of time until change in rate of purchasing power is justified going up or down in value. This would include these checks, money orders, etc. for the time of spending money in a set period of time. These controls of purchasing power reflect the monetization of the assets of the nation as value backing the money in circulation. Gold could be used to set the value for purchasing power for money used in the nation or else international trade. Break the hoarding of money in the nation and you increase the spending rate of the money spent without creating inflation in the process. This will help accelerate the growth of the economy in jobs created, industries founded, etc. Also, sell stocks, bonds, etc. under common law and without advance registration. This enables worthwhile business projects to be fast financed in a nation instead of taking conservable time to get these worthwhile projects financed in America. This grows the economy faster as was suggested by James Madison who was called “The Father of the U.S. Constitution” and “Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights.” America did not listen to him and the economy of America would be several times bigger now if America had listened to James Madison in “The Federalist Papers.” The law can speed up or else slow down the national economy depending on whether it encourages or else discourages the formation of new industries in America and the founding of other businesses in America also.
      An economic study around 1987 concluded that outlawing prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America cost American labor a total of maybe one trillion dollars a year in lost wages for American labor and a lost national market of maybe one trillion dollars a year lost in business for American businesses also! Read some of the first explanations of the U.S. Supreme Court that the First Amendment did not outlaw prayer and the Bible from the public schools but authorized it and your door is open to this economic policy of reestablishing moral standards in America. This would discourage crime and bad practices of the public which hurt the economy of America. Also, a national economy runs better when founded on moral values than when founded on atheistic values which do nothing to strengthen and grow the economy of a nation. The moral character of the American people heavily influences whether a national economy runs smoothly or else is trying to run right when moral disorder in society helps to introduce chaos to the functioning of a national economy.
     We start with this and use me as an economic adviser to this as I know the economic tactics to make these economic suggestions work well for the American economy. I can give you a long list of other things to do to make life much better in America and more prosperous to live in. But we start with this!
     My website is My email is Pass my Omni Law shown on my website and you can skyrocket the American economy with many economic tactics once this Omni Law is passed in America. I know what has worked before in economic history and proven itself to work right. You create a national currency which has to be stamped once a week by the banks, etc. and a small service fee charged weekly of a small fraction of a dollar in value. This has skyrocketed economies which used this tactic before such as Woergl, Tyrol, Austria which became the first place in  the world where people paid real estate taxes two and three years ahead of time and everyone was employed and businesses booming wildly with this system of stamped money.
     I visited Woergl around 1972 and they still remembered the wild prosperity from this when they had this local currency based on the national currency of Austria. When the French Army occupied Austria at the end of World War II, they removed from the local museum samples of this Gesell taught stamped money under apparent orders of the Rothschilds to remove evidence of the money which competed against reserve currency money and won the contest in results obtained!
     Prof. Irving Fisher of Yale University rated the top economist of America during the American Depression endorsed this in a national news release as the answer to end the Depression in America under President Franklin D. Roosevelt but the central bankers threatened to overthrow the federal government if President Roosevelt went through on his promise to change the federal reserve money to this stamped currency taught by Silvio Gesell of Germany and worked spectacularly in Germany and Austria where used! It was based upon the monetary policy of the Archbishop in the Middle Ages who started this monetary reform across Europe and it skyrocketed the economies of Europe which used it until overthrown by the bankers of Europe who censored the teaching of economic history in Europe and America so the people would not know what economic tactics stopped economic depressions, high crimes and wars in societies which used these monetary policies. I call this money Jesus Money as it practiced what Jesus taught to not hoard money and God would bless mankind with prosperity after that.
     100% of the people in France got employment under this system and were able to often retire and live off their investments in real estate and business at the age of 45 to 55 while their wives stayed home to raise the kids of the family supported by the father of the children and husband of the wife able to stay home to raise her children right in society. All of this economic history was censored from you in order to control you the American people through enforced censorship of economic history making you ignorant in economic tactics which boom local and national economies when practiced.
     You want the American economy to boom? Then financially back my Omni Law Drive to pass the Omni Law shown on my website. Full name of the Omni Law is “The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America.” You may financially back my national movement by using the PayPal buttons with the Omni Law Loan Program on my website or else send loan payment by check, money order, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 and tell us what the payment is for which would be OMNI Law Loan Program.
     Pass this report on to other people. If I sense strong support from the American people, I may release more reports like this and show a number of ways we can make America Great Again by skyrocketing the American economy and supporting tactics used with it! I have a hunch that President-elect Donald Trump might find my reports very interesting to read for ideas how to Make America Great Again!
      By the way, I cracked the security of the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies years ago (wild story how this happened!) and can coach President Trump on the two checkmate moves and Russia will not start a nuclear war with America nor America start a nuclear war with Russia. This turns our two nations into the two super nuclear powers in the world and none can stop either of us in warfare but we can win all wars regardless! I know the same answers as Putin of Russia and can show the White House how we can checkmate Russia so no World War III breaks out between America and Russia. We are two great nations and learning to live together in peace is much more sane than annihilating each other in  a nuclear World War III.
     I spent eleven calendar years in military academies which opened the door so I got a heavy background in military intelligence and have all sorts of answers I could teach the Pentagon if they want to learn some new ways of fighting wars as worked out by Russia. Russia did not plan to lose any future world wars if they happened! What I learned can alter the future history of America and Russia to a new direction which will end up in peace and trade rather than war and mass death for both nations! I am not afraid of fighting a World War III, but it sure seems like a super dumb idea to me for America and Russia to fight each other in such a war! I think both sides need to practice common sense in this situation and let peace prevail!
       Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for that military intelligence operative whom the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon long ago gave a secret oral charter to in order to continue doing the intelligence work I was good at and strengthen the American national defense by doing this. They were sort of dramatic with their oral charter in military intelligence. They called me the “Michaelangelo of American Military Intelligence” and told me to continue creating masterpieces in military intelligence like a Michaelangelo told to create masterpieces, but not how to create these masterpieces in military intelligence.)
     As President Ronald Reagan said, “Peace through strength!”

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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