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Gary Larrabee… “He’s Back, Baby!”… a Couple of His “Just Back” Videos, and One With Kent Dunn (on 3-18-17)

Sunday, March 19, 2017 2:10
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(Before It's News)

Recalling this prior post, it was great to see Gary back on his YouTube horse again. As I mentioned before, he reaches many people who can relate to him, and is a valuable resource for many, in my view.

The top video is the one with Kent. Fascinating data. As always, use one’s personal Higher Discernment. I’ve posted his first video back (the second one) where he explains what happened with his body, and what caused it. The last video is one where he is accompanied by one of friends who is caring for him.


Filed under: apocalypse, ascension, cabal, energies, new energies, partners in contrast

Tagged: Gary Larrabee, Kent Dunn    


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Total 3 comments
  • The problem with Gary is that he has good intentions, but he is naive. He reports on Sorcha Faal who was outed as David Booth, computer guy and working with the CIA, years ago, at least 2007 that I can recall. Look it up. Gary posts things without checking them out deeper, himself. Sorcha Faal crap gets posted here on BIM, but this is an open publishing platform so it makes sense that the trolls who want people to fall for the Fall BS would post it here. I’m glad he is feeling better. I just wish he’d get a bit more sophisticated in what he chooses to pass along.

  • Gary is clearly in some kind of fog. He actually believes and posts the lies made by this Kent Dumb character. It is very sad to me Mr Gary has absolutely no filters…….I think Gary is a good person what blows me away is that his followers support the lies this alias kent dumb tells him if they actually support and love him they would wake him up to how this kent dumb character abuses him day after day month after month….if kent dumb is real he would tell us his phone number and address if you really support Gary wake him up chances are it is too late gary larrabee for whatever reason continues :cry: to post this kent dumbs lies mr gary prove anything kent dumb claims and i will give you enough money to retire in luxury

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