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Astral Travel – What Is It and How To Do It Effectively

Friday, March 10, 2017 0:03
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Astral-Travel-790x381The ability to astral travel is a lot more common and easier to do than people may realize. We all leave our bodies during the night when we sleep. Just enough of our soul essence is left behind to keep the soul connected to the physical body to keep it alive and functioning.

Often we leave our bodies during meditation as well. I love exploring the other realms of existence using astral travel as my means of transportation. Anyone can learn about astral travel, what is it and how to do it effectively.

Many of us are not even aware that we have already traveled in the astral realm The definition of astral travel or astral projection is:

  • Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of an out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it.

You Might Have Astral Traveled If…

  • You had dreams of flying.
  • You visit a new place and you feel as if you have been there before.
  • You meet with someone for the first time and they are familiar.
  • You share a dream with someone and they had the same dream experience.
  • You were able to view your body from the ceiling. Some people see the silver cord that keeps the astral and physical bodies connected.
  • You experience deja vu (deja vu is when you travel ahead in time, checkout the scenarios to select the outcome that best suits your soul’s path).
  • You met with a teacher in your dream in a classroom setting.
  • You received information about upcoming events.
  • You had a visit with a deceased loved one.

People consciously astral travel for many different reasons. I suggest formulating an intention as to where you would like to go, who you would like to meet up with and what information you would like to attempt to retrieve.


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