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In the lead up to the next war in the Middle East, the establishment is currently attempting to rebrand former President George W. Bush, who recently published a book of his paintings commemorating vets.
Most people who sent thousands of men to die in a war they admittedly had a hard time tying to the war on terror that ultimately cost the lives of over a million civilians would have something called shame.
Not this guy, who has been doing the rounds on every liberal TV show, most recently yukking it up with late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.
When asked about UFO docs, Bush refused to spill.
Kimmel asked whether Bush would say what was in the UFO files.
“No,” Bush responded with a smile.
Kimmel quickly shot back: “Now that you’re out of office you can do anything you want, right?
“True,” Bush told him. “But I’m not telling you. I’m not telling you nothing.”
The whole thing seemed so rehearsed, it’s enough to make someone throw up in their mouth a little. The two laughed it up and went on to sketch each other later on in the segment… aww.
Might as well live in a world with space aliens as bizarre as this reality is becoming by the minute.
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