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By Christopher Watson
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Death Sentences for Facebook/Twitter Users? The New Social Media

Thursday, March 30, 2017 10:32
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(Before It's News)

No this is not an article of satire…unfortunately!!

While many youtubers in the united states and other countries face the threat of demonitization, censorship and, in some cases the loss of their channels; some of our fellow human beings in other, more totalitarian countries,face the possibiliy of losing their very lives just for posting content other people consider to be offensive or blasphemous.

In case you’re not clear on what the word blasphemy means, its simply “the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things;” So, imagine serving a God who isn’t powerful enough to handle a bunch of insigificant pieces of dust (who call themselves humans) speaking against him to the extent that his followers feel like they have to eliminate said blasphemers.  That must be very embarrassing for an all powerful deity.  He’s supposedly the biggest, most overpowering kid on the block and his insignificant followers feel like they have to protect him.

So, while we may think we have it bad here in america, what if a group of people threatened you with the death penalty for posting content they consider to be against their personal beliefs?  And what if social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, who routinely remove pages and ban users in North America for posting and exposing the idiocy of libtard ideology, what if they empowered governments that saught the death penalty for submitting to their wishes?  

Well that’s exactly what’s going on in Pakistan.  But before I jump into that…let’s talk about a word that makes the free thinker of any culture cringe.  ….censorship.

You will want to watch and share this eye-opening video!

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Total 7 comments
  • It is like i have said from the time the first computers were sold : The whole thing internet et all it is an invention from the unholy Trinity ( Satan.Ahrimann and Lucifer)

  • Their conspiracy is censorship which is against freedom of speech whereby it would “dump-down” people who live in fear. Apparently they’re afraid of their agenda exposure etc to the world which would result them to accountability, responsibility, shame & disgrace.

  • Islam sucks fuck you come and get it boy!

  • Twitter is worse than fake-book when it comes to censorship and tweets that have something worth says are hidden or only shown to a select group of people but you need two twitter accounts and access to VPN’s to see this yourself.

    David Icke pays twatter to sell his book and bad tweets about him get hidden and its as if twitter can add tag words to your profile that limit what you are allowed to tweek and my twatter account seem to have david icke as tags and that was after just sending two tweets.

    Anyone that falls for giving fake-book more than just a phone number to validate their account is already past any help that i can offer them

    • Twitter is only worse BECAUSE it is full of fame hungry celeb-tards constantly posting BS they did in the day like go out for coffee and in that they MUST post some political Crap, or some See me as a Victim crap or some direct ruthless TROLL insults at democracy directly by pushing agendas and trying to gather soldiers for that plan…

  • A personal note to all those who have been, are now, and will be offended:

    Change the Channel.
    Leave the building.

    We are ALL in this together.
    Be Excellent to each other,
    And Party ON!


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