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Compelling Evidence (and Maybe Even Proof) of Reincarnation

Saturday, March 4, 2017 0:04
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compelling-evidence-and-maybe-even-proof-of-reincarnationBy Makia Freeman | Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Reincarnation is frequently rejected as impossible by those who worship at the altar of rational materialism and mainstream science. Yet, for those with an open mind who realize that logic and reason cannot possibly grasp and account for all the phenomena existing in the Universe, it is amusing to see how perplexed those with “scientific minds” become when presented with information that is beyond rational explanation.

Beliefs in reincarnation have been around a long time; reincarnation is still widely regarded as real in Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism, and even the Catholic Church held reincarnation as true before the 4th century AD, when its doctrines became standardized at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.

Evidence of Reincarnation

Reincarnation researchers such as Dr. Ian Stevenson (3000 cases) and Carol Bowman (1000 cases) have compiled an impressive (at the very least) collection of evidence of reincarnation, if not outright proof of reincarnation, by compiling thousands of cases of children who have demonstrated accurate past-life recall. Their accounts are truly incredible. Many of them have similar themes, such as children being able to fluently speak other languages that they have never learnt in this life, and describing how they died in graphic detail (e.g. being injured or shot in a certain part of the body, and then synchronistically having an ailment in that exact part of their body in this life). In some cases their stories can be proven in black-and-white: some children remember the military colleagues they served with, whose names match those on veterans’ lists; others recall the place and cause of their death (such as a hotel fire), and their parents have been able to retrace those records.

Below is a selection of 3 cases of modern-day reincarnation, out of literally thousands that have been recorded, documented and compiled.

Reincarnation Case #1: Cameron Macauley

reincarnation-cameron-macauley-250x300Cameron Macauley “fell through” a portal, and was born again through the womb of his new mother.

Cameron Macauley’s case is quite startling. Cameron was born in Glasgow, Scotland, to his mother Norma. Ever since he was 2 years old and first started talking, Cameron told his parents, relatives, friends and neighbors – anyone who would listen – the story of his other life in Barra (a tiny island in the northwest of Scotland). At first his mother just thought he was making it all up, but as Cameron got older, the story didn’t change – and he was able to fill it in with more detail. He talked about living in a white house with 3 toilets, seeing airplanes fly out his window and having a mother with long brown hair. Cameron even described the way his father died while crossing the road: “He didn’t look both ways”.

The weird thing was that Norma had never been to Barra. Cameron’s desire to visit Barra and to see his former mother grew more and more persistent. One day he even told Norma that he wanted his “Barra mum (mother)”, and not her, to pick him up from kindergarten or school. Eventually the family went to Barra and found the white house just as Cameron had described.

Cameron’s case is impressive evidence for reincarnation and past-life recall. What makes the whole thing especially fascinating is that he actually described the way in which he left his old family and was born into his new one. It appears as if he found some kind of magic portal that transported him through space and time, out of one body and into the body of a fetus in his new mother’s womb:

Norma: “How did you get here to me?”

Cameron: “I fell through, and went into your tummy.”

Reincarnation Case #2: James Leininger

reincarnation-james-leininger-james-huston-300x290James Leininger recalls the exact details of being WW2 veteran, James Huston.

The story of James Leininger is no less amazing. At the age of 2, James started telling his parents stories of not being able to escape from something. He was having nightmares about it. His parents Andrea and Bruce Leininger tell the story in his book Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot. What made James’ parents take him more seriously was when James produced 3 pieces of information which could be verified – the name of the boat he flew his final mission from (Natoma), the name of another pilot he flew with (Jack Larson) and the name of the place where he died (Iwo Jima).

Although just a toddler, James drew numerous pictures of planes being gunned down in flames, signing his name as “James 3.” When his parents asked why he was putting a “3” after his name, James replied that he was the “third James”.

Bruce called a veterans’ organization to check James’ information and it checked out. They were able to verify everything he said. James went on to divulge various names of WWII fighter pilots and more. Eventually after years of research, Bruce and Andrea tracked down the family of James Huston, who was indeed killed in a plane crash while on a mission near Japan.

The question is: did the spirit of James Huston somehow jump into the body of newly born James Leininger, carrying with it all the memories and trauma it had just experienced?


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