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Astrology for the Soul: March 8 – 14, 2017 – Kaypacha Lescher

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 11:58
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Videos For An Earth In Transition –  

Source: Kaypacha Lescher 

My mind is spinning out of control,
And I need to bring it back down,
For Life is a process of knitting the threads,
Of thoughts, words and deeds into one.

Let’s welcome in the Virgo Full Moon this weekend! And while it may be difficult, it can also be very rewarding. How so? Well, if you apply yourself hard enough to your “pure” Soul intention you can be a relevant, useful, perhaps inspiring and healing attribute to humanity! If you are applying yourself to something that is NOT the “truest” expression of your Soul, or you are not applying yourself enough (or at all)…… guess what….. crisis. Life is helping us all to get on track these days and the farther off you are the more it can hurt.

Looking at the bright side, WOW! Is this ever a time to get a TON of shit done! Indeed, Spirit can be working miracles with, through, and around you as divine intervention intervenes! Great accomplishments and creations can be coming together, particularly with and through other people and combined efforts. Let’s not forget Jupiter in Libra for another 6 months is still telling us to expand in, with, and through RELATIONSHIP! Love, love and more love…… 

Astrology Rising?
Closing Music? (who has agreed to come play at Astrology Rising!!! Yes!!!!)


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