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Coddled And Broken Millennials Now Need “Adulting School”

Thursday, February 23, 2017 14:37
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In recent years, the Millennial generation has caught a lot of flak for being coddled, useless, and overly sensitive. They say this is a generation stuck living with their parents, jobless, directionless, loaded with debt, and reluctant to grow up, because they weren’t raised properly. Now there’s a school to fill the glaring gaps in their education, and teach these grown up kids how to actually function as adults.

The Adulting School in Maine was created by a psychotherapist who noticed that so many of her young clients didn’t know how to do things like paying bills on time and choosing a career.” Rachel Weinstein, the co-founder of the group, explained that “You know, when you see 10 people feeling like they’re the only one, and they’re all struggling with the same thing, you think, let’s get these people together so they can learn this stuff and not feel so isolated and ashamed.”

The school offers social media groups and live events at bars and restaurants, where they teach these people things like how to run their finances, DIY repairs, and networking. During an interview with NPR, several of these adults were struggling to learn how to fold a fitted sheet.

It’s easy to look at this seemingly helpless generation and determine that this is all their fault; but you have to wonder, why weren’t Millennials taught this stuff in the first place? Why didn’t the schools and their parents teach them real practical skills that they would actually use? Why were they pampered and told that they could be anything they wanted? How in the hell did we let an entire generation grow up without learning the basic skills required to survive in this world? This isn’t a generation of a failures. This a generation that society has failed, and the mere existence of this Adulting School proves it.

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Contributed by Daniel Lang of The Daily Sheeple.

Daniel Lang is a researcher and staff writer for The Daily Sheeple – Wake The Flock Up!


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