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CAA offers limited edition white micro RONI pistol conversion model

Friday, March 10, 2017 8:59
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The RONI converts certain Glock models into pistol carbines without disassembly of the pistol. (Photo: CAA)

The RONI converts certain Glock models into pistol carbines without disassembly of the pistol. (Photo: CAA)

Firearms and accessories maker CAA serves up a futuristic, out of this world design on the Micro RONI Stabilizer pistol carbine conversion.

The RONI Stabilizer converts certain Gen. 3 and 4 Glock model handguns into a carbine by allowing the user to, without tools, insert a pistol into the platform. Made out of polymer and aluminum, the RONI Stabilizer showcases a clean, white design that is reminiscent of a certain intergalactic movie series.

Weighing over a pound, the RONI measures 13.7 inches in length and 5.7 inches in height. Featuring a brace that secures around the shooter’s forearm, the RONI Stabilizer offers a better grip that enhances accuracy and performance on the range. Equipped with two 2.25-inch side rails as well as a 9.4-inch top rail for accessory mounting, the RONI Stabilizer also provides an ambidextrous trigger-guard safety and charging handle for lefties.

The Stabilizer comes in two models, the 17PL and 19PL. The 17PL accepts standard Glock models 17, 22 and 31 while the 19PL expands that list out to the 19, 23 and 32.

The best part about this RONI kit is that it does not require an NFA stamp to own.

Glock fans looking to shake up their routine with this limited edition, interstellar styled pistol carbine conversion kit can do so for a cool $375.

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