North Dakota becomes the tenth state to pass Convention of States resolution.
Just moments ago, North Dakota passed the Convention of States resolution with overwhelming support!
This historic vote adds North Dakota to the growing list of states banding together to place much-needed limits on the power of the federal government.
Acting State Director for COS Project ND, Jeremy Neuharth remarked, “Today I stand as a proud North Dakotan that we are part of the solution. Our legislature took the bold step, using the tools provided by the Founders in the Constitution, to restore the balance of power back to the states. It is with these acts that we secure one of our most sacred rights – individual liberty for all!”
Most federal agencies are now exercising powers that were reserved to the states by the 10th amendment to the federal constitution. When the federal government does not obey the limitations on its power expressed in the Bill of Rights, the responsibility for enforcement of the constitution reverts to the states (which created it.) This is about 100 years overdue, for that is how long the federal government has been unlawfully usurping authority from the states regarding one thing or another.
with all his broken promises? who cares if he gets dumped. We got the same thing as Hillary now- nothing has changed. From Russia, ISIS, ObamaCare etc? Trump proved quickly his Drain the Swamp Swindle was padded w/ more Goldman Sachs frauds than even ugly witch Hillary would have implanted
And why is this good news now that we have a rep congress and white house and they are all starting to reduce the fed government and are handing powers back over to the states!?
A Constitutional Convention is very dangerous because they can rewrite it! You can kiss your Constitution GOOD BYE! Bill of Rights? Not after they get done with them! Second Amendment? Fagetabout it! Don’t be foolish! Just make them adhere to what’s already in it and prosecute or impeach or RECALL those who won’t! It’s not the Constitution that’s flawed. It’s the politicians who took an oath and don’t abide by it. They’re already doing way more than the Constitution gives them authority to do.
True, but a Constitutional Convention is not the answer. Check out Marbery vs Madison!
with all his broken promises? who cares if he gets dumped. We got the same thing as Hillary now- nothing has changed. From Russia, ISIS, ObamaCare etc? Trump proved quickly his Drain the Swamp Swindle was padded w/ more Goldman Sachs frauds than even ugly witch Hillary would have implanted
And why is this good news now that we have a rep congress and white house and they are all starting to reduce the fed government and are handing powers back over to the states!?
A Constitutional Convention is very dangerous because they can rewrite it! You can kiss your Constitution GOOD BYE! Bill of Rights? Not after they get done with them! Second Amendment? Fagetabout it! Don’t be foolish! Just make them adhere to what’s already in it and prosecute or impeach or RECALL those who won’t! It’s not the Constitution that’s flawed. It’s the politicians who took an oath and don’t abide by it. They’re already doing way more than the Constitution gives them authority to do.