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They Are Not Just Mindless . . . Like Forrest Gump Stated “Stupid Is as Stupid Does”!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 9:16
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They Are Not Just Mindless . . . Like Forrest Gump Stated “Stupid Is As Stupid Does”!

Written by JayWill7497


The face of truth. The 2016 election is over and we have a opportunity to set America on a sound course. It will not be simple and it will not be a rapid progression, but we have been provided a second chance and we must hold President Trump to the highest of standards.



History is rife with ignoramuses, but today’s history is being marked by fools who don’t have a idea as to how fortunate they were to have been born in America, or who became American because their families were savvy to immigrate to this terrific country. There are likewise numerous who are in the U.S. because they were savvy to emigrate utilizing our VISA approach but aren’t here permanently. Most of those people understand that they are lucky to be here and participate of our democratic freedoms and liberty.



There truly are several different types of Americans living within our borders. We have what NBC News writer, Tom Brokaw, called the Greatest Generation Americans, which are those born in the late twenties, thirties and forties, who practically delivered the United States to the forefront of global leadership, and salvaged the world from domination first by, the Axis Powers of the Tripartite Pact – Germany, Italy, and Japan, and then by the raw dictatorship of the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War.

We then have the children of the Greatest Generation, nicely called the Baby Boomer Generation, which is a miscellaneous collection of good, bad, ugly, ignorant, spoiled, and feckless group of fools God could have ever dreamed of. Some demonstrated being great leaders and mentors for the generations that have and will follow.

Others have become what needs to be called a gaggle of “me first”, selfish, and worthless fools, that are influenced toward and championed the liberal progressives that believe only of themselves and feel validated in stealing everything they can through government tricks. They are the ones, many who have searched for power in governmental or elected positions, who sensed it has been their “duty” to steal as much riches as possible and that their status permits . . . meet modern day’s political class.

We must all be on our knees these days thanking God in prayer, that the noble part of the Baby Boomers at long last rose up in November 2016, and advised America, “enough is enough”, when they selected to gain back our country from those who would do us under. We have no further to look than to those who stonewalled us for the last thirty years, into thinking all this garbage about liberal-progressive beliefs that in reality, are no better than downright socialistic-Marxist rhetoric. Their counter parts in the Roaring 20’s guaranteed every American prosperity:

“A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” – Republican presidential candidate in 1928, Herbert Hoover

Obama, Beiden, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Foley, The Black Caucus, and other said liars and cheats of the Liberal-Progressive wing of the Democrat Party, had American bamboozled into believing there truly is a Santa Claus in the form of the Federal Government. They went about robbing America from the American men and women. They guaranteed, like their counterparts all through history, that government will make everybody the same (apart from for themselves, obviously, who must be component of the corrupt ruling class), and that everyone will have homes, healthcare, cell phone, computers, public education, transportation, food, prosperity and wealth that would be the jealousy of the rest of the globe.

After $20 Trillion dollars and one unsuccessful policy after another, the house of cards was about to tumble in, when we sober and sane remainders of the Baby Boomer generation woke up, and announced, “Out with the Buggers”, and selected to go a different path. I understand, quite a few will not remember the promises or ever be prepared to hold those liars responsible for their theft of America’s treasury, but to list a few of those bad wet dreams:

Our once vaulted education system, dropped from the top of the charts internationally, based on S.I.A. – Programme for International Student Assessment in 2012, to 17th in math, 21st in science, and 17th in reading, in spite of spending more funds on education than any other country on earth.

Obama’s promise with “Shovel-ready jobs”, to change American energy to solar, wind, and renewables, and to bankrupt our coal industries and stop running fossil fuels. The outcome has been devastating and has American engaged in never-ending Middle East wars over continued global resources of petro energy (much of the source controlled by countries and terrorist who desire to control America’s future). We have observed the collapse of Solyndra and 35 other renewable energy companies go belly up on the taxpayers while their executives (buddies of Obama) made off like Jesse James with the spoils.

We had the target of universal healthcare, and a guarantee that every family would save $2500/year in out-of-pocket medical expenses; that we could retain our insurance programs and our doctors, while being protected for pre-existing conditions and unlimited coverage no matter what the expense. This was similar to a gold miner’s dream, but in the end the insurance companies and a whole new government bureaucracy received the money, and we the taxpayers received the SHAFT!

We were presented “peace in our time”, by the Obama Administration over the ordeal that is centered in Iran’s pursuit to wipe Israel off the map, create a nuclear bomb, and become a “world nuclear power” with a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile delivery system. We even decided to give the Iranian government a $1.5 billion blackmail money for several of our illegally kept American hostages, while the Administration unilaterally, without the ratification of Congress, provided Iran a fast-lane, green-line highway in their pursuit for nuclear weapons. The Obama Administration, composed of educators and elite political elitists imbeciles with no useful experience in the reality of true life, were completely out maneuvered by the Iranians who have the mentality of sixth century barbarians, and got nothing at all in return but a assurance that our children and grandchildren will dwell under Iran’s nuclear-threat well into the future.

For a assurance of Hope and Change we have observed the finest nation on earth being lessened right before our very eyes. Had we not thrown off the shackles of Obamanomics and liberal-progressive policies, BY SAYING NO to the election of what would have been some other Obama term with Hillary Clinton – the most corrupt and shady candidate to ever run for public office in the United States – we would have been more than likely forced past the point of no return as the only nation standing in the way of global tyranny and domination.

Currently, Mr. Trump is eye-to-eye with a national debt produced under the Obama presidency that is higher than the total debt produced by all earlier presidents put together; we have 90+million folks that are not taking part in the work force – the biggest number in recorded history; we have the greatest number of welfare recipients, a loss of more than $5000 in annual gross family earnings over the Obama years, and more Democrat Party governed cities confronting bankruptcy with taxes so high their citizens and businesses are running in record numbers. This is what the 2016 presidential election was all about. The electorate stated, “Enough of those liberal-progressive promises and the corruption that comes with it – that cozy relationship of crony capitalism where the rich get richer and the poor get children!

To listen to the whines from the corrupt mainstream media; the Hollywood elitists; the still wet-behind-the-ears underage, pimple-faced adolescents who long for free school, free phones, and free government handouts with someone else paying the bill (the Bernie Sanders cluster of simpleton blockheads), America will today be ruined by returning to Constitutional Government, the rule of law, respect for authority, self-reliance, honesty in government, and secure borders with a strong military which the rest of the world will respect, along sound monetary policy. . . in a nutshell, “get back to the policies that got us where we were before liberal-progressives got their foot in the door”

The finest music to my ears right now would be for the Rosie O’Donnell’s, the Whoopi Goldberg’s, Alec Baldwin’s, Miley Cyrus’s, Lena Dunham’s, Amy Schumer’s, Cher’s, Chelsea Handler’s, Jon Stewarts’s, George Lopez’s, Barbra Streisand’s, Samuel Jackson’s, and a multitude of loser-elected officials, and the in-the-tank apologist media commentators, along with the establishment staus-quo Republican pin-headed political talking wonks, to basically honor their commitment and just disappear from America. I am certain, like Sean Penn who praised the Castros and fell in love with Hugo Chavez, they would all be much more content to exercise their trades where folks are not so free, and where liberty is oppressed like they desire for we the opposition voices here in America.

Also . . . and by the way, be certain to take San Francisco 49er, Colin Kaepernick, with you . . . see if he can work his way into a hundred million dollar contract anyplace else on earth!

Read Also  What More Does Obama Have Prepared Before Trump Takes Office?!

BIN NOTE: Most people who use social media have figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the government, for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship.


These People Are A Danger To Themselves And Others! Wake Up!!!!!!

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  • st

    the ones in the north don’t want them lol wish they would go :arrow:

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