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Gordon Keirle-Smith – Genesis Antarctica – The Secret Origins of Humanity

Monday, March 20, 2017 1:05
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(Before It's News)

In 1974-5, artist and copywriter Gordon Keirle-Smith wrote a treatment for a trinity of novels called Genesis Antarctica: The Secret Origins of Humanity and submitted it (unsuccessfully) to a publisher.

In 1962 a cache of ancient urns was discovered in Antarctica dating back tens of thousands of years. They contained writings proving our ancestral myths and lore are actually rooted in the history and culture of a pre-glacial utopian civilization… [source AMAZON]

Forty years later, the Trinity is finally published in all its 777 page glory and it's prevalent to all kinds of Antarctic (pyramid, texts, lifeforms, technology) revelations that are coming to light in recent months via various disclosure routes.


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