Step back for just a minute. So they are listening to everything that farts, everywhere on the Plane(t). No one cares. People are too consumed with basic survival to give a crap. And the damage has been already done. It was done when Snowden came forward years ago. Since then, it is just more lies upon lies, now stacked to the ceiling. No end in sight to the piles upon piles of GOOBERMINT LIES.
There is little to virtually little to no trust in Goobermint anymore. They have screwed the pooch so to speak. Besides, nothing will ever change. No one will be held accountable, no one will be arrested and prosecuted, no one is going to serve prison time for these crimes. NO ONE. Why, because they keep doing it, unchecked, and are not accountable to anyone for their actions. Welcome to your BEAST system. The people are about to get what they deserve for failure to get involved in the CIVIC process of self governance. Sad although a very dismal state of affairs indeed. Like I have said here before, prepare to have your cheekbone crushed by the Big Black Boot of oppression.
If you have not yet had your face crushed by the Big Black Goobermint Boot, be patient, they are trying to get to everyone. It is a big job.
Step back for just a minute. So they are listening to everything that farts, everywhere on the Plane(t). No one cares. People are too consumed with basic survival to give a crap. And the damage has been already done. It was done when Snowden came forward years ago. Since then, it is just more lies upon lies, now stacked to the ceiling. No end in sight to the piles upon piles of GOOBERMINT LIES.
There is little to virtually little to no trust in Goobermint anymore. They have screwed the pooch so to speak. Besides, nothing will ever change. No one will be held accountable, no one will be arrested and prosecuted, no one is going to serve prison time for these crimes. NO ONE. Why, because they keep doing it, unchecked, and are not accountable to anyone for their actions. Welcome to your BEAST system. The people are about to get what they deserve for failure to get involved in the CIVIC process of self governance. Sad although a very dismal state of affairs indeed. Like I have said here before, prepare to have your cheekbone crushed by the Big Black Boot of oppression.
If you have not yet had your face crushed by the Big Black Goobermint Boot, be patient, they are trying to get to everyone. It is a big job.