(Before It's News)
By Anna Von Reitz
In response to the Company Line being put out by Doucette, Hamilton, et alia. and as expressed by an apparently concerned commentator—–
I would be inclined to put more weight to your reasoning, if I didn’t know some simple facts and didn’t have experience with Bruce Doucette bungling money and contract relationships before.
The simple facts I know are these: (1) At this point in its development, there is one check book and one account funding all aspects of the Continental Marshals Service. There is not some sophisticated, separate account structure, where it is possible to set aside “special designated funds”; (2) Bruce Doucette had cause to know that when he made the donation and he has no reason to suppose any thing different now; (3) Anyone who isn’t serious and competent enough to pay $35 for their own badge– and that is assuming that they pass the vetting process– shouldn’t be considering service as a Continental Marshal; (4) Thanks to the fraud our lawful government has suffered, the Continental Marshals Service isn’t yet funded or staffed except by donations and by volunteers. Bella Haywood has worked many hundreds if not thousands of hours without receiving diddly-squat for her expertise and service commitment which has nothing whatsoever to do with nursing; (5) Bruce Doucette handed Marshal Haywood the baton and made her responsible for everything concerning the Marshals Service on a national call in front of God and everyone else present; (6) Marshal Haywood set about the task with courage and commitment and has built the Continental Marshals Service ever since. Bruce abdicated the responsibility and therefore also abdicated the authority; (7) This is not the first time that Bruce Doucette has made assumptions about money and commitments and been wrong-headed about both.
One of his “I-said-he-said-they-said-that-wasn’t-my-understanding” boondoggles cost me $10,000 out of my own pocket and I have the Witnesses to prove it. I was willing to think that he was just a bit odd and forgave it, but when he comes out starts doing the same crappola again and allows his second-guessing and false assumptions to threaten the functioning and existence of a valid Marshal’s program—- that’s another story.
On the call where all this took place:
(1) Where’s the list of names and addresses provided at that time identifying the 25 Marshals whose badges Bruce offered to pay for?
(2) Where’s proof that the 25 people on that call passed the vetting process and are actually enabled to carry a badge?
(3) Where’s the agreement that badges would be provided by any certain date?
(4) Where’s the agreement that no part of that money could be spent for any other purpose related to producing and distributing the badges?
(5) Where’s the agreement that the $1000 would be kept in a separate fund—-or even could be kept in a separate fund?
(6) Who is responsible for designing badges and getting them approved and finding a manufacturer and paying for all that, so that badges can even exist?
(7) Who is going to securely deliver these badges once they are produced and all the rest of the work gets done?
None of the things enumerated 1-7 above exist.
Therefore, this is another case of Bruce Doucette hand-waving and making assumptions without doing any due diligence to nail down the details even to the point of determining who was on that call, who among them was eligible to get a badge, who would pay for designing and producing badges, where that money was coming from, when the badges would be available or how they’d be produced or by whom, how they would be delivered, by whom, at whose cost of delivery, how the money would be sequestered if it was to be set aside in a special fund— and yada, yada, yada.
When you start swaggering around and telling volunteers what you “expect” you had better have some valid reason to expect what you are expecting otherwise you are just being a pain in the butt.
Producing and authorizing those badges is a much, much, MUCH bigger deal than Bruce’s donation could ever pay for and he knows it, because he struggled with it himself and couldn’t get it done and was pleased as punch to dump all the design and prep work cost and program vetting on Bella Haywood.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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