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322 Fake London False Flag Terror Attack Hoax Exposed

Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:10
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  • Just sharing a new site i found. Loving it so far. Refreshing actually.

  • DK

    London has several hundred thousand commuters over these bridges each day, which are pedestrianized without bollard or barrier protection, partly due to expense – largely due to bad planning along with conservationist pressure. Here a single attacker with a 2 tonne weapon ploughed through a crowd of unarmed civilians then managed to knife his way though an open service gateway into the houses of Parliament by killing 3 people the last one of which was a police officer whom was unarmed but successfully stopped the attacker long enough for armed officers to shoot – unfortunately the attacker was also 100% successful, if the entire event had been hushed up he would not have been.

    The real problem – is that the felon was at liberty being known to the Police, that Saudi and Quatar are allowed to fund Mosques and Madrasas in the UK promoting extremist Whabbi Islam and that Europe’s Muslims had free reign to settle here along with the Islamic Brotherhood of Syria after Hama (1982) while MI6 used them with France as a tool against the Assads.(EU open borders).

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