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FOIA Reveals UFO Repeatedly “Violated the Protected Area” over Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 12:42
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Cooper Nuclear Station (Pic: Nebraska Public Power District)

A recent Freedom of Information Act request has revealed that an unidentified flying object was seen repeatedly breaking through the protected area over Cooper Nuclear Station in Nebraska, apparently to check the place out.


A clip of the document, released to John Greenewald of, shows that the UFO flew down the Missouri River about 150 feet in the air and hovered near the plant’s intake structure the first night. It returned the next night and hung out near the plant’s reactor building before flying back up the Missouri River, never to return again.

The UFO was described as “triangular in shape with a circle of rotating lights on the bottom” and that it made no propulsion noise of any kind. The object was observed on two consecutive nights by multiple different security officers at the plant both evenings.

Although the event happened sometime in the late 1980s, the officers did not report the sighting until 2010. Even with the decades-long time gap, the report was still taken pretty seriously. Open reports:

William B. Jones, the chief of Allegations Coordination and Enforcement, did request that the letter regarding the incident “be controlled and distribution limited to personnel with a ‘need to know.’”

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