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Has He Lost It? Bill Clinton: “We have to find a way to bring simple, personal decency and trust back to our politics”

Thursday, March 9, 2017 15:18
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Apparently former president Bill Clinton has completely lost his mind and has no idea who or where he is.

In his first public speaking engagement since his wife lost the election, Clinton found it within himself while delivering the keynote at an event hosted by the Brookings Institution to say, “We have to find a way to bring simple, personal decency and trust back to our politics.”

Um… yeah.

So that happened.

Take it away, Twitterverse.

If anyone actually brought personal decency and trust to American politics in the first place, it would probably shock the American people to death. Saying one thing and doing another, like Bill just did however, is an American political staple we’re all pretty used to by now.

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Contributed by Piper McGowin of The Daily Sheeple.

Piper writes for The Daily Sheeple. There’s a lot of B.S. out there. Someone has to write about it.


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Total 1 comment
  • Bill,
    You and Hillary could get the whole thing started with a long sincere confession of your crimes and who your crime bosses are.

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