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February 21 2017
An Iraqi hacker hacked and defaced a server associated with presidential campaign fund-raising for Donald Trump.
Hacker Pro_Mast3r, claiming to be from Iraq, targeted the server Sunday evening.
From MLordandGod
An Iraqi hacker hacked and defaced a server associated with presidential campaign fund-raising for Donald Trump.
Hacker Pro_Mast3r, claiming to be from Iraq, targeted the server Sunday evening.
Tech Worm reports:
While the website is not directly linked to Trump’s presidential campaign fundraising home page, the server: is behind Cloudflare’s content management and security platform, according to ArsTechnica.
While the certificate of the server is legitimate and looks like a real Trump campaign server, the image displayed is linked to some other website. The picture shows a man in black fedora with the following given text:
Hacked By Pro_Mast3r ~
Attacker Gov
Nothing Is Impossible
Peace From Iraq.
The source code of the hacked server does not comprise of any malicious script, according to Italian IT journalist Paolo Attivissimo. Instead, it is an animated script which also includes a link to javascript on a now-nonexistent Google Code account, masterendi, previously associated with the hacking of at least three other websites. In his blog, Attivissimo has deemed the hacker “very amateurish”.
The identity of the hacker still remains unclear. SOURCE
We all know how it happened….ovomit.